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The Dominic Cummings file

I think this story is played out now, he ain't going anywhere. Until he wants to go.

I really think Boris would be more than happy to jump, and would be fully prepared to if Cummings went. Boris strikes me as inherently lazy, and DC is prepared to do much of the work. Without him, Boris doesn't have the energy, interest or moral fibre to make a fist of it. He's the worst possible PM we could wish for in this situation.

This is is old but apt
In other news:

Dear Badgers,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about this. It is clear from the emails I have received that this has caused immense anger; I have communicated the full weight of feeling to the Prime Minister.

I listened to the statement given by Dominic Cummings regarding the circumstances of his journey to Durham during the lockdown. It was right that he publicly explained his account of events, and was questioned extensively by the media on his decisions. While many will have made up their own minds about the choices he made, the Prime Minister has accepted his explanation. Mr Cummings expressed why he thought he did the right thing and why it was permissibly within the parameters of the regulations.

I understand why this has struck a nerve with many people. It is critical that public confidence in the guidelines is not threatened by this episode, nor by the transgressions of others. We have all sacrificed seeing our families and friends over these past months, and it is vital that we remain steadfast to prevent new transmissions so far into this battle.

It remains my utmost priority to support the people, businesses and charities of Hitchin & Harpenden who come to me with a range of serious and urgent concerns. I am working very hard with the Government to help mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on lives and livelihoods, and on how to unlock our economy beyond this crisis. If you need support, please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will help you however I can.


Bim Afolami MP

Member of Parliament for Hitchin and Harpenden

In other news:
Here's mine. Will do a follow up tmrw sending Steve W pic ..

Thank you for your recent email.

Many people have written to me regarding Mr Dominic Cummings and his trip to Durham. I have, of course, passed on constituents’ concerns on this issue to the Prime Minister and the Chief Whip.

I fully understand the anger, upset and concerns that have been expressed on this issue during these very difficult and challenging times.

I also know the current restrictions have been very tough for all of us, including our families, friends, key workers and businesses. People have sacrificed a great deal to follow the guidance and stay at home as the country battles this virus. Many have also lost loved ones to COVID-19 and not been able to attend their funerals.

As you will be aware, Mr Cummings held a Press Conference on Sunday and explained his reasons for doing what he did.

It is now time to move on. We must not allow this to distract from the very serious global pandemic we are currently in the midst of, and protecting the health and safety of the British public is, and must always remain, our number one priority.

Yours sincerely

Rt Hon Sir David Evennett MP

Member of Parliament for Bexleyheath and Crayford
Next time you want to borrow a tenner I'll give you 10p, because they're both money and have "10" in their name. But I will fully expect my tenner back on pay-up time.
Really? If Marty1 ever asked me to lend a tenner I'd take the opportunity to smash his kneecaps and bite his nose off :)
Sorry would have meant admitting that he'd done something wrong though. I don't think the ego could allow it.
I like all this 'time to move on' stuff. If I'm ever caught shoplifting I'll say "yes I did do it but I won't say sorry because I think I acted reasonably under the extenuating circumstances, and I think it's now time to move on".
" I think that is a reasonable question to ask, and I know you may well have thought I didn't pay for it but in the circumstances you may wish to reconsider where that line of questioning takes us. I would fully intend to cooperate with you if the time were right. "
Why didn’t the cunt just say sorry?

An error of judgment, made under duress, four year old child and so on, on reflection I now see?
Would have all gone away within hours.
I wondered about that, he didn't accept that his actions could even have been misconstrued as breaking the letter of the rules, he didn't apologise for anything, not even wasting time or of being a distraction to the important work.

Do you think it would all have gone away if he had apologised? I am not so sure.

Do these people not have advisors on the payroll to sort this shit out???
I like all this 'time to move on' stuff. If I'm ever caught shoplifting I'll say "yes I did do it but I won't say sorry because I think I acted reasonably under the extenuating circumstances, and I think it's now time to move on".
I wouldn't worry, if the police caught you they'd probably reason you might have done it, couldn't be sure, but it was probably quite minor anyway.
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If only. 30 days inside...https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/27/isle-of-man-accused-authoritarian-lockdown-measures
Do you think it would all have gone away if he had apologised? I am not so sure.


It probably was an error of judgement, made under
duress. We’ve all been there, especially the last two months. So yeah, I think it would have gone away, it wasn’t done for the pleasure purposes that the other two resigned for, an apology and promise to be more careful in future and we would have no choice but to move on. They have decided the drive-sixty-miles-to-test-eyesight route would be better. They are the strategic masters, so I guess they know what they are doing...
I wonder why it is that inbred aristos are fascinated with eugenics?

It's a stupid person's idea of a great idea. Many of them probably think they're the first people to come up with it as well, or they think they've somehow come up with a non-nazi version that we'd actually really enjoy if we just gave it a chance.
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