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The Dominic Cummings file

I don't see anything wrong with the post referenced. It is on topic.
If anything it is more mild than many more established posters have made on this very thread.
What is the justification for this thread ban?

Sometimes this place reminds me off the old music hall where someone sections of the audience don't like is ceremonially yanked off stage with a hook.
The comments he referenced extend far beyond what ever the miniscule alt right have to say, they are stock comments in the desperate Clap for Cummings brigade lobby. They run aside a view that its Remainers that are behind the campaign to sack Cummimgs as Cummings ran one of the Leave campaigns, that Cummings house is under siege in the heart of Remain land, that nobody would offer him assistance because he is a Leaver, that increasingly Conservatives find it hard to be conservative in London, All looney tunes stuff but all painting a picture of victim hood about the BBC, campaigning anti Brexit media, Cof E failing the people because they are anti Brexit ( which actually resulted in four clergy people receiving online death threats). There's been lists and examples of politicians and civil servants , not only from other parties but other parts of the world, breaking restrictions and apparently no action being taken.

The fact that the polls, the 40 odd Tory MPs who are either critical or have called for Cummings resignation, the coverage in newspapers traditionally pro Tory obviously undermines the 'its all Remainers' nonsense. Its equally the case that people using or querying the Kinnock case are not all linked to some Brexit at any cost lobby , its a fair comment to ask why others who have broken restrictions have not had the same coverage ( even if we know the answers).
Agreed entirely, but the whole point about our current government is that he seems to be about a million miles from giving that.
That, plus the whole government seems so dysfunctional and downright rudderless
Yup they are as you describe in your last sentence , hence their desire to move on and concentrate on the bigger picture/better headlines. The point I was trying to make was about roles in management/business structures of government . Amazed to find out btw that there are 100 special advisors including the chief Brexit negotiator. Cumming shas a brief to oversee most of these advisors which might help to explain his role in filtering what is passed over to the PMs desk.
Actual story: they regard it as a "minor breach", not worthy of them taking any further action, and don't regard his trip to stay at his parents place a breach.
Actual story: they regard it as a "minor breach", not worthy of them taking any further action, and don't regard his trip to stay at his parents place a breach.

Actually they do consider his trip to Barnard Castle AND his trip to his parents place as both being "minor breaches", just once they were there & self-isolating, there was no further breach.

The force said it did not consider Mr Cummings had breached the regulations when self-isolating at his father’s farm in Durham at the end of March but that the trip to Durham did constitute a “minor breach”.

Fact is, if he had been pulled over, he would likely have been issued a fine, and probably turned around, whilst putting the cops at risk, because both him & his wife were infected, then it would have been a serious matter.
Actually they do consider his trip to Barnard Castle AND his trip to his parents place as both being "minor breaches", just once they were there & self-isolating, there was no further breach.

Fact is, if he had been pulled over, he would likely have been issued a fine, and probably turned around, whilst putting the cops at risk, because both him & his wife were infected, then it would have been a serious matter.
so since it's been deemed to be against the law by the police, perhaps the ministers who declared he acted wholly legally might like to amend their comments and apologise profusely and publicly
so since it's been deemed to be against the law by the police, perhaps the ministers who declared he acted wholly legally might like to amend their comments and apologise profusely and publicly

And Suella Braverman would resign for presupposing the outcome of a criminal enquiry for political reasons. I'll hold my breath until it happens.

<dies of asphyxia>
Actually they do consider his trip to Barnard Castle AND his trip to his parents place as both being "minor breaches", just once they were there & self-isolating, there was no further breach.

Fact is, if he had been pulled over, he would likely have been issued a fine, and probably turned around, whilst putting the cops at risk, because both him & his wife were infected, then it would have been a serious matter.
Where do they say that his trip to his parents' place was a breach?

All they have said is that the Barnard Castle trip "might have been a minor breach".

Durham Police said:
Durham Constabulary have examined the circumstances surrounding the journey to Barnard Castle (including ANPR, witness evidence and a review of Mr Cummings’ press conference on 25 May 2020) and have concluded that there might have been a minor breach of the Regulations that would have warranted police intervention. Durham Constabulary view this as minor because there was no apparent breach of social distancing.

You are getting over-excited again.
How come driving to a holiday home with somebody with symptoms in the car is not a breach of the rules? Very surprising.
Eta oh they do say that was wrong, the travelling there, just once they were there there’s no evidence they misbehaved until her birthday.
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How come driving to a holiday home with somebody with symptoms in the car is not a breach of the rules? Very surprising.
Usual whitewash sleight of hand. The investigation found no breach with regard to the trip to Durham but

Durham fuzz said:
We are concerned here with breaches of the regulations, not the general government guidance to ‘stay at home'.

Iow, looks suspiciously like the thing he's alleged to have done fell outside the remit of the investigation.
I think this story is played out now, he ain't going anywhere. Until he wants to go.

I really think Boris would be more than happy to jump, and would be fully prepared to if Cummings went. Boris strikes me as inherently lazy, and DC is prepared to do much of the work. Without him, Boris doesn't have the energy, interest or moral fibre to make a fist of it. He's the worst possible PM we could wish for in this situation.
even Cummings statement on Sunday hinted at that he does not bother to waste the pm time whilst he is making decisions

so an unelected aid has more influnce in the running of the county

because the pm is lazy bastard
I think this story is played out now, he ain't going anywhere. Until he wants to go.

I really think Boris would be more than happy to jump, and would be fully prepared to if Cummings went. Boris strikes me as inherently lazy, and DC is prepared to do much of the work. Without him, Boris doesn't have the energy, interest or moral fibre to make a fist of it. He's the worst possible PM we could wish for in this situation.
But it won’t be ‘played out’ until all the media pundits, journalists, politicians and large sections of the general public think it is. Which is not any time soon.
I think this story is played out now, he ain't going anywhere. Until he wants to go.

I really think Boris would be more than happy to jump, and would be fully prepared to if Cummings went. Boris strikes me as inherently lazy, and DC is prepared to do much of the work. Without him, Boris doesn't have the energy, interest or moral fibre to make a fist of it. He's the worst possible PM we could wish for in this situation.
If by 'played out now' you mean that he'll now be a constant drag on the vermin's polling all the time he stays in post to remind everyone of the psychopathic nature of the regime...yeah.
If by 'played out now' you mean that he'll now be a constant drag on the vermin's polling all the time he stays in post to remind everyone of the psychopathic nature of the regime...yeah.

Pretty much. But I don't think Boris is going to see out his full term, so maybe not too much longer.
I got my generic ' wen understand your strong feelings ' but its time to move on email from my MP ( rtl to post)

I replied


Please let Sir Paul know, this will not be brushed under the carpet and the nation will not be ready to move on or have any faith in the government until such time as correct measures are in place. I feel you have read the mood of the room, nay the nation entirely wrong as im sure will come to light.

I fear you really do not understand how strong the feelings of the nation are.

The no-deal shitshow scenario coinciding with late second spike lockdown & conventional flu season looks like a tricky gig, tbh.
In the ‘Difficult Follow-Up Album’ stakes, this is definitely swirling round the plug hole in a Second Cummings kinda fashion

1. Breaking Into Seven Databases But That Was Never Proven
2. Driving North And South And North Then South Again
3. Ten Different Stories Love Song
4. Daybreak (Return To Coffin)
5. Your Shit Will Shine
6. Straight To The Gak
7. Begging You (Not To Sack Me)
8. Tightrope (Between Aloof Maverick & National Laughing Stock)
9. Good Times Editorial (No Resignation Call Today)
10. Tears (Of A Clown)
11. How Do You Sleep Whilst Listening To Jordan Peterson Podcasts On Headphones All Night
12. COVID Spreads
90. Untitled (AKA Never Gonna Get Knighted)
In the ‘Difficult Follow-Up Album’ stakes, this is definitely swirling round the plug hole in a Second Cummings kinda fashion

1. Breaking Into Seven Databases But That Was Never Proven
2. Driving North And South And North Then South Again
3. Ten Different Stories Love Song
4. Daybreak (Return To Coffin)
5. Your Shit Will Shine
6. Straight To The Gak
7. Begging You (Not To Sack Me)
8. Tightrope (Between Aloof Maverick & National Laughing Stock)
9. Good Times Editorial (No Resignation Call Today)
10. Tears (Of A Clown)
11. How Do You Sleep Whilst Listening To Jordan Peterson Podcasts On Headphones All Night
12. COVID Spreads
90. Untitled (AKA Never Gonna Get Knighted)
Top quality :thumbs:
In the ‘Difficult Follow-Up Album’ stakes, this is definitely swirling round the plug hole in a Second Cummings kinda fashion

1. Breaking Into Seven Databases But That Was Never Proven
2. Driving North And South And North Then South Again
3. Ten Different Stories Love Song
4. Daybreak (Return To Coffin)
5. Your Shit Will Shine
6. Straight To The Gak
7. Begging You (Not To Sack Me)
8. Tightrope (Between Aloof Maverick & National Laughing Stock)
9. Good Times Editorial (No Resignation Call Today)
10. Tears (Of A Clown)
11. How Do You Sleep Whilst Listening To Jordan Peterson Podcasts On Headphones All Night
12. COVID Spreads
90. Untitled (AKA Never Gonna Get Knighted)
Have a feeling that hidden track will be left off later pressings.
Amusing sideshow...

AN article about lockdown by Dominic Cummings' wife has been reported to the press regulator.

Mary Wakefield’s Spectator column, which described the period from March 30 to April 6, detailed the family's battle with coronavirus before they emerged from quarantine “into the almost comical uncertainty of London lockdown”.

The 1000-word column makes no mention of the 250-mile trip from London to Durham and describes the challenges of caring for their son while suffering the symptoms of Covid-19.

“This might be my only really useful advice for other double-Covid parents or single mothers with pre-schoolers: get out the doctor’s kit and make it your child’s job to take your temperature.

“Any game that involves lying down is a good game.”

A spokesperson for the Independent Press Standards Organisation (Ipso) told the Guardian it had received two complaints from members of the public about potential factual inaccuracies in the column.

This means The Spectator could have to publish a correction.

Wakefield started writing for the magazine 20 years ago when Boris Johnson was editor.

Very cosy.
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