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The Dominic Cummings file

Why didn’t the cunt just say sorry?

An error of judgment, made under duress, four year old child and so on, on reflection I now see?
Would have all gone away within hours.

Do these people not have advisors on the payroll to sort this shit out???

Cummings is the advisor who sorts all this shit out. He is both hole and shovel.
It's a stupid person's idea of a great idea. Many of them probably think they're the first people to come up with it as well, or they think they've somehow come up with a non-nazi version that we'd actually really enjoy if we just gave it a chance.
Eugenics has been around long before the Nazis , there were sections of socialists who were keen on it at one time .
One of my personal favourites was when asked about being seen walking in the woods he said 'oh, no, those were just family owned woods, so they were private property'. For some reason that reminded me of Prince Paedo's 'oh, no, that was just a shooting party'.
They've not exactly been upfront by any stretch of the imagination. It just seems to be all for show and that they are showing their true colours during a crisis. i.e. self-serving greed while undermining what we their 'inferiors' have. Unnecessarily shit and greedy, certainly, but for them it has to be done or others will cash in and not them. Self-serving ideologies then come into play to reassure themselves. Ultimately, self-enrichment is seen as the only goal and the only thing of value, the only mark of esteem. Rules only matter insofar as they can be used towards this goal. Don't forget, £250,000 a year for a weekly newspaper column is, in his own words, 'chicken feed' to Boris Johnson.
Not sure you should be relying on an MI6 Walter Mitty twitter account for your killer blows guys. It doesn't make a difference if it's his second home, and his name being one of several on a house's deeds also doesnt necessarily mean it's his second home in the first place. Chasing after shadows there.
Actual story: they regard it as a "minor breach", not worthy of them taking any further action, and don't regard his trip to stay at his parents place a breach.
Not quite: the longer journey went through so many counties before Durham they said it wasn't in their remit.
Buck dodging, basically
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Funny how he never let on that the 'isolated cottage' on his parents' estate was actually a second home that he owned jointly with them.

Is your source the same as tim 's (post just above) or a different one?
I'm dubious about that story .... haven't seen anything about the cottage and its ownership anywhere else than here, anyway.
18 gallon tank , c 600 miles I suppose.

isn't his horse named Barak 'cos its half black and half white ? srsly
Yes...someone asked earlier and a tweet was linked to but apparently...yes he does have that afaik. And they're into pure bloodlines.

Normally...that would be the post of a lunatic, I suppose. Strange times. Clearer times :)
nitpicking over these shit details nobody cares about = dwindling public interest in the story = long-term victory for bj and cum
No...at the time (today) when their message is MOVE ON! then we should take our time and look around the whole place :)
" I think that is a reasonable question to ask, and I know you may well have thought I didn't pay for it but in the circumstances you may wish to reconsider where that line of questioning takes us. I would fully intend to cooperate with you if the time were right. "
You should consider a career at the Bar :D
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nitpicking over these shit details nobody cares about = dwindling public interest in the story = long-term victory for bj and cum
They may be dwindling interest, but the anger and resentment will be etched into the collective consciousness of the electorate, particularly their older core demographic, for a long time. Big lose for the vermin.
nitpicking over these shit details nobody cares about = dwindling public interest in the story = long-term victory for bj and cum
The story is going to die off this week whatever unless something new surfaces, this is just crank Twitter trying really hard to find something new. I don't think itll have any impact either way on public interest in it though
I wondered about that, he didn't accept that his actions could even have been misconstrued as breaking the letter of the rules, he didn't apologise for anything, not even wasting time or of being a distraction to the important work.

Do you think it would all have gone away if he had apologised? I am not so sure
If he took it on the chin straightaway, apologised in full, cranked up the humility and contrition to the max, together with the tearjerker postscript about his kid -yes. In this horrible times, people make mistakes. The people who voted for Johnson would have bought that, and yes moved on.
Instead, they have handled it about as badly as is humanly possible.
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