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The Dominic Cummings file

Assuming there is a second spikie, there will be people who lose loved ones or suffer from the even worse economic shock that wiho have been told in advance that suffering was less important than that one man keeping his job. Of course there might not be a second spike in which hurrah for the government, but that's a hell of a red black bet
If there's a second spike and a second lockdown is needed, how the fuck can Johnson go on TV to announce it?
Link you up?

The beauty of this stuff is it's not confined to the internet.

For me, the Thursday evening claps have been important.

Neighbours who previously never spoke to each other are chatting and checking up on each other. Helping each other out. Acting collectively.

That's the seed we need to plant.

Not get carried away with the spectacle.

If/when Cummings goes it won't change a damn thing.

People rediscovering their own power, however gently, will.

Not to knock everything you've said, but most of the people I know in the sector including my colleagues find the clapping patronising. Can't speak for everyone of course. It gets even worse when you consider that we have been endangered and put at great risk at times including the people we work with. Literally clapping people to their death. Hopefully people will change their attitudes towards jobs that are traditionally undervalued and underpaid. Though there are a few that gave appreciated it and I can see the coming together as a good chance to plant seeds.

I agree though to some extent their have been positives that might be built on. Mutual aid being one of them.
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Don't worry, he'll find a way to blame it on us.
But as has been the case so far it's all gambling for these psychopaths and a big reward if it pays off and if it doesn't they still end up wealthier than any of us could ever dream of being.
Only possible downside = some of the little people dying; no brainer
A odd slip of the tongue from someone who is usually so pedantic with numbers.
No, I was careful to say "the majority of conservative voters don't think he should resign".

If I had said "the majority of conservative voters think he should not resign", that would be different.

As any serious pedant would understand.
So you are arguing that people who say "I don't know whether he should resign" are in fact people who "think he should resign"?

No, but then you know that, you tedious clown.

The fact is, amongst tory voters, it's a minority who think he should resign.

The fact is, amongst your mates, it's a minority who think he should stay.
Not to knock everything you've said, but most of the people I know in the sector including my colleagues find the clapping patronising. Can't speak for everyone of course. It gets even worse when you consider that we have been endangered and put at great risk at times including the people we work with. Literally clapping people to their death. Hopefully people will change their attitudes towards jobs that are traditionally undervalued and underpaid. Though there are a few that gave appreciated it and I can see the coming together as a good chance to plant seeds.

I agree though to some extent their have been positives that might be built on. Mutual aid being one of them.


It's not the clapping itself that I find encouraging but that the street is collectively doing something together and (re)making lost connection s of community. Albeit in a very small, very tentative way.

It's not much against the 40 year tsunami of individualism that we've faced.

But it's something.
Sorry, I really don't want to keep this debate going but I am going to point out that the only thing on that list that merits real trouble for him if caught is the public money to a mistress. I know you think you've made a long list there and it's got a lot of likes but really, that's nowhere near anything majorly illegal apart from the one I mentioned. It might be morally reprehensible to fuck a dead pig but it's not illegal.

How about malfeasance, embezzlement, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, drug dealing?

Not for one minute that I'm saying Johnson has committed any of these things. No, of course not. No. Not me.

But it doesn't take much imagination to go further than letterboxes and bum boys.

Well, I'll look forward to that.
Even with a weary cynicist's hat on, do you think it's completely without consequence? For example does it not degrade the public's faith in government and particularly the Tories? Is there nothing to be gained from that?


It's also very dangerous.
It's kicking off in Scotland now.

SCOTTISH Tory leader Jackson Carlaw is now facing an open rebellion after four of the most senior members of his Holyrood team broke ranks over the Dominic Cummings saga.

Murdo Fraser, Donald Cameron, Graham Simpson and Adam Tomkins have spoken out over the Prime Minister's decision not to sack his chief aide – despite their boss Carlaw insisting it is a matter for Boris Johnson.

The three men are central figures in Carlaw's frontbench team. Fraser covers the constitution portfolio, Cameron, finance, Tomkins the social society brief, while Simpson holds the housing brief.

Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. :D

Scottish Tory leader Jackson Carlaw seems to have changed his mind.

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has told Downing Street that Dominic Cummings should consider his position, BBC Scotland has learned.

Jackson Carlaw made his views known as Scotland Office minister Douglas Ross quit the UK government over the row.

The story that keeps of giving.
Whatever it is, if it's bad for the Tories, it's unlikely to also be bad for society.
Normally I would totally agree. Covid-19 is an exception, though. A half-competent response to the crisis would have been good for the Tories and also probably saved around 30,000 lives.
Normally I would totally agree. Covid-19 is an exception, though. A half-competent response to the crisis would have been good for the Tories and also probably saved around 30,000 lives.
A half-competent response would have been profligate and pulled at all their internal fissures.
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