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The Dominic Cummings file

It's up there with the Woking Pizza Express line really. Sheer brilliance. His career will be defined by it.

And this guy is advising your PM?
Clearly he shows absence of good judgement and is unfit to advise anyone but especially a PM

Having said this Boris is also lacking in sound judgement.

They need to go
Exactly, thats what makes this so fun, he was supposed to be a very srs Evil Genius, that was the whole point of him and he will not ever be taken seriously again.
And the 'tech fella', the bloke who plays modern media. I'm no tech fella but even I know that records are kept around the internet somehow or other, so you can't just change shit and pretend it never happened.

It does keep on giving, though. :)
What has Cummings got on Boris? Cos there's no reasonable explanation for saving his skinny covid ass.

It's not so much what Cummings has on BJ as what they all have on each other. I doubt Johnson was closely involved with all the dodgy-data machinations around Vote Leave but he's still going to know more than most, Michael Gove probably even more so, and they were all up to their necks in the furore around prorogation last year, to give just a few 'highlights.' I still think the plan may be to throw Johnson overboard when he's served his purpose as figurehead, but for the time being the calculation may well be that if they don't hang together they'll hang separately.
And the 'tech fella', the bloke who plays modern media. I'm no tech fella but even I know that records are kept around the internet somehow or other, so you can't just change shit and pretend it never happened.

It does keep on giving, though. :)
Definitely more farce than tragedy, destroyed by his own misguided idea of himself as an extremely clever man. Unless you're him in which case I'm sure its very sad. I'd consider feeling sorry for his wife if she wasn't such a terrible writer.
I just think its as simple as Johnson is the figure head and Cummings is the engine room. No way Cummings himself would ever get elected (not that he'd want to) and no way the lazy booze hound Johnson could carry on the pretense without Cummings. They are a symbiotic relationship which up until this point has worked very well for them.

It was like the idea a lot of tories had that they could elect Johnson as their leader, he'd win them the election and then they would do all the work in the background. Johnson as was just the means of getting power, unfortunately for them it didn't work out that way because they hadn't banked on Johnson and Cummings steamrolling through all that.
Definitely more farce than tragedy, destroyed by his own misguided idea of himself as an extremely clever man. Unless you're him in which case I'm sure its very sad. I'd consider feeling sorry for his wife if she wasn't such a terrible writer.
Strikes me that he's a bod that got lucky as much as anything. He ran a dirty campaign in which he was prepared to break the law, which gave him an advantage over those not prepared to do the same thing, regardless of how clever they were, and squeaked the leave vote by a thin margin due a bit to what he did but also a lot to other factors not in his control. If he'd narrowly lost that vote, his illegal machinations may well have landed him in a massive heap of problems, and he'd have been labelled a dangerous fool that nobody should touch with a barge pole.
I think it's just that Cummings is central to the current government's strategic direction, and they've changed a lot of processes so that his removal would result in a power vacuum that couldn't be quickly or easily filled.

Yes, and also given him the authority to make changes himself. I forget who it was who suggested last year that the deal was probably that he would win Johnson the election in return for being let loose on the Civil Service, which he hates. There's some evidence that's already started to happen, though badly blown off course by Covid-19. But yes, it's not only a matter of what he knows about what's gone on in the past as what his role is supposed to be in future.

edit - he, not we
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Strikes me that he's a bod that got lucky as much as anything. He ran a dirty campaign in which he was prepared to break the law, which gave him an advantage over those not prepared to do the same thing, regardless of how clever they were, and squeaked the leave vote by a thin margin due a bit to what he did but also a lot to other factors not in his control. If he'd narrowly lost that vote, his illegal machinations may well have landed him in a massive heap of problems, and he'd have been labelled a dangerous fool that nobody should touch with a barge pole.
Thats true too. At the same time though compared to the current crop of our rulers right now he probably has reliably been the cleverest person in the room most of the time.
Cummings said yesterday that he decides what does or doesn't cross Johnson's desk.
He is the one running the gaff.
He is a lying creep who regards you and I as units to be exploited or disregarded or sacrificed.
And for what exactly?
Like he is some kind of visionary?
Yet he doesn't trust his own vision enough he must subject it to the Barnard Castle eye test.
In my own clumsy way I am trying to point out to the converted already that Cummings is an utter cunt.
Sadly, the blog edit snd lie on live tv ti the nation hasn’t took hold yet.

It's starting to, I posted the link to the Metro above, now both The Times & The New Statesman have picked-up on it, and for some strange reason the Salisbury Journal, which is part of the Newsquest regional & local newspaper group, so that will spread across their titles.
It is quite pleasing to look at this and refresh the memory on exactly how pretentious and self aggrandising the man is who will forever now be known as the one who tested his eyesight by driving down the motorway with his kid in the car.
I'd like to see a proper timeline of all the things he and his wife have claimed/admitted. I think that might demonstrate the lies, and help with responses to the tory wankers who are still supporting him.

I missed most of it. Everything after going up there in the first instance. At that point I was mostly ok with it if it was true. A couple of things he said I scoffed at like the protesters bollocks. If it wasnt safe then then why come back to it. I can see the sense in being in a seperate house but having people there if needed. If he had gone up and stayed up I would have more sympathy. Having to come to london for work. No he could have zoomed meetings same as everyone else. The 2nd hand accounts I've seen of what I missed lose my sympathy.

What I'm finding frustrating is we seem to be being led by the right wing press into limiting our criticism to johnson rather than the govt as a whole.
Now they are trapped in a great whirlpool of lies. Whatever Cummings says becomes gospel, so ministers are charged with going out and pretending that it is entirely reasonable. First they sacrificed the lock-down, replacing it with a fine-print independent-judgement don't-you-care-for-your-kids bespoke version. Now, in a series of media rounds this morning, Michael Gove seemed to be rewriting driving law with a half-hearted insistence that driving was a perfectly reasonable way to check if you are capable of driving.

It's like the Cabinet are chained to a mad dog. Whenever it runs off barking somewhere, they're pulled along behind it, insisting this is exactly where they wanted to go on a walk in the first place.

What a great line. :D :D :D

It is quite pleasing to look at this and refresh the memory on exactly how pretentious and self aggrandising the man is who will forever now be known as the one who tested his eyesight by driving down the motorway with his kid in the car.
Less a genius more an idiot savant.
It's starting to, I posted the link to the Metro above, now both The Times & The New Statesman have picked-up on it, and for some strange reason the Salisbury Journal, which is part of the Newsquest regional & local newspaper group, so that will spread across their titles.

Well the Salisbury journal have some experience with national governments getting into hot water regarding visits to notable tourist attractions.
Looks like his neighbour hates him and allows the paps privileged access to their steps. Next they should get high powered mikes that can hear through walls and a few terabytes of disks. Bit like WikiLeaks a dirty business but sometimes it is just the right way forward.

Looks like his neighbour hates him and allows the paps privileged access to their steps. Next they should get high powered mikes that can hear through walls and a few terabytes of disks. Bit like WikiLeaks a dirty business but sometimes it is just the right way forward.

View attachment 214802

Oh god no. The last thing we need are recordings of Cummings' cummings.
They usually only do this when they’ve wanted to go anyway, probably have another job lined up elsewhere and decide to leave with a flounce. Politicians that you’ve hardly ever heard of having a go at making a headline.

I suspect it's more about distancing himself from the Tories at Westminster (from the Guardian update thing so I've copied and pasted):

'Ipsos Mori polling for the BBC this morning that found 82% of Scots think Nicola Sturgeon has handled the coronavirus crisis well, in contrast to 30% saying the same thing about Boris Johnson.

Plus, Ross, who unseated the SNP’s then Westminster leader, Angus Robertson, in Moray in 2017, has a majority of little over 500, which can only sharpen his response to the outrage of constituents that he detailed in his resignation statement.'
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