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The Dominic Cummings file

The reason for the trip to Barnard Castle for sure. Possibly the entire escapade.
It depends if people in general care though. Most people aren't interested in details and get bored easily. If there was clear evidence that he had been in contact with his parents, or that he or his wife knowingly had covid symptoms when they set off then I think that would be significant. The Barnard Castle thing will be of interest to those to want him gone, or damage to the government, for other reasons, but it'll be too vague a contravention for many to get too worked up about it I reckon.
It depends if people in general care though. Most people aren't interested in details and get bored easily. If there was clear evidence that he had been in contact with his parents, or that he or his wife knowingly had covid symptoms when they set off then I think that would be significant. The Barnard Castle thing will be of interest to those to want him gone, or damage to the government, for other reasons, but it'll be too vague a contravention for many to get too worked up about it I reckon.

They did have covid symptoms!
They did have covid symptoms!
Ok, I've just read the transcript and I see that he isn't denying that they both thought they possibly had covid when they set off. That's a bit different to what I'd heard reported which was that his wife had symptoms but they weren't clearly Covid ones. Maybe that changes my opinion a little.
How many people have been caught and/or punished for going for short rides in their cars?
Lots I believe. We only hear about the big ones in the news but there'll be hundreds of others. There have been police spot-checks set up on the A5 at Kilburn every weekend that I have seen so there must be dozens of others.

Regardless of what everyone else has been up to, they're not senior government advisors who had a hand in making the very rules he's been breaking. "Do as I say, not as I do" is always a shit look for those in powerful positions.
They did have covid symptoms!

He very pointedly said that she threw up but didn't have "coughing or a fever". But he then got coronavirus, in small building made of blocks, and his wife and child didn't get it but the child had to be taken to hospital after throwing up and having a fever. I'm pretty sure he himself also then threw up once he had recovered from Covid but I was getting a bit confused by that point.

He knows that if he said that she was coughing then that would be worse, so he very clearly said that wasn't the case.

It was pretty clear what he was doing.
Same here. Our mutual aid thing is a FB group with loads of members but nothing going on.
Same here did a few days of leaflet drop early on, since then have helped my immediate neighbours with some gardening and litter pick and making hand gel from meths and wasting my time on the internet !
Lots I believe. We only hear about the big ones in the news but there'll be hundreds of others. There have been police spot-checks set up on the A5 at Kilburn every weekend that I have seen so there must be dozens of others.

Regardless of what everyone else has been up to, they're not senior government advisors who had a hand in making the very rules he's been breaking. "Do as I say, not as I do" is always a shit look for those in powerful positions.

We've had police checkpoints down here, preventing people heading to the coast, issuing tickets & turning them around. Mr.Bishie posted earlier that Sussex police had issued almost 700 tickets, I remember reading around 90% were to people from outside the two counties & city of Brighton & Hove.
It depends if people in general care though. Most people aren't interested in details and get bored easily. If there was clear evidence that he had been in contact with his parents, or that he or his wife knowingly had covid symptoms when they set off then I think that would be significant. The Barnard Castle thing will be of interest to those to want him gone, or damage to the government, for other reasons, but it'll be too vague a contravention for many to get too worked up about it I reckon.
I disagree. I think all of it would have been soon forgotten if he'd played it straight and fallen on his sword. Can you even remember the names of the other lockdown-breakers who've variously resigned? Of course, his is a bigger scalp for those who don't like him or the Tories, and they'd have made more of it for a while but it would still have fizzled out soon, enabling a quiet comeback perhaps next year. The silly lies have hugely magnified a situation that would otherwise have soon blown over, like you suggest.
Oh, ok. I'm a member of my local mutual support group, zero going on. Maybe a couple of requests for help a week which are quickly picked up by people desperate to do something useful, but nothing beyond that, and no real opportunity for communication with the group beyond that as it's an email list (I've dropped a cake off at the guy who's running the list's house and chatted to him on the doorstep a couple of times though).

Don't see much of the neighbours and they mostly don't want to chat when I do.

The pompous moralising that periodically crops up on here that we should be doing something more constructive with our time is pretty irritating tbh.

It's less pompous moralising about doing something more and more a weary (and wary) cynicism about the regular excitement about spectacles we have no control over and won't get anything out of.

Look, I'm angry at what Cummings did. I'm enjoying watching the shitshow, but the idea that we can win somehow?
Yeah, this would be mighty handy. Keep idly thinking about drawing up a rough one, but then... well, not bothering :D

Yes, with the dates the rules changed. Someone's bound to do one.

In fact there are a few I think including: Dominic Cummings timeline: What we know of aide’s lockdown movements

There's also the line that he was "doggo" (?? - is this "sick as a dog", or something?) and in bed for 10 days. I guess they'd argue he was in bed for 10 days after they drove up to Durham.

Lying doggo just means lying low really. But definitely in his case lying :thumbs:
It's less pompous moralising about doing something more and more a weary (and wary) cynicism about the regular excitement about spectacles we have no control over and won't get anything out of.

Look, I'm angry at what Cummings did. I'm enjoying watching the shitshow, but the idea that we can win somehow?
I don't think very many people here think we can 'win'. But brushing this off as purely a spectacle is wrong too - it lays bare some quite profound questions about the relationship between the governed and the government, and each twist of the story chips away at the moral authority of this government. In itself, not a fatal blow of course, and maybe in the long run insignificant - but also, maybe not.
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