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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...


Well-Known Member
** Can a passing Mod please correct the typo in Gerry Adams name above? Ta very much.

This is aimed at British posters.

It may seem a provocative viewpoint, and I know there are many who harbour ill-will towards the bould Gerry, but these are some very plain facts...

There are many thousands of republican ex-prisoners and activists. Over the years the majority of these, for various political and/or personal reasons, walked away, perhaps disillusioned.

Gerry Adams (and his cohort) also came to view the armed strategy as being a zero sum, no-win situation. The difference is that they - and Adams in particular - stayed, developed a new strategy and eventually brought the Republican movement with them. This broke the deadlock and introduced new thinking.

They did this at considerable personal risk. That they pulled this off without getting shot by their own still amazes me, as does the fact that there was no large-scale feud.

If the British people were waiting on their politicians to break the cycle and have the vision and balls to break the cycle, they would still be waiting - and the IRA would still be blowing up your major cities.

No matter what your politics, it is hard to deny these plain and simple truths - although I don't expect that will stop lots of people getting their knockers in a twist over it.

THAT is why, instead of whinging and uttering banalities on the other G. Adams thread, you should have the grace to acknowledge his contribution to the Peace strategy that has helped the British govt out of the corner they had painted themselves into.

Please note:

1. If you are replying to this it might be helpful if you could try to answer the points above, rather than ranting and raving about 'whataboutery' and 'whaddiffery'.

2. (for Irish posters) I am well aware that the Republican Movement that Gerry A and co built - and certainly the Tankie entity that is Sinn Féin - would tolerate no such dissidence from it's orthodoxy today. That does not change Adams' contribution, which history (and future generations) will judge.

e2a 'whadiffery' and to embolden point 1
Hmmm is it not so much the debt owed to Gerry Adams as much as the excise incurred on your average UK citizen by the British crown.

(to stetch your analogy really far)

eta: I was talking about 'metephorical' debts and excise and who 'owes' what to who

. for added clarity
Hmmm is it not so much the debt owed to Gerry Adams as much as the excise incurred on your average UK citizen by the British crown.

(to stetch your analogy really far)

Obviously the OP is not refering to a financial debt - but then again... remind me of how much did Bishopsgate cost?
I thought it was the collapse in public support for terrorists on both sides which made the peace process irreversible. The women who organised the peace marches should get get more credit than Adams. He just jumped on their bandwagon. If he'd waited any longer he'd have been out of a job. Smart career move. I'm sure he had enough trustworthy bodyguards to let him sleep soundly. But maybe I'm just a victim of BBC propaganda.
I'm sorry it's really not my area of expertise. :) (bishopgate???)

what I was trying to get at was yes Gerry Adams has been a useful moderate force, but that many Brit citizens have no problems with total N.I autonomy ect. And that it is the wrong-headed approach of succesive Westminster governments that has made mainland major cities of times past a target.

I thought it was the collapse in public support for terrorists on both sides which made the peace process irreversible. The women who organised the peace marches should get get more credit than Adams. He just jumped on their bandwagon. If he'd waited any longer he'd have been out of a job. Smart career move. I'm sure he had enough trustworthy bodyguards to let him sleep soundly. But maybe I'm just a victim of BBC propaganda.

Your ignorance is quite astounding but you seem quite intelligent so I can only assume you are indeed a victim of propaganda.

Could you please explain how the peace marches in 1976(?) were instrumental in bringing about the IRA ceasefire in 1994? The plain fact is that the 'peace women' could not 'shift' the IRA or indeed the republican community at large. The change HAD to come from within the republican movement. End of.
Your ignorance is quite astounding but you seem quite intelligent so I can only assume you are indeed a victim of propaganda.

There are many who would feel free to say that to you. What makes your rant any more acceptable?
I'm sorry it's really not my area of expertise. :) (bishopgate???)

what I was trying to get at was yes Gerry Adams has been a useful moderate force, but that many Brit citizens have no problems with total N.I autonomy ect. And that it is the wrong-headed approach of succesive Westminster governments that has made mainland major cities of times past a target.


Right. I get you now. I agree with your last sentence completely.

btw The Bishopsgate bomb cost over a billion (IIRC). After it the insurance companies said they could not pay out any more and the State would have to fork out for compo.
Your ignorance is quite astounding but you seem quite intelligent so I can only assume you are indeed a victim of propaganda.

Could you please explain how the peace marches in 1976(?) were instrumental in bringing about the IRA ceasefire in 1994? The plain fact is that the 'peace women' could not 'shift' the IRA or indeed the republican community at large. The change HAD to come from within the republican movement. End of.

So you are saying they surrendered, then?
If you cannot identify a 'rant' I can hardly expected to 'justify' it can I?

If that's what makes you happy, no problem.

But why do you pretend to be intertested in anyone else's opinion?

You aren't much, are you?
This would be the same Gerry Adams who IRA man Brendan Hughes claimed ordered the death of a mother of ten, and that he rigged elections for?

Brits should be thankful for a murdering vote rigger? A man who set up Paramilitary ex judiciary death squads?
Of course I am -though not yours for obvious reasons.

if this was on 'General' the historical nonsense displayed by nick h's comments might slide by, but this is the Politics board. if you want to play in the big boy's n girl's yard you have to bring something to the party - even if it's only wiki ffs - although this requirement seems to have passed you by, you trolling twat.
What's one of them, then?

Typo fixed.

Incidentally who's Gerry "Admas"? And what's so "bould" about him.

Glass houses Mc Fuck.

Adams ordered the execution of a single mother. And brits should applaud him? Get to fuck.
from the OP

1. If you are replying to this it would be helpful if you could try to answer the points above, rather than ranting and raving about 'whataboutery'.

This would be the same Gerry Adams who IRA man Brendan Hughes claimed ordered the death of a mother of ten, and that he rigged elections for?

Brits should be thankful for a murdering vote rigger? A man who set up Paramilitary ex judiciary death squads?

yawn. I'm off to bed. You carry on 8den. You seem quite capable of having an argument with yourself and you may well froth yourself out by morning. Night night.
Please note:

1. If you are replying to this it would be helpful if you could try to answer the points above, rather than ranting and raving about 'whataboutery'.

Typo fixed.

Incidentally who's Gerry "Admas"? And what's so "bould" about him.

Glass houses Mc Fuck.

Adams ordered the execution of a single mother. And brits should applaud him? Get to fuck.

from the OP

yawn. I'm off to bed. You carry on 8den. You seem quite capable of having an argument with yourself and you may well froth yourself out by morning. Night night.

Serious question though this is the man who claims a MP allowance and salary for a parliament he doesn't sit in. and denies involvement in the murder of a woman that his own organisation blame him for.
yeah, I'm really not gonna be saying thanks to someone who was involved in any sort of bombing campaign for stopping the bombing campaign. It's sort of like expecting the Iraqis to thank Tony Blair for beginning the withdrawl of British troops from...that city they were in. Ie completely fuckwitted.
yeah, I'm really not gonna be saying thanks to someone who was involved in any sort of bombing campaign for stopping the bombing campaign. It's sort of like expecting the Iraqis to thank Tony Blair for beginning the withdrawl of British troops from...that city they were in. Ie completely fuckwitted.

Fair enough. I can respect that viewpoint, but does it stand up to a little scrutiny?

Perhaps you could enlighten us how, exactly, we could have gotten from the situation in the mid 90's (Britain's airports & motorways closed often; a 'ring of steel around the city of London; Manchester city centre destroyed etc etc) to where we are now - without the input of Adams & Co. to break the impasse

What you think of Gerry Adams or what you think he might have been responsible for is not really the issue here. Like I said in the OP, Adams & the rest of the leadership could have just left as many had done before them. I'm sure gerry could have made a cleaned up on the after dinner circuit in the US - particularly if he was a 'man who had rejected vbiolence'.

To stay, adopt a pretty much 'heretic' strategy and to shift the Republican movement from the entrenched militarist position that was completely dominant at that time, to where it is now, is nothing short of remarkable. If you told IRA Volunteers at the time how things would pan out, they simply would not have believed you and laughed in your face... and would then have pointed their rifles in your direction.
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