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She'll be out in the next reshuffle now then.
She promised to resign if the UK agreed to chlorinated chicken, so maybe she is a bit demob happy, or else determined to bring that issue to a head.

What this does show is that there is a trade negotiation going on and the Dept of Trade is spectating, reduced to making observations by letter.
The whole thing has been a farce from start to finish, and cost the nation billions. And for what? The NHS certainly didn't get the promised pile of dosh.

British nationalism fucks you in the arse. Peoples around the world know this. If one good thing can come of this, it's the death of the British state, and seeing the flood of tears from servile wankers all over the island.

These costs still allow for the £350m to the NHS yeah?
Pissing in the wind to bandy facts; this whole process has always worked in the affective domain. It'll take a long period of sustained economic consequence to shake the faith of the true believers; hence the rock solid 40%+ polling for the party of Brexit.
For or some weeks the British government has been planning a “shock and awe” campaign to warn British businesses that they have less than six months to prepare for Brexit; but the EU has beaten them to it.


How are businesses supposed to prepare when nobody knows on what basis we'll be trading with EU or anywhere else?
Brexit voters. Be proud of the freeeeeeeeedom that Brits can now all enjoy.

British travellers face the worst possible outcome once the Brexit transition period ends, the government has confirmed.

Promises that the European Health Insurance Card (Ehic) scheme would continue have been dashed, meaning travellers to the EU will face sharply increased travel insurance premiums.

UK visitors to the European Union are being urged to check their passport expiry dates.

Motorists are told they “may” require an international driving permit, as well as complying with additional insurance.

Pet owners who intend to take their dog or cat abroad from the start of 2021 must begin preparations by 1 September this year. And free mobile-phone roaming may end.
Since the EU referendum in 2016, the government has said repeatedly that it wished to agree reciprocal health-care terms to replace the Ehic.

But that plan has been abandoned. Instead, British travellers will be expected to meet the full cost of their treatment in EU countries, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

This will increase the cost of travel insurance – especially for older travellers and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
Pet owners face rules so complex that the BBC’s assistant political editor, Norman Smith, said: “Speaking as a dog owner it looks to me frankly such a faff, you are just not going to bother.”

On the Today programme, he explained: “You are going to have to take your pet to the vet to get a rabies vaccination. You’ll then have to return a month later to get a blood test, send that blood test to an EU laboratory.

“Their vet will then send back the ‘OK’. You’ll then have to wait another three months before you can go.

“I’m just thinking: pets of Great Britain, you can say farewell to the Dordogne.”

Mobile phone charges may soar because users will no longer be protected by the EU’s “roam like at home” rules.

Brexit voters. Be proud of the freeeeeeeeedom that Brits can now all enjoy.

by 'brexit voters' i suppose you mean the 13,966,454 people who put an x by a tory candidate in december; they bear more responsibility for the johnson clusterfuck than the people who voted leave four years ago
by 'brexit voters' i suppose you mean the 13,966,454 people who put an x by a tory candidate in december; they bear more responsibility for the johnson clusterfuck than the people who voted leave four years ago
No, I mean the people voted for Brexit. It's really quite self explanatory.
No, I mean the people voted for Brexit. It's really quite self explanatory.
i think it is ludicrous to blame the people who voted for brexit for where we find ourselves now. it's been detailed in great depth over the past four years that what people were told by the leave campaign was a load of cobblers. but at the last general election people knew far more about how our future relationship with europe would look and nearly 14 million of them went ahead and voted for what it was clear would be a very profitable time for johnson and his friends and a much more expensive time for everybody else.

other brexits were possible. we could have left the eu and rejoined efta. we could have left the eu and remained within the single market and customs union. we could have negotiated a position whereby the uk was in some things, like the cultural programmes of the eu and the ehic card, and out of others. but as it is there have been no real negotiations about our future relationship. and that is the current government's fault, not the fault of the 2016 leavers.
He's got a point though, Brexit under Corbyn would have been a lot less painful than under this shower.
brexit under theresa may would have been a lot less painful than it will be under the repugnant johnson

going off on our own to be a modern buccaneering nation ignores what will be the reality, ignores what is the reality, that if the government by chance does something halfway decent like complain about the treatment of people in hong kong the chinese will not ignore the protest but threaten retaliation. on their own terms the tory brexit will be an utter failure because this country will not be a great trading nation in the future but a fucking tin can for other countries and trading blocs to kick.
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