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'The awkward lessons of my luxury lockdown in Kensington' - a self entitled twat whines away

Surely whether it is paywalled or not depends on whether you have used up your x number of free articles or not (probably by clicking links on here tbh!) It's not paywalled for everyone or no-one based on decisions at FT HQ about how they want the article to be viewed, it depends on a) whether you subscribe or b) whether you used up your free article allowance.

I can't see it, thank fuck really because I have enough trouble sleeping as it is - lying staring at the ceiling in a dull rage is fairly normal these days
Surely whether it is paywalled or not depends on whether you have used up your x number of free articles or not (probably by clicking links on here tbh!) It's not paywalled for everyone or no-one based on decisions at FT HQ about how they want the article to be viewed, it depends on a) whether you subscribe or b) whether you used up your free article allowance.
Not paywalled for me - and it looks like it is associated with their coronavirus coverage which isn't paywalled. But jesus it's awful.
Just in case you needed to hate the self entitled rich a bit more:

I stayed in a Premier Inn in Kensington once. I spotted a gym and thought I would see how much for a single session. I thought London's expensive could be a tenner. I'll find out and think about it. £25 and it looked shit anyway. I went for a run.
That's gotta be a pisstake surely? but if it's not then I am interested to note that she quoted £65-£95 for tutoring, Mrs Q teaches maths in a school and knows most of the local maths tutors, they range from about £20-£40 here in the East Midlands perhaps maths taught to rich people is different to that taught to the plebs.

In all seriousness, there are plenty of people who think expensive = good - either a better product, or just more exclusivity. It wouldn't surprise me if they always get overpriced stuff out of a belief it's better, and plenty of tutors who will happily charge 2-3 times the going rate to some rich fool who is happy to pay it, and there are a few websites/magazines that cater purely to ultra rich people where you might be able to advertise services and some would definitely double/triple your normal price on a speculative basis if they did.

It's pretty easy to underprice yourself out of work in some industries because a low price shows inexperience, low quality work, cheap materials or whatever, where a high price shows a master craftsman able to overcharge for their services because they are that good, plus use the best materials etc. I don't think this applies so much to year 2 maths tutors though... chess otoh I can see a good reason for a big price difference between a low to mid ranking player teaching and a masterclass from Kasparov and all ranges in between.
Have any of you who still live in London thought - "I really fancy a pint in Kensington today"?

You know how you might go to x area on whim - whether it's Brick Lane, Angel, Brixton, Bethnal Green, Hackney, Notting Hill or whatever.

No-one EVER thinks that's a good place to meet up.
Have any of you who still live in London thought - "I really fancy a pint in Kensington today"?

You know how you might go to x area on whim - whether it's Brick Lane, Angel, Brixton, Bethnal Green, Hackney, Notting Hill or whatever.

No-one EVER thinks that's a good place to meet up.

Notting Hill's about the closest place to Kensington (= High Street area) that you can even get a half-way decent pint! :hmm:

And there's a fair few better places than that!
Have any of you who still live in London thought - "I really fancy a pint in Kensington today"?

You know how you might go to x area on whim - whether it's Brick Lane, Angel, Brixton, Bethnal Green, Hackney, Notting Hill or whatever.

No-one EVER thinks that's a good place to meet up.

I once had to translate at a business meeting at the Orangery. I wore a fucking suit and everything. It was horrible and I literally ran away the moment it was over. Only respectable reasons for ever being in Kensington are getting visas from embassies based there and taking kids to see dinosaurs.
It is not a good area to find a pub. I go there occasionally when there's something at the V&A I want to see or something at the RAH or when there's a demo on - you can eat and get coffee, and it's not all posh places, but it is not a destination for pubbing. I cant even remember having seen one.

Mind you it's even worse once you start getting into Knightsbridge which is easily the worst part of London ever.
It is not a good area to find a pub. I go there occasionally when there's something at the V&A I want to see or something at the RAH or when there's a demo on - you can eat and get coffee, and it's not all posh places, but it is not a destination for pubbing. I cant even remember having seen one.

Mind you it's even worse once you start getting into Knightsbridge which is easily the worst part of London ever.
Yeah, I was going to a 40th birthday party round there (don't ask) and got there a bit early. My friend suggested going to a quick drink and we could not find a pub for love nor money. Very strange.
It is not a good area to find a pub. I go there occasionally when there's something at the V&A I want to see or something at the RAH or when there's a demo on - you can eat and get coffee, and it's not all posh places, but it is not a destination for pubbing. I cant even remember having seen one.

Mind you it's even worse once you start getting into Knightsbridge which is easily the worst part of London ever.

Former V&A staff, and post-work drinker for almost twenty years, posting here :

It would seem that The Hour Glass, just round the corner from the V&A (and dinosaur-central Natural History Museum!), was still going strong in normal times. It was our museum gang's post work local, most Fridays (etc.!)

Was great for (guest ;) ) beer in 1988 and still is/can be now, it seems from the above link! :)
(Tiny place, though :( )

There were others not far off that weren't bad either, but I'm long out of date ....... because (checks What Pub? ;) ) they nowadays! almost exclusively seem to be Greene King :mad:

Of those, The Bunch of Grapes was/still looks acceptable-ish beer-wise, but we'd walk a fair distance to get to The Star Tavern in Belgravia!! :cool: :)
When I worked at the science museum we used to drink at the imperial uni bar. Anyone could wander in iirc

Yeah, we did too, sometimes (cheap!! :D )
But I don't think I remember any decent ale there -- was there a period when there was?? :confused:
(Also, I'm referring to the Imperial Student Union bar as was, just above the Mormons' UK HQ/just off the same side of Exhibition Road as the V&A -- do you mean the same place?)
Yeah, we did too, sometimes (cheap!! :D )
But I don't think I remember any decent ale there -- was there a period when there was?? :confused:
(Also, I'm referring to the Imperial Student Union bar as was, just above the Mormons' UK HQ/just off the same side of Exhibition Road as the V&A -- do you mean the same place?)
I don't remember tbh. 20 years ago this was. But that sounds about right - it was across the road from the science museum so that makes sense. I'm sure the beer was shit tbh. I don't really remember. We used to get really pissed in there. :D
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