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The Alt-Right

I've found myself in the company of some really dubious people dressed as hippies over the years. Belief in / preference for strong leadership over group consensus, check. Dim view of regular working people, check. Elitism, Eugenics, Nativism, Class Prejudice, check. I'm not really into politics fascism enablers.

ETA, not to mention anti-semitic conspiraloonery which is also rampant among hippies.

No room for courts in a revolution. Those who live by the T-shirt are should die by the T-shirt..

"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.”
Who said that?

Also, I wonder if people would be so cavalier about the notion of having fair trials if the boot were on the other foot.
He's not saying anything that backs you up in that post so don't attempt to drag him into your sewer please.

He's saying quite clearly he ...and his fellow celtic fans...spent a highly enjoyable night socialising with left wing supporters of that team in a Berlin supporters bar . He went so far as to describe the evening as " heaven ". The very left wing fans you are insisting are mythical unicorns . Either he made it up or you're talking shite .
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He's saying quite clearly he ...and his fellow celtic fans...spent a night socialising with left wing supporters of that team in a Berlin supporters bar . The very left wing fans you are insisting are mythical unicorns . Either he made it up or you're talking shite .
A handful of elderly stasi fans is the left now. Victory just around the corner comrades. And it's not them you enjoy hanging around is it.
Both these people who almost lost their lives were hooligans and followers of BFC . It was their anti fascist activities that almost got them killed by fascists . Far from being comfortable it was pretty unnerving to be standing with people fascists had previously tried to kill in a football stadium that had fascist hooligans in it .
You might well ask that same question to anyone following West Ham , Millwall or Chelsea .

Come off it.
A handful of elderly stasi fans is the left now. Victory just around the corner comrades. And it's not them you enjoy hanging around is it.

This sounds like gibberish .

You've been insisting they don't have any left wing fans, that they're all nazis . An independent witnesses account of his trip proved you wrong . And now you're having a mini tantrum in response . Cos your ego is like that . They have a minority of left wing fans in their fan base . The fascists are also a minority of their fan base , but larger than the left element and much more visible . I was invited there by one guy who'd be well known in the local anti fascist circles , a hooligan who also follows Celtic and St Pauli .

The rest of my Berlin mates support Schalke/ Celtic / St Pauli . And when I'm invited along there I go too . Most of them wouldn't set foot near a BFC match if they were paid to go . And I can't say I'd blame them .

No room for courts in a revolution. Those who live by the T-shirt are should die by the T-shirt..

"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.”

In case anyone's bothered, this doesn't appear to be a genuine Che Guevara quote. It's from a book called che Guevara Assassin and Bumbler, and it's what the author, for whatever reason, imagines Che would have said to Lewis Carroll had they ever met.

ETA: it doesn't appear to be a book, but a blog on the Free Republic website.
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In case anyone's bothered, this doesn't appear to be a genuine Che Guevara quote. It's from a book called che Guevara Assassin and Bumbler, and it's what the author, for whatever reason, imagines Che would have said to Lewis Carroll had they ever met.
LOL what?
Tankies are left wing whether they meet your sniffy approval or not . And it's your own time and everyone elses you're wasting you fucking weirdo . This must be the fiftieth thread you've pulled this shit on . That's a major personality disorder if ever I saw one .
Lately, there have been a series of anti-immigration protests throughout Canada. Vancouver heard about an anti-immigration rally, so their protesters came out in such numbers, that the anti-immigration side did not show.
And, then there is Quebec.

Right-wing group La Meute said it was planning a rally in a yet-to-be determined location in Quebec City against the flow of illegal entries into the province from the United States. An anti-fascist group plans to hold a counter-protest.

The call for a counter-protest comes after at least two Quebecers were identified participating in a white supremacist rally last week in Charlottesville, Va., that ended in violence and the death of a 32-year-old woman. La Meute suspended one of the two men from the group’s activities with a spokesman saying the La Meute dissociates itself from white supremacist and racist groups.

Trudeau took to the press to condemn the anti-immigrant protesters

But when asked if the unprecedented number of border crossers was stoking anti-immigrant sentiments in the country, Trudeau condemned the “intolerant, racist demonstrations” that have been planned in recent days.

“The small minority, angry, frustrated group of racists don’t get to define who we are as a country, don’t get to tell others who we are and don’t get to change the nature of the open, accepting values that make us who we are,” Trudeau said.

“I am proud to be Canadian. I am proud to be a Quebecer and I am proud to stand with millions of Canadians who reject the hateful, harmful, heinous ideologies that we’ve seen in dark corners of both the Internet and our communities from time to time.”

Justin Trudeau takes aim at 'racist' rallies, urges trust in immigration system
Hi kids, completely normal person Casually Brown here, listen to this great (but a bit dodge lol) nazi oi band, Kategorie C.
Tankies are left wing whether they meet your sniffy approval or not . And it's your own time and everyone elses you're wasting you fucking weirdo . This must be the fiftieth thread you've pulled this shit on . That's a major personality disorder if ever I saw one .
You're crying because you're a coward and your bullshit gets responded to very occasionally. Answer my question please. I know you can't and I'm as sick of this as I'm sure everyone else is here so don't bother replying to me unless you have some names so I can verify your bullshit.

That said, I've checked this out with the more or less non-loon Berlin left, and a small number of normal fans have been campaigning to get the nazis out, not the DDR freaks and certainly not Casually Brown who has made it clear that he's found their company quite exhilarating. I'm no expert but I'm not sure that the best approach to fighting the far-right is travelling to hang around with them for 10 years and posting their music on left wing forums.
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This sounds like gibberish .

You've been insisting they don't have any left wing fans, that they're all nazis . An independent witnesses account of his trip proved you wrong . And now you're having a mini tantrum in response . Cos your ego is like that . They have a minority of left wing fans in their fan base . The fascists are also a minority of their fan base , but larger than the left element and much more visible . I was invited there by one guy who'd be well known in the local anti fascist circles , a hooligan who also follows Celtic and St Pauli .

The rest of my Berlin mates support Schalke/ Celtic / St Pauli . And when I'm invited along there I go too . Most of them wouldn't set foot near a BFC match if they were paid to go . And I can't say I'd blame them .

Why do you go, given the preponderance of fascists amongst the fans?
Why do you go, given the preponderance of fascists amongst the fans?

Because my mate who used to regularly go invited me to go with him , with a heavy implication of cowardice if I was to refuse . A better question might be why anti fascists like him would go there .
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You might be thinking of CS Lewis.
It was C Day Lewis, poet and novelist, who had sex with a dolphin. As to the Che quote, I found it on an anarchist site, but what can you trust these days. Anyway Che was not
avverse to summary justice towards traitors amongst the revolutionaries:

In his diaries, Guevara described the execution of Eutimio Guerra, a peasant army guide who admitted treason when it was discovered he accepted the promise of ten thousand pesos for repeatedly giving away the rebel's position for attack by the Cuban air force.[1] Such information also allowed Batista's army to burn the homes of rebel-friendly peasants.[1]Upon Guerra's request that they "end his life quickly",[1] Che stepped forward and shot him in the head, writing "The situation was uncomfortable for the people and for Eutimio so I ended the problem giving him a shot with a .32 pistol in the right side of the brain, with exit orifice in the right temporal [lobe]."[2] Later, Guevara published a literary account of the incident entitled "Death of a Traitor", where he transfigured Eutimio's betrayal and pre-execution request that the revolution "take care of his children", into a "revolutionary parable about redemption through sacrifice."[2]

Anyway if the shirt fits
Because my mate who used to regularly go invited me to go with him , with a heavy implication of cowardice if I was to refuse . A better question might be why anti fascists like him would go there .

That's it?

You repeatedly hang out with fascists (and post here about it and how you feel closer to or more comfortable with them than with degenerate anarchists) because your mate invited you and otherwise he might think you're a coward?

You're either a bare faced liar or a fucking idiot then.
You're crying because you're a coward and your bullshit gets responded to very occasionally. Answer my question please. I know you can't and I'm as sick of this as I'm sure everyone else is here so don't bother replying to me unless you have some names so I can verify your bullshit.

That said, I've checked this out with the more or less non-loon Berlin left, and a small number of normal fans have been campaigning to get the nazis out, not the DDR freaks and certainly not Casually Brown who has made it clear that he's found their company quite exhilarating. I'm no expert but I'm not sure that the best approach to fighting the far-right is travelling to hang around with them for 10 years and posting their music on left wing forums.

Why did you not point this out when you were publishing your major exposé on the teams far right following....that everyone knew about ? Surely that was highly relevant but you omitted it in your magnum opus . It's only after I produced evidence from someone else that contradicted the picture you were painting about all the fans that you've now done a swerve and admitted there actually are anti fascist fans too .What was your point other than painting a false scenario were all the fans were fascists and anyone who attends their games is therefore a fascist too . ? That was definitely the picture you were pushing . A false one.

Also you didn't need to ask anyone, you could have just googled it . Which I suspect you did too .

I haven't been there in about 3 years . Also my mates anarcho communist , not a tankie . Just because the people Limerick red spent the night with were tankies it doesn't follow all the rest are too .
And me going to a football match once or twice a year has got absolutely nothing to do with fighting the far right . Ive never claimed i was doing that at football . I'm just having an afternoon out with a mate . It's the people like him who went there all the time who were challenging the far right . I'm only a tourist in their company on an afternoon out .
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