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The Alt-Right

started reading CRs post on politics.ie earlier in the year but life got in the way to get too far into it - this one stuck with me though, on the subject of
Chinese Brothels in the Suburbs

Oh, ffs. Nice dash of misogyny along with the racism there.

What a scumbag.
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No ..the people I was hanging out with ...talking to , having a beer with...were either anti fascists or normal fans ..if there is such a thing among that lot . What I did notice though was the far right supporters in the ground were normal working class people , dressed and behaving little different to the people I work with in a factory every day .

That's hardly a surprise though. Not every fascist wears an black MA-1 and skintight Levis, plus a pair of Docs, or even the latest Jack Wolfskin ensemble. Some of them favour slacks.

And compared that to the alternative lifestyles , dress etc of others . In a thread were I made the case that's why the far right might be having more success wooing the disaffected working class male than others .

You were a bit more virulent than that, though.

I never said once I was more comfortable with them...I thought I'd made clear I wasn't comfortable there at all . It's a hairy place to be . What I said was socially I had more in common with them than I did with people living alternative lifestyles . And btw the last time some twat dragged that up to have a go at me over a few other posters put forward their own personal experiences of why that was the case for them too .

I'm at a loss with your statement here that "socially I had more in common with them than I did with people living alternative lifestyles". What does it mean? Are you saying that you'd go down the kniepe with them and get bevied? Are you saying that their social practices were similar to your own? Are you saying that people with "alternative lifestyles" don't do the exact same things themselves, albeit perhaps while having scabby dreads and a body odour problem from too many green vegetables?
I note that LiamO has turned up on the thread, but has not publicly vouched for anything despite repeated assurances from Casually Red there were several things he could vouch for.

I note that LiamO had at least a gallon of Guinness on board when he returned from his holliers - and an epic match at Croke Park - last night.

Therefore I would congratulate LiamO on going the fuck to bed, instead of diving in to this pile of poo.
I am happy to confirm the following...

1. Casually Red does indeed travel regularly to Berlin and, more specifically to Kreutzberg, usually at least once a year.

2. The people he stays with are 30+ year veterans of the German/Berliner anti-Fascist scene - on both the intellectual and physical side of things. They are very widely known and instantly recognisable to anyone with even a passing interest in the whole Berlin/Kreutzberg, Anarchist/Communist/Anti Fascist scene.

3. He first encountered them, in my company, in our local pub (at least a dozen years ago, maybe 15). They have been visiting South Armagh for their Holliers for well over 20 years. On occasion they have brought a couple of former RAF long-term prisoners with them. These people are not social workers. I had fallen into conversation with them and discovered several mutual acquaintances. framed would know these chaps and chappesses very well - certainly better than me. So would juice_terry and anyone involved in active anti-fascist activity in and around football.

Of course, anybody who confines their anti-fascism to lollipop-waving on demo's and willy-waving on the Internet might not be so familiar with them

4. CR does not know any German Fash. He has never knocked about with anyone over there bar people with impeccable, long-term, Anti-Fascist credentials. He does not know any Irish or English ones either.

5. CR's whole family have been active in left-wing politics in counties Down, Louth & Armagh for at least three generations that I know of. His Da was a Shop Steward in big factories in mainly Loyalist towns. Despite being a well-known Republican, he was exceptionally well got with his Unionist/loyalist workmates. All CR's Mum's family were/are Stickies/Worker's Party (which should appeal to Coplicker).CR's brother also remains active in left-wing/anti-fascist politics.
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I'm at a loss with your statement here that "socially I had more in common with them than I did with people living alternative lifestyles". What does it mean? Are you saying that you'd go down the kniepe with them and get bevied? Are you saying that their social practices were similar to your own? Are you saying that people with "alternative lifestyles" don't do the exact same things themselves, albeit perhaps while having scabby dreads and a body odour problem from too many green vegetables?

Why are you 'at a loss here' ViolentPanda?

All he is saying is that socially he has found he had more in common with young, working-class fash than with trendy-lefty, lifestyle 'Anarchists'.

If I had a quid for every time someone in or around Red Action/the DAM/AFA in the 70's/80's and early 90's, I could keep Urban's Server fund going indefinitely.

What he said is not even controversial really. It is a widely held opinion of thousands of people on the political Left. People like Bob Crowe, for example, was never behind the door when voicing his disdain for much of what he considered (rightly IMO) the dilettante Left.

And on the subject of Bob and his mates. They were all mostly Millwall to the backbone, as well as being lifetime Commies. t Are some people here suggesting they should have stopped going/surrendered their club to the fash cos they went too? what a load of bollocks.

*BTW, although I quoted you here, I am really addressing a number of posters - most of whom have neither your wit or intelligence - and whom I cba engaging with (such as that odious malignancy who calls himself jeffrobinson and the sad pile of dung who goes by copliker).
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It's his having more in common with them politically than he or you will admit. Don't try and barton it. Haven't you got sick of rough diamonds for tea yet?
...but posts exposing his homophobia, racism, misogyny are okay though right? We should just ignore those inconvenient details. :facepalm: Are those the political things he has in common with fash?

I don't have to defend his every post. He is big and ugly enough to do that for himself.

I came on here, very specifically, to confirm a few salient facts and point out that this circle jerk calling him fash was just plain nonsense. Pure projection.

I am surprised by one or two posts/posters on this thread but, sadly, for some of the rest it is all too predictable.

Now, if it's all the same to you, I'll leave it there and get back to being on my holidays.
Why are you 'at a loss here' ViolentPanda?

All he is saying is that socially he has found he had more in common with young, working-class fash than with trendy-lefty, lifestyle 'Anarchists'.

While it's lovely of you to speak for him, you're fleshing out his words in ways he hasn't implied.

If I had a quid for every time someone in or around Red Action/the DAM/AFA in the 70's/80's and early 90's, I could keep Urban's Server fund going indefinitely.

What he said is not even controversial really. It is a widely held opinion of thousands of people on the political Left. People like Bob Crowe, for example, was never behind the door when voicing his disdain for much of what he considered (rightly IMO) the dilettante Left.

And on the subject of Bob and his mates. They were all mostly Millwall to the backbone, as well as being lifetime Commies. t Are some people here suggesting they should have stopped going/surrendered their club to the fash cos they went too? what a load of bollocks.

*BTW, although I quoted you here, I am really addressing a number of posters - most of whom have neither your wit or intelligence - and whom I cba engaging with (such as that odious malignancy who calls himself jeffrobinson and the sad pile of dung who goes by copliker).

I've never had anything in common with either group you mention, socially. Why would I? Now, similarity in dress occasionally, yes. Sadly the Fred Perry became ubiquitous, as did red tag Levis. but socially, I'm not really aware of this overlap, and your example - football - is a special case. At every ground I've ever been to - I used to follow WHUFC back in the '80s and '90s - there was always a working class racist/fascist minority and a working class left minority supporting the same team, but they had little in common except their snazzy threads.
The "dilettante left" - the middle class, mockney-accented twats who are forever trying to take over any grassroots w/c movement - they're nothing to do with leftism, and little to do with antifascism historically, they're centrists looking to make a career off the backs of the working class. Many of them wouldn't have dreamed of going to a soccer match 20 years ago, back in the piss and bovril days. Disdain is is all they've ever deserved.
5. CR's whole family have been active in left-wing politics in counties Down, Louth & Armagh for at least three generations that I know of. His Da was a Shop Steward in big factories in mainly Loyalist towns. Despite being a well-known Republican, he was exceptionally well got with his Unionist/loyalist workmates. All CR's Mum's family were/are Stickies/Worker's Party (which should appeal to Coplicker).CR's brother also remains active in left-wing/anti-fascist politics.
The *RNU? The daft brother who's a naughty boy and did time in Maghaberry for RIRA bollocks? Lol if true. Posting CR's family info is a fucked in the head thing to do even for you btw.

He has zero 'credentials' of his own I see. Completely out of your depth here. Why not just say 'I don't know anything about this club or the German far right and don't really give a shit', and just leave it at that. I don't trust anyone who paid money to see George Galloway in 2016, as Liamo did, to have any sort of informed or valuable opinion on what constitutes "the left".

The stickies ffs.

*RNU = Republican Network For Unity, tiny cop riddled fringe of fringe dissident 'RA loon outfit. Avoid.

e2a a couple of tings
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I don't have to defend his every post. He is big and ugly enough to do that for himself.

I came on here, very specifically, to confirm a few salient facts and point out that this circle jerk calling him fash was just plain nonsense. Pure projection.

I am surprised by one or two posts/posters on this thread but, sadly, for some of the rest it is all too predictable.

Now, if it's all the same to you, I'll leave it there and get back to being on my holidays.
He's asked you to pretty much defend his posts though, over the last few pages. All he keeps saying is 'Liam will back me up'.
No space in the original post for this so finally, the problems with the club go deeper than a few ne-er-do-wells on the terraces. The BFC Dynamo pub is the Berliner Fussball Cafe in Scheffelstr, owned by nazi biker Andre Sommer who was shot and injured in 2012 by a rival biker gang in a beef over the usual things biker gangs beef about. I look forward to Casually Brown going in there in his Duterte t-shirt and sorting 'em out. Facebook here - "Exzellent!!!" according to "Rottenführer Bodi". There's a possible NSU overlap angle for those who've been following that. (DaveCinzano)

If this was about a jew baiting Kategorie C fan jetting in from Germany to see Linfield, I think it'd be a different story. Orange cunts this, orange cunts that.
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I don't have to defend his every post. He is big and ugly enough to do that for himself.

I came on here, very specifically, to confirm a few salient facts and point out that this circle jerk calling him fash was just plain nonsense. Pure projection.

I am surprised by one or two posts/posters on this thread but, sadly, for some of the rest it is all too predictable.

Now, if it's all the same to you, I'll leave it there and get back to being on my holidays.

Who asked you to defend every post?

No idea why, even with all the evidence, you seem to think it's okay to vouch for his anti-fash/good politics whilst ignoring his homophobia, sexism and racism by saying he can look after himself? The contradiction is glaringly obvious but you know... he's a mate? That actually undermines your attempts at vouching for him. Why would we trust your word when you refuse even to call him out on basic homophobia/sexism/racism?

No need to answer.

Enjoy your holiday.
Cos they are his team? Why would he abandon his team to the fash. You are so much better than this Athos

Even if you're right about the left wing credentials of some of his associates, that doesn't give him a pass for all of the dodgy stuff he's posted here over the years. I know he's your mate, but it ill becomes you to turn a blind eye to all that.
Even if you're right about the left wing credentials of some of his associates, that doesn't give him a pass for all of the dodgy stuff he's posted here over the years. I know he's your mate, but it ill becomes you to turn a blind eye to all that.
I said nothing about any of these "mates". Casually Brown pretended that I had and then made up some secret mission lie which Liamo ran with. I thought it was clear from his posts that he takes these "mates" for fucking mugs and he feels that his real affinity is with the nazis. His posting history bears this out. He completely ignored the bit in my post about normal fans. Exactly the sort of dishonest shit he has spammed the boards with on thread after thread for months at a time. Or for years as in the case of the Syria thread.

The only person here who has said they were all nazis was him when he said he was "in the company of 4000 fash" at one game he went to. That was a lie as well. Probably a cup game so a much higher number of nazis than usual but also more normal and visiting fans than usual. The Kaiserslautern game I mentioned had 10000 attendance for instance. He watches nazi hooli vids for fun so probably just got carried away, like a teenager meeting their favourite band.

Casually Brown said:
Germany isn't safe for women any more . Neithers Sweden . Are refugees the only people with rights ?
This is the level of hysterical shit he's been pushing here, c+p'd from whatever fash/'alt-right'/conspiraloon source he's wired into.

sunny nazis.jpg

e2a: bits
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