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The Alt-Right

I actually would like to move him from some of his more 'old-fashioned' opinions. I can only hope to do this from a position of respect for his current position and as a result of reasoned debate. You, like so many politically retarded 'lefties', seem to think that casting disgusting personal slurs at someone because they hold a different viewpoint to you is the way to go. How successful has this strategy been for the Left in Ireland or Britain?.
So calling women "groundsheet's", posting reams of homophobic shite (gays with creepy smiles) is just "old-fashioned" is it? Crap. He's posted plenty of homophobic, misogynistic and racist shite on this board, let alone the flood of sewage posted elsewhere (with plenty of examples given by multiple posters).

It's one thing to recognise that people (including ourselves) may/will hold some prejudices but at the same time that doesn't mean they should simply be dismissed as racists/homophobes/sexists. It's quite another to try and pretend that someone who's come out with a mountain of homophobic/misogynistic/racist shit over the years, and indeed continues to do so, is just "old-fashioned". There's a point at which the wanker coming out with such shit has to be told to fuck off. CR went past that point some time ago, that you (and others) keep on defending him after the filth he's posted just means that you're getting your own hands dirty.
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For Fucks sake. Can this stop now please it's insane, why not start a separate 'why I think CR is a nazi' thread, that could be revived every few days /weeks with more of same for everyone interested in discussing that.
So while you're all for calling out the racists/homophobes/sexists/fascists around Trump (or even those not so around him), when people tackle a member of this community on their behaviour it's insane/boring.
I don't think this sort of thing is ok. Do you?
Why is nobody calling this behaviour out. Maybe it's just 'old fashioned'.

I have done my best to keep out of this but you are some fuckin wierdo, obsessive,

I have fundamental differences with Casually Red on a whole host of issues - some of which actually lead to real people getting real bullets in the head (republican politics/the 'peace process'), some of which are not so dangerous, but still deeply heartfelt by both parties (gay marriage, abortion etc) - but I am happy to debate and discuss these with him, whether over a pint or a cup of tea. I have consistently done this with many hundreds of people I have worked and socialised with over the years. That is what anybody on the Left, that's actually worth a fuck, does

I have never once resorted to calling him a Fascist or racist, for a host of reasons.

1. I know he is neither.

2. I actually would like to move him from some of his more 'old-fashioned' opinions. I can only hope to do this from a position of respect for his current position and as a result of reasoned debate. You, like so many politically retarded 'lefties', seem to think that casting disgusting personal slurs at someone because they hold a different viewpoint to you is the way to go. How successful has this strategy been for the Left in Ireland or Britain?

Most posters on here are prepared to debate the issues being discussed at the time. But not you. You sit there, lurking, like some sad, billy-no-mates, obsessive til you think suffcient head of steam has built up for you to weigh in. Never mind cross-thread trolling, you think it is OK to cross-bulletin board troll. You must have spent countless hours trawling through other Boards looking for 'dirt' on CR. Grow up, you cunt.

People like CR are not the problem for the left. Squalid little internet warriors like you are. Running round for 30 years denouncing everybody who does not agree with you? How much influence do wankstains like you have in working-class communities? Fuck all. You are nothing but one more pathetic, delusional, right-on, elitist, holier than thou cunt - dictating from some imaginary moral high ground to all and sundry how they should think/feel - and behaving like a child with a slapped arse when people won't buckle to your pathetic attempts at bullying. You fuckin stalker. I would not cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire.

I know CR. I have known him for a long time. I know him and all belonged to him. They are good people, who hold a very broad range of political views - but all, essentially, of the left. They have shown that over several generations.

You, on the other hand? Who the fuck are you?

Are you copliker or actually a cop? Seriously, who knows you? Never mind CR, who will vouch for you? Are you actually a real person, with a real political track record?

Come on. You are better than this. His shit isn't just 'old fashioned'; he has a long and inglorious history of sexist, racist, misogynistic and homophobic posts, here. At least be honest about your mate's failings, or you run the risk of appearing to endorse them.
Me 10 years ago. White Power Tshirt Thread.

me said:
The bar next to my flat in berlin had its windows smashed and was daubed with anti nazi graffiti shortly before I moved in, apparently because nazis were starting to use it. My flatmate doesn't believe that nazis would come anywhere near the area for fear of a hiding in the first place, but other antifa types tell me that they're getting a bit more confident, can be seen around the area, (I haven't seen any) and aren't 'encouraged' to leave as much as they used to be, (or still are in other areas like Kreuzberg.)
A bit prophetic really. Various factors were combining to lead to less of a zero tolerance attitude towards nazis, and also how they were presenting themselves and organising. I didn't know it then but it was BFC Dynamo hoolis trying to move into the area. The pub didn't reopen for years.

Casually Brown 10 years ago on the other hand...

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casually obsessed gays pt2.jpg

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bimble - Casually Brown is pro-Duterte and has made it clear that he's perfectly ok with summary execution, torture, rape, mass murder, you name it. It's grand.
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I have done my best to keep out of this but you are some fuckin wierdo, obsessive,

I have fundamental differences with Casually Red on a whole host of issues - some of which actually lead to real people getting real bullets in the head (republican politics/the 'peace process'), some of which are not so dangerous, but still deeply heartfelt by both parties (gay marriage, abortion etc) - but I am happy to debate and discuss these with him, whether over a pint or a cup of tea. I have consistently done this with many hundreds of people I have worked and socialised with over the years. That is what anybody on the Left, that's actually worth a fuck, does
Yep, and some people are just dicks and not worth the effort.

Now he is your mate and you have decided he is, but most of us don't know him in real life, just his persona on here. Cards fully on the table, I probably have less of an issue with CR than many other posters. In fact he actually makes me laugh occasionally. I also have no idea if he is mates with a bunch of fascists in Germany or not. I am also not the sort of person to go trawling through someone's old posts locking for the magic bullet. But there are examples on here of CR posting stuff that is sexist, homophobic and rasciat, including anti-Semitic remarks.

You have not denied this, just describing his views as old fashioned. Also neither he nor you have denied that the posts copliker has cross posted from another board are also by him. This would imply that he actually tones his views down when posting on here.

You are right that people on the left have to talk to people who are more right wing than them, otherwise what is the fucking point. But is is also generally more productive to talk to people who you have some common ground with. Now you know him, so your perception is no doubt different, but I really don't see much common ground at all. That's true of a lot of posters on here I otherwise find likable or amusing. But they tend not to post rasciat, homophobic etc stuff, but CR does. I'm not going to go on about Urabn having to be a safe space or anything. But I shouldn't have to come on here and read shit like that, or long arguments about it. People have to deal with this crap in their daily lives. Urban should be somewhere we don't have to. Certainly not from a longstanding and regular poster.
You tell me. Cos this was your response to my post at the time . You opined at length at how you knew why that was, but now years later youve become bewildered and you're " all confused " .

Why anarchism as a method of action doesn't work.

Btw you were talking shite in that post too .

Nice attempt to recontextualise something I said to fit your schema, but as usual you're flailing in the hope of landing a punch.
If you go back and look at what was said you'll note I was arguing with Butchersapron . Back in the days before I put him on ignore because he wound me up that much . Me getting virulent and losing the rag like that about the subject i was discussing was the reason he went on ignore . Because it was infecting every thread . That's why there was virulence . A loss of patience with someone following me around the forum incessantly winding me up . His stalker boy mate took up were he left off .

You've probably forgotten that important bit of context but that's what happens when an obsessive drags up a thread from 5 and a half fucking years ago .

You mean like you dragged up a post from five and a half years ago in post # 1233 of this thread, you weird obsessive? :D :D :D Sauce for the goose, CR. Sauce for the goose.
Liamo paid cash money to see Galloway talk last year, and the other tragic case is a middle-aged homosexuality-obsessed self-confessed consumer of nazi hooli videos. Neither of them even realised there'd been a national campaign against water charges running for years in Ireland until I told them about it just as it concluded so I don't think anyone needs lectures from either of them on how to do working class politics or anything else tbh. They are away with the fairies. Liamo has his one post. Yes we know you were in red action once upon a time. He has a laugh at the stupid backward prods every year as well I suppose. No trendy social worker treatment for them funny enough. Casually Brown has had a very easy ride here. The sheer volume of genuinely weird abusive and reactionary shit he has spammed this place with - 20 fucking thousand posts - has led to people abandoning wrecked threads or zoning him out, and then on the very rare occasions he gets responded to, not having the guts or brains to defend himself, he starts whinging about 'stalking'. I did not like krtek as a poster one bit, but knowing he was mentally unwell, this pair of dicks doubleteamed him day in day out for months until he left. How was that for 'stalking'.

Anyway, I hope at least some people found my basic post on Berlin nazis useful or interesting in some way. It's plain that any more posts about it are just going to get swamped in shit so what would be the point.

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copliker Here is a short list of the speakers I have gone along to see/listen to in my local area - usually in the same venue a few hundred yards from my front door - over the last few years.

Linda Ervine (PUP) - several times.
Ann Cadwallader (Author of Lethal Allies - British Collusion in Ireland)
George Galloway
Arthur Scargill
Noel Lyttle (UVF ex-Prisoner)
An ex-Alliance MP (whose name escapes me) who was also an ex-UDR Major
John Lonergan (ex-Governor of Mountjoy Prison)
Fr Peter McVerry (Campaigner for/defender of the homeless)
Gareth Pierce
Danny Kennedy (UUP)
Dominic Bradley (SDLP)
IRA Escapees (and attempted escapees)
Laurence McKeown (Author and former Hunger-striker)
A Belfast filmaker who worked with Ken Loach on 'I, Daniel Blake)

I also spent a long and very interesting night in the same venue in the company of an ex-british army Captain (now a Pastor) and his corporal who were in command of the Newry checkpoint when it was blown sky high by the IRA; an ex-RUC man who was involved in the investigation (he did not talk much) and the IRA Volunteer who was (allegedly) in charge of the IRA unit on the night.

To the best of my recollection all of these talks were free of charge. The Galloway one certainly was.

But I would gladly have paid to listen to each and any of them. Scargill was a particualrly fascinating afternoon.

I think they represent a fairly broad range of political opinion. I also spent 2 entertaining hours in Dublin listening to Jordan Belfort 'the Wolf of Wall street' (long before the film came out). Are you seriously suggesting that going along to listen to these people means I uncritically support each, or any, of them? You fuckin binary wierdo.
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You, on the other hand? Who the fuck are you?

Are you copliker or actually a cop? Seriously, who knows you? Never mind CR, who will vouch for you? Are you actually a real person, with a real political track record?

taps watch... but does not hold breath.
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Whether it was free or not, I just do not give a fucking fuck.
Looking forward to hearing Gorgeous George, upfront and personal, at a local venue next Tuesday. He is speaking after a showing of 'The Killings of Tony Blair'.

Anybody got any questions they would like me to ask him? :hmm:
You don't care about the thread and out of respect for everyone else here, I'm not interested in helping you or your freak mate fuck it up even more, so why not find someone else to bore to tears.

head hands ny.jpg

e2a: As it matters so much, Galloway did charge mugs €5 for his Dubbelin gig.
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Whether it was free or not, I just do not give a fucking fuck.

So why tell the porkie then? Twice. If you don't give a fuck?

Just one more lie you deliberately told - and repeated - before wriggling then? Lightweight cunt.

As for the thread? You and yours had it well fucked long before I arrived.
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e2a: As it matters so much, Galloway did charge mugs €5 for his Dubbelin gig.

I see you edited your post. Again.

So you cite as 'evidence' that I paid "cash money" to see Galloway, on my own doorstep, the fact that some outfit called SAH ( as in NOT Galloway, but some film club) charged 5 yo-yo's for an event 60 miles away? An event that apparently took place on the same date at the same time (maybe GGG can be in two places at the same time?).

Desperate, lying gobshite.
I see you edited your post. Again.

So you cite as 'evidence' that I paid "cash money" to see Galloway, on my own doorstep, the fact that some outfit called SAH ( as in NOT Galloway, but some film club) charged 5 yo-yo's for an event 60 miles away? An event that apparently took place on the same date at the same time (maybe GGG can be in two places at the same time?).

Desperate, lying gobshite.
Stop this personal abuse please.
Stop this personal abuse please.

How is callin a liar a liar personal abuse?

This is not the first thread he has stunk up with his peurile, pathetic trolling of another poster.

He has come on this thread, not just cross-thread trolling but cross bulletin-board/cross fuckin DECADE trolling!

The Alt-Right

I understand you have to have rules. Maybe you should try applying them - equally.
They Are no different . They are the same fucking sickness. The same cancer .

It is no coincidence that their modern identity politics prominence ....dominance of discourse..coincides with...for the first time ever in global history ..one percent of the world owning over 50 per cent of the worlds wealth . Thats not a fucking coincidence . Its not an accident It's the result of a fucking cancer on the left . A fucking cancer . Socialism has been slaughtered . This utter shite is the detritus in its wake , a parasite on socialisms back . Its Racism..a cancer posing under " right on " identity . They fucking despise and disparage whites . They can't even hide it . They feed the likes of tommy robinsonsin et al . All the fascists have to do is quote their racist, identitarian shite verbatim to encourage race separation . It's fucking racism.
The means of production and the ownership of them...? A million miles away, and probably the wrong colour to be worried about .

Fuck this shite .


I went back to page 28 because I remembered just how much it fucking annoyed me but we all left it unchallenged....yet, here we all are remembering CR's own long 'identitist' history of posting racist, homophobic, sexist bullshit...we also have people here making excuses for it and he still posts this crap like he's got it all going on. He is vouched for and pronounced truly of the left!

Yet, and relation to the post quoted, a WOC called out White women who support the Altright/White Supremacism and this was the response. A critique of the left, accusations of racism, that 'They despise and disparage whites'. Bullshit. The likes of CR are the very reason people can't/won't solely focus on the class struggle above all else. We repeatedly have to deal with his ilk implicitly and explicitly . Stop asking us to take one for the 'team' by ignoring this shit. :(

It's like when Cheesy fan-girling for Milo and Prison planet amongst others, rocked up all indignant because she learnt that one WOC in Canada hated White people and Cheesy demanded every POC on Urban prostrate ourselves to her and apologise whilst simultaneously denouncing the BLM movement. :D :mad: She felt vulnerable because one person doesn't worship at her alter? Privilege is as it does and can fuck the fuck off.
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