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The 2011 Census, good or bad?

Census Good or Bad

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No, wouldn't say you were wrong. We would actually say that we don't care to discuss simple numerical tautologies with you so long as you carry on giving whole-hearted support to the systematic dismantling of the welfare state.

I don't support the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, I think there should be a basic safety net for everyone. This should include state health insurance, and basic benefits for the unemployed. Those with genuine disabilities (as opposed to all the people faking bad backs, or depression) should be given enough money to have an enjoyable standard of living.
I don't support the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, I think there should be a basic safety net for everyone. This should include state health insurance, and basic benefits for the unemployed. Those with genuine disabilities (as opposed to all the people faking bad backs, or depression) should be given enough money to have an enjoyable standard of living.

You're propping up those who are ideologically opposed to a welfare state and enabling them to dismantle it. Same difference, frankly.
I just tried the online version

It asks you to describe the work you do in your main job, but only gives you 34 characters to do so.

I could just fit in "A wide variety of tasks including."
I just tried the online version

It asks you to describe the work you do in your main job, but only gives you 34 characters to do so.

I could just fit in "A wide variety of tasks including."


That's true in the written one too, though. All a bit silly really.
I don't support the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, I think there should be a basic safety net for everyone. This should include state health insurance, and basic benefits for the unemployed. Those with genuine disabilities (as opposed to all the people faking bad backs, or depression) should be given enough money to have an enjoyable standard of living.

You don't think depression can have a catastrophic effect on someone's life?
You underestimate just how single-minded this forum board is in blaming the Lib Dems for all the worlds ills. I could say 1 + 1 = 2 and they would still contest it on the basis that i'm a party member.
given you devote so much time and effort to spinning (badly)for a Party that's complicit in shafting us all, isn't that "fair's fair"?
I've been depressed, and during that time I could hardly get dressed, or get out of bed, I was having suicidal thoughts and urges constantly, etc. I agree that having employment (or whatever) can help with depression a lot more than being stuck at home, but given that your party seems determined to cut services, including mental health services, and lay of thousands of people leading to more depression, alcoholism and other mental health problems, I don't see it having a positive impact to be honest, to say the fucking least.
For that matter, a bad back can be utterly debilitating and is something that genuinely happens to an awful lot of people. Dismissing them as "fakes" reveals the utter contempt moon23 has for the population at large. And yet he wants us to happily engage in chitchat with him on his terms. Fuck that.
I don't support the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, I think there should be a basic safety net for everyone. This should include state health insurance, and basic benefits for the unemployed. Those with genuine disabilities (as opposed to all the people faking bad backs, or depression) should be given enough money to have an enjoyable standard of living.

Except that they are not are they? Jesus you are sickening. No doubt you were saying exactly the opposite before the last election on people's doorsteps, to get them to vote for yo, because your party has no principles. At least the tories have principles (even though they are completely wrong and evil ones). Your party has no principles except to get into power and to lie and say whatever bullshit will make this more likely (except that you will not because everyone has seen through your parties lies now).
Except that they are not are they? Jesus you are sickening. No doubt you were saying exactly the opposite before the last election on people's doorsteps, to get them to vote for yo, because your party has no principles. At least the tories have principles (even though they are completely wrong and evil ones). Your party has no principles except to get into power and to lie and say whatever bullshit will make this more likely (except that you will not because everyone has seen through your parties lies now).

Sorry this is absolute bollocks, the party has principles which is why we have pushed consistently for things like equal marriages, civil liberties, opposition to the Iraq war etc.
For that matter, a bad back can be utterly debilitating and is something that genuinely happens to an awful lot of people. Dismissing them as "fakes" reveals the utter contempt moon23 has for the population at large. And yet he wants us to happily engage in chitchat with him on his terms. Fuck that.

Again, I said those who fake these injuries. I know people with geniune bad backs and it can be utterly debilitating. I also know of people who generally fake such illnesses. To such an extent to which they complain that it's getting worse before their assesment is up to play the system. They then just chuck their expensive pain killers they get for free from the NHS into the bin. This isn't right kabbes.

All I'm saying is that we need to create a benefit system that helps those who are actually in need, rather than one that allows cheats and scum to drain public funds so there is less for those in actual need.
Again, I said those who fake these injuries. I know people with geniune bad backs and it can be utterly debilitating. I also know of people who generally fake such illnesses. To such an extent to which they complain that it's getting worse before their assesment is up to play the system. They then just chuck their expensive pain killers they get for free from the NHS into the bin. This isn't right kabbes.

All I'm saying is that we need to create a benefit system that helps those who are actually in need, rather than one that allows cheats and scum to drain public funds so there is less for those in actual need.

Who is the scum here btw?
Tuition fees as well. Lol.

Labour introduced the bloody things, but the NUS didn't give a flying shit then because their senior officials where all trying to be the next Stephen Twigg. Lib Dems have made the proposals fairer so you now only have to pay back tuition fees when you can afford too.
You read what it's symptoms are and observe the behaviour of people who are depressed. You then mimetic these symptoms when talking to any health professional.

That isn't what you said at first is it?

Those with genuine disabilities (as opposed to all the people faking bad backs, or depression)

Doesn't that imply that depression isn't a genuine disibility?
Labour introduced the bloody things, but the NUS didn't give a flying shit then because their senior officials where all trying to be the next Stephen Twigg. Lib Dems have made the proposals fairer so you now only have to pay back tuition fees when you can afford too.

That's why you're being rewarded so.
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