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Carol Vorderman... good or bad?

Carol Vorderman does a really good maths course for kids that my daughter did.

Unfortunately that means that Google now keeps suggesting I look at stories about her "flaunting her curves in a tight pantsuit" or read about her polyamorous relationships. Fair play to her but I'm not that bothered really.

To be fair to Google now that I think about it those have stopped recently and been replaced by people visiting local fish and chip shops, or working a shift in McDonald's. Must have bought a takeaway or something.
She seems to be giving it both barrels to Nadhim Zahawi when she is rolled out for comment

And threatening to go noisy on Lady Mone apparently
She looks like a warning about too much plastic surgery, if you ask me.
That was my reaction when I saw a clip of her from the other day. First time I'd seen her in years and she looked a lot less like herself. Plastic surgery takes away the parts that allow others to recognise us as us even as we age, put on/lose weight, etc. I'm pretty good at facial recognition, but plastic surgery removes the cues. It saddens me a bit when I see someone going down that route because I can see how you might feel the need to keep on going once you've started.

So to sum up, do we like Carol Vorderman? What does urban reckon? And shouldn't this thread have a mathematically complicated poll with percentages and decimal points in it instead of the basic "good" or "bad" options suggested in the title?

So to sum up, do we like Carol Vorderman? What does urban reckon? And shouldn't this thread have a mathematically complicated poll with percentages and decimal points in it instead of the basic "good" or "bad" options suggested in the title?
It's complex.
I remember her Countdown maths with fondness, albeit bittersweet. A bit like watching a Polanski film. They're still good. But, you know. Not the same.
I've knocked one out to her in my time and always thought she was a bit of a sort but now she looks like a fucked up barbie doll, too plasticky looking and lollipop head. why don't natural beautiful women leave well alone and fuck off those dodgy surgeons. They make lots of money and you end up looking like a freakshow mess.
That was my reaction when I saw a clip of her from the other day. First time I'd seen her in years and she looked a lot less like herself. Plastic surgery takes away the parts that allow others to recognise us as us even as we age, put on/lose weight, etc. I'm pretty good at facial recognition, but plastic surgery removes the cues. It saddens me a bit when I see someone going down that route because I can see how you might feel the need to keep on going once you've started.
I'm more or less faceblind (well, historically very faceblind but improving due to having to recognise hundreds of different people in my job) and I think she looks very nice. It hadn't occurred to me that she'd had plastic surgery.
I've knocked one out to her in my time and always thought she was a bit of a sort but now she looks like a fucked up barbie doll, too plasticky looking and lollipop head. why don't natural beautiful women leave well alone and fuck off those dodgy surgeons. They make lots of money and you end up looking like a freakshow mess.

Well, you sound like a lovely person, not a nasty laddish dick at all.
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