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Carol Vorderman... good or bad?

There were a bunch of different aspects of her 2010 Question Time appearance which drew criticism.

Placing most of those to one side for a moment, I note that one of her loud complaints on that show was about political corruption, grubby scandals involving money and tax affairs, etc. The way she put some of it, the fact the tories got her in at that time to advise about some policy regarding maths, and the fact it was the dying days of a Labour regime that was long associated with sleaze combined to make her point seem rather partisan. Her 'they are all as bad as eachother' lines in that context came across more as an attack on the Labour government, and a downplaying of the Lord Ashcroft non-dom scandal, at the time than a genuine plague on all their houses.

But given that a lot of her complaints in recent months about tories has involved the same sort of sleaze and corruption, I find it quite likely that this sort of stuff winds her up no matter which party it involves, and that it is not surprising to find her speaking out about this stuff and drawing attention to various details.
CV is a well known member of Mensa, which I have always associated with eugenics. But oddly, CV is also a spokesperson for the Cleft Lip and Palate Association because her brother suffers from the condition.
CV is a well known member of Mensa, which I have always associated with eugenics. But oddly, CV is also a spokesperson for the Cleft Lip and Palate Association because her brother suffers from the condition.
She's a diamond!
Really? Why?
Intelligence testing has a fairly dodgy history, but Mensa International was started by eugenicists in 1946 (hint, hint) to encourage the right sort to breed together. The founder was an avowed phrenology expert.

Google comes up with interesting recent articles, which convey exactly why I think it's a honeytrap for elitist misanthropes.
Comedian infiltrates Mensa, discovers hive of IQ-obsessed alt-right dorks
Jamie Loftus, the Comedian Who Infiltrated Mensa
Intelligence testing has a fairly dodgy history, but Mensa International was started by eugenicists in 1946 (hint, hint) to encourage the right sort to breed together. The founder was an avowed phrenology expert.

Google comes up with interesting recent articles, which convey exactly why I think it's a honeytrap for elitist misanthropes.
Comedian infiltrates Mensa, discovers hive of IQ-obsessed alt-right dorks
Jamie Loftus, the Comedian Who Infiltrated Mensa
I can't access either of those links. No reason given but it isn't because of internet problems else I wouldn't be posting this now.

Eta: I can now,
Intelligence testing has a fairly dodgy history, but Mensa International was started by eugenicists in 1946 (hint, hint) to encourage the right sort to breed together. The founder was an avowed phrenology expert.

Google comes up with interesting recent articles, which convey exactly why I think it's a honeytrap for elitist misanthropes.
Comedian infiltrates Mensa, discovers hive of IQ-obsessed alt-right dorks
Jamie Loftus, the Comedian Who Infiltrated Mensa
Yes its dodgy and every persons association with it should be explored each time. But still not a reliable guide as to the stance on such matters that every individual member actually holds.
I didn't know that about Mensa. I've always just assumed that it was for general twats rather than twats with any particular political agenda.

Definitely twats though - who else would join a 'look how smart I am' club?
Intelligence testing has a fairly dodgy history, but Mensa International was started by eugenicists in 1946 (hint, hint) to encourage the right sort to breed together. The founder was an avowed phrenology expert.

Google comes up with interesting recent articles, which convey exactly why I think it's a honeytrap for elitist misanthropes.
Comedian infiltrates Mensa, discovers hive of IQ-obsessed alt-right dorks
Jamie Loftus, the Comedian Who Infiltrated Mensa
You could say that about contraception too.
I didn't know that about Mensa. I've always just assumed that it was for general twats rather than twats with any particular political agenda.

Definitely twats though - who else would join a 'look how smart I am' club?
Creationist "professor and science researcher" Ian Juby wears his "super-high IQ" like so many others their mail-order or irrelevant or simply mediocre PhDs ...

and being an attractive woman. I think we can conclude she probably wouldn't have had such a long career as tabloid fodder if she'd been a balding man.

I think Andrew Tate would probably have been booted off Countdown very early on.
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