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  • WPGB

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • LP

    Votes: 20 74.1%

  • Total voters
This is like offering a turkey the choice of Christmas or Thanksgiving. Despite my joy at the discomfort provided to the Labour Party of the Rochdale result I wouldn't vote for the WPGB. If it were on pain of death I'd vote for Labour's generally useless and spineless but not actively misogynistic and transphobic local non entity, in reality I won't go near either.
It's WPB, not WPGB, I think that acronym's still being saved for the inevitable split.

And yeah, obviously spunking cock is the correct choice here, with the boring footnote that it'd probably depend on what seat: if I had the opportunity to vote for Zarah Sultana, John McDonnell, Richard Burgon, maybe a handful of other half-decent ones who've not been expelled yet although not many names come to mind, I'd probably grudgingly take that. Otherwise, probably just shoot me.
This is like offering a turkey the choice of Christmas or Thanksgiving. Despite my joy at the discomfort provided to the Labour Party of the Rochdale result I wouldn't vote for the WPGB. If it were on pain of death I'd vote for Labour's generally useless and spineless but not actively misogynistic and transphobic local non entity, in reality I won't go near either.

I don't like Turkey.
My Labour MP is a useless puddle of piss who I won't be voting for. I couldn't, however, vote for the kind of shit GG put out in Rochdale (on the rare occasions he wasn't talking about Gaza). Nasty, right-wing bollocks. And local candidate they got would almost definitely be one variety of loon or another too. In the incredibly unlikely event of an actually decent human being being chosen for/by them I might just be able to bring myself to vote for them.

Hopefully we'll get someone decent, local and not a bigot to stand against the spineless ones.
I am annoyed by the fact that, as a member of the Labour Party in England, I am not allowed to have much of a say in its policies. I am not allowed to propose, debate, or vote for any Motion on the war in the Gaza Strip, or on re-instating Jeremy Corbyn as a member of the PLP.

Were I a member of the Workers Party of Britain, I would have no more rights within that party; in fact I would have fewer. Were I member of the WPB and wanted to be a Paliamentary canidate, I would be required to put up some of my own money.
I am a member of the Labour Party, but I will be spoiling my ballot paper. I could not vote for a candidate who has nothing to say as crimes against humanity are committed in the Gaza Strip with the support of the UK.

I may campaign for a left-wing Labour candidate in another constituency who condemns the Gaza Strip atttocities.
There should be an option for a squad of lentil eaters to team up after a pungent bean curry, and fill the polling stations with vile flatulence on a rolling basis, to suppress the vote for all options.

Appreciate that’s probably difficult to get past the character limit on a poll option. And probably these days they’d get charged with terrorist offences.
Seriously, I can see why some are tempted to vote WPB against an incumbent right-wing shit MP.

Having sat through Galloway’s racial dog whistling and proud Tory vote in the Scottish elections of 2021, and following his latest grotesque opportunism on ‘stop the boats’, fuck that. Spoiled paper in lieu of anyone better.
Surely aubergine feet are the better option. Maybe I could walk with them, maybe I couldn't, but lots of people live with restricted mobility. Not being able to use my hands would restrict my life far more.
Maybe one for another thread.

I certainly wouldn't want to be responsible for disrupting the important political discussion on the subject of Galloway's latest vanity project.
Although it is mildly amusing to watch Galloway outflank the established parties I have a strict no scum policy when it comes to associates. In line with that policy I would not be able to support GG. I think many in the labour party are wrong headed but I don't believe all of them tick the scum box.
Wouldn't you vote Labour despite their support for Israel's actions?

I live in what has always been a very safe Tory seat, so I tend to vote Green to register my concerns on environmental issues, and in failed attempts to help them save their deposits.

However, due to a major shift in the demographics, combined with the shit show of recent years, it has become a marginal, so whilst I am not happy with Labour's position on Gaza, and much more, as the least worst option, I'll hold my nose and vote for them.
Labour obviously, there are reasons to be happy with them and reasons to be less than unhappy with them, however it is going to be either them or the Tories that win the next election. Voting for WPB or various protest candidates is just that a protest that may make you feel better but will have no actual effect on anything so you might as well stay home. Without electoral reform which doesn't look even remotely likely then if you live in a marginal constituency (which is going to be a lot more than normal this time) then you have to decide which of the pair you want.
Labour obviously, there are reasons to be happy with them and reasons to be less than unhappy with them, however it is going to be either them or the Tories that win the next election. Voting for WPB or various protest candidates is just that a protest that may make you feel better but will have no actual effect on anything so you might as well stay home. Without electoral reform which doesn't look even remotely likely then if you live in a marginal constituency (which is going to be a lot more than normal this time) then you have to decide which of the pair you want.
What are the reasons to be happy?
What are the reasons to be happy?
They'll get rid of the current shower is the main one and personally I'm still hopeful that once they get into office some of the things dropped out of their manifesto will reappear under pressure from the backbenches as it were.
Much of government these days is reacting to things that happen outside of it, I have a feeling a Labour Govt will (and I expect various posters to disagree with me here) will probably react in a less dogmatic and ideological one than the current Tory govt.
They'll get rid of the current shower is the main one and personally I'm still hopeful that once they get into office some of the things dropped out of their manifesto will reappear under pressure from the backbenches as it were.
Much of government these days is reacting to things that happen outside of it, I have a feeling a Labour Govt will (and I expect various posters to disagree with me here) will probably react in a less dogmatic and ideological one than the current Tory govt.
as they say, you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.
You can find many a Labour Party member who has contempt for Starmer's political positions. You cannot find any members of the WPB who have contempt for thos of Galloway. The WPB is a sect.
just being a member of the party is starting to look a bit worthy of contempt in itself.
They'll get rid of the current shower is the main one and personally I'm still hopeful that once they get into office some of the things dropped out of their manifesto will reappear under pressure from the backbenches as it were.
Much of government these days is reacting to things that happen outside of it, I have a feeling a Labour Govt will (and I expect various posters to disagree with me here) will probably react in a less dogmatic and ideological one than the current Tory govt.
"once they get into office some of the things dropped out of their manifesto will reappear under pressure from the backbenches as it were."

There is no political precedent for this. The Labour Party has a history of moving to the right in office, and failing to implement policies in its manifesto that could be described as left-wing. The pressure of office drives social democratic governments to the right. The backbenches of the next Labour government will be more right-wing than now. Blair pushed ahead with a number of things in the face of large backbench revolts (for many of which George Galloway was absent from the Commons).

What we may see is a growth of the far right, as a reaction to the betrayals of the Labour government.
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