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Carol Vorderman... good or bad?

and being an attractive woman. I think we can conclude she probably wouldn't have had such a long career as tabloid fodder if she'd been a balding man.
Mostly for being smart, though. Originally there was another woman to do the letters while smiling a lot and CV just came in for the numbers. Later she did both.
she's certainly been very smart about using her appearance to her advantage, with the tabloids and now in the social media age - all power to her.
I think the gimmick was “attractive woman who can add up”

Which played against the you can be smart or attractive not both spiritus mundi of the mid eighties
Sort of. I actually think she was probably not considered glamorous at first, hence the other woman to do the letters.
I had no preconceptions about Carol Vorderman other than admiration for her calculation skills, and when she started pushing anti-Tory tactical voting I assumed she was straightforwardly a good egg.

But this tweet makes me wonder about her critical faculties. In a few years time, she might be quite far down some rabbit hole or other.

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