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Tareena Shakil - convicted of membership of Islamic State

Really, you have to ask what good it would do the child to be separated from a parent who whipped him off to a warzone and to join a death and rape cult?


Aye really, let's agree she was incredibly stupid and naive, but given what scarce info we have, here we have a woman and mother in an abusive relationship who was probably ripe for grooming and made an incredibly stupid mistake, realises her mistake and brings herself and bairn back to safety, she needs a really great kick up the arse for her stupidity, aye, but jailing?
Apart from anything else this will be a propaganda coup for Daesh.
Not really, AFAIK none of the Brinks Matt team took their kid to a war zone and offered him up as a child soldier.
Aye it's poor anology.

The Brink's-Mat robbery at the Heathrow International Trading Estate on 26 November 1983 saw a record £26 million (today approx £78 million) worth of gold bullion, diamonds and cash stolen from a warehouse. The bullion was the property of Johnson Matthey Bankers Ltd, which collapsed the following year after making large loans to fraudsters and insolvent firms. Many of the robbery gang were convicted, but the gold has never been recovered. Insurers Lloyd’s of London paid out for the losses. Several murders have been linked to the case, plus links established to the Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary over 30 years later in April 2015.
As I say a poor anology, let's try one incredibly stupid naive woman thinking a puritan Islamic society ( aye, I agree. Fascist death cult is nearer the mark) thinks that they offer a better future for her and her child than her current position?
You do have to take that current position into account, don't you?
Having said that, if the security forces announce her sentence is linked to ' information provided by the security forces, which can't be disclosed'
Then alls well and good, ain't it?
The underlying question though is whether seeking to join ISIS should be considered to be a crime...?

Its a facist death cult involved in terrorism slavery mass rape and massacres.
The correct answer is how many of them can we make dead?
Failing that being thrown in jail seems a reasonable alternative.
Combination of that and knowing it's years of jail if you ever return here...

Dumb has a price - and deciding that joining a 'state' whose reason for existance appears to be genocide, mass rape, subjugation and torture has a price. I hope they enjoy paying it, but if not... Meh..

I don't understand why anyone thinks its a good thing for these people to come back anyway - not only are they going to be a danger to our society when they are here, but while they are sat in ISland being disaffected they are unlikely to be trusted by IS to do any raping/killing etc.. they are taking up food supplies, they need watching by IS's internal security apparatus which takes resources away from looking for actual spies, and every Facebook post they send out saying 'its shit here, I wish I'd never come' degrades the appeal of IS.

Let's also recall that this woman has not ditched her ideology, she's merely decided that IS are not the body to move it forward. She is not a silly girl who has made a stupid mistake, she is a deeply committed, hardened, intelligent, determined individual looking for a different way of advancing that deeply unpleasant and very dangerous ideology.
Err, " look at how the infidels treat those lose faith in us?" that's just for starters, I have no doubt there are many in their ranks much clever than me who can twist it even further.
Big fucking deal. These are the cunts whose idea of propaganda is cutting peoples heads off on camera and torching them in cages. The last thing we need to worry about is how they may seek to interpret our justice system.
Its like signing up for the SS then execting expecting tea and sympathy itsa bit much; nobody with an iq above goldfish can seriously argue they didnt know what they were getting into.
Its like signing up for the SS then execting expecting tea and sympathy itsa bit much; nobody with an iq above goldfish can seriously argue they didnt know what they were getting into.
They executed John Amery for treason after the war for his role in the British SS volunteers.
They executed John Amery for treason after the war for his role in the British SS volunteers.
The British Free Corps. Set up rather late in the war and recruited from POW's, most of whom when captured by the allies, shat their pants and tried to claim that they were actually spying on the Germans from within. :facepalm:
There is a lot of vile salivating on this thread. My god - young mother fucks up. runs away from home in romantic huff about a purer way of life. Has she actually, personally assaulted anyone - not to my knowledge...in fact, despite all the waffle about agency, she appears to be a victim of both naivety and propaganda) and yet the fucking scorn and vilification on this thread just depresses me (as another, long ago young mother who also made some dire mistakes, including a lifetime of addiction).
And so, she posed with a big gun - you fucking arseholes, we are confronted with a whole fucking genre of male dominated gangster rap shite which is apparently OK. Would it have been OK if she raced off to join the PKK - I notice various threads rejoicing in female participation there...but hey, this is the wrong side so...
Right, I admit, I am a political naif and am not really up with all the jargon and justifications...but I do have compassion for a young woman caught between a rock and a hard place.
Maybe I am still bewildered by the whole mass assault, male muslim misogyny but I am afraid I am coming down far more on the side of a dimwitted female (did any of you read her accounts and the shock she had when her constructed fantasy turned sour?).
How's that? Her personally?

Comparing her to Hitler? This just makes you sound like a misogynist...and an over-reacting one at that.

eta - I saw her interview and yep, there were elements in it where I felt she had been coached to appear more remorseful, less in control...but the fact is, she lost control and agency the minute she stepped off the plane in Turkey...and has now simply become a propaganda tool for the British govt...and seemingly a handy stand-in for everyone else who wants to vent their spleen. I am not suggesting she is totally innocent but also I am not seeing a jail sentence as an appropriate response.
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How's that? Her personally?

Comparing her to Hitler? This just makes you sound like a misogynist...and an over-reacting one at that.

Go to Syria with your kid and appear in ISIS propaganda videos and you do two things:

1. lure others to come to Syria, where they stand a high chance of being killed. Meh to those fuckers.
2. scare the shit out of people in Syria, who flee, their corpses wash up in Turkey and Greece. Un-meh to those.

You seem to be concerned only if she used her hands to harm others, rather than giving a fuck about the harm her actions have caused.
They executed John Amery for treason after the war for his role in the British SS volunteers.

I must admit that my preference for those who return - or who fall into our hands - would begin with 'T' and be governed by the 1351 act...

Sadly the more traditional remedies are no longer considered appropriate, but life imprisonment in the emptiest corner at Belmarsh, where those involved can look forward to a lifetime of nothing, carries a certain justice.
There is a lot of vile salivating on this thread. My god - young mother fucks up. runs away from home in romantic huff about a purer way of life. Has she actually, personally assaulted anyone - not to my knowledge...in fact, despite all the waffle about agency, she appears to be a victim of both naivety and propaganda) and yet the fucking scorn and vilification on this thread just depresses me (as another, long ago young mother who also made some dire mistakes, including a lifetime of addiction).
And so, she posed with a big gun - you fucking arseholes, we are confronted with a whole fucking genre of male dominated gangster rap shite which is apparently OK. Would it have been OK if she raced off to join the PKK - I notice various threads rejoicing in female participation there...but hey, this is the wrong side so...
Right, I admit, I am a political naif and am not really up with all the jargon and justifications...but I do have compassion for a young woman caught between a rock and a hard place.
Maybe I am still bewildered by the whole mass assault, male muslim misogyny but I am afraid I am coming down far more on the side of a dimwitted female (did any of you read her accounts and the shock she had when her constructed fantasy turned sour?).

It's interesting how her femaleness is inevitably a big part of this story, whatever way you look at it. But that's true with women killers too, always much more exciting, partly just because statistically so much rarer but also all that stuff about us being gentle and nurturing types etc.
I thought it was the people with AKs.

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If ISIS propaganda had been all about liberation downplaying the reality it would be easier to accept she might.be a deluded romantic but they've positively celebrated what they did to the Yazidi etc so seems pretty certain she signed up for that.
Interesting to tie the dates concerned when she left - and the months leading up to it - with particular ISIS atrocities. i.e the period before and after october 2014.
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