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SWP expulsions and squabbles

Let me suggest that on this particular issue you are projecting the SWP's odd obsession with "proving" that working class men in no way benefit from the oppression of women onto the wider socialist left, when it is in fact a unique quirk. And that in a more general sense you are adopting a tendentious variant of a radfem analysis of the Marxist left.

Um no, the socialist party really do have a similar view about that, and the CPGB too, probably others. Tendentiousness in feminism just means you're doing it right. And especially if it comes to rape and assault, sorry to be so tendentious as to disapprove. Most feminists would and do disapprove of the rape apologism demonstrated by the SWP- scorn for that is mainstream in feminism now.
Suggestions that the delay may be to allow them to decide what to exclude at a CC meeting tonight. Not a claim based on any particular evidence, just an attempt to explain its non appearance.

Personally, I suspect they are doing it to increase the sense of occasion.

Some things have been removed from people's submissions with no warning. I'm trying to find out from other members of the faction how many others have been censored.
Um no, the socialist party really do have a similar view about that, and the CPGB too, probably others

This is false. The SWPs obsession with showing that working class men receive no benefit whatsoever from the oppression of women is a relic of a particular set of internal rows in the 70s and 80s. This is quite distinct from the more usual Marxist view that sexism is not ultimately in the interests of working class men because it divides the class and so makes the overthrow of capitalism much more difficult. That latter view does not preclude recognising the patently obvious benefits which accrue to many men in many circumstances.

Although, if your agenda is not actually to argue against a silly SWP dogma but instead to establish that "men" as an undifferentiated, trans global and ahistorical bloc possessed of collective agency are the cause of the oppression of "women" as a similar bloc, then of course these distinctions will seem minor. By the same standards, you will end up with all white people, including white women, as the cause and motor of racial oppression, all straight people as the cause of lgbt oppression, etc. And eventually everyone in the world is an oppressor except perhaps for one solitary third world migrant, mentally ill, physically disabled, black, working class transgendered lesbian. I will look forward to reading her tumblr blog about it.

Aargh said:
And especially if it comes to rape and assault, sorry to be so tendentious as to disapprove

And this is straightforwardly dishonest of you.
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This is false. The SWPs obsession with showing that working class men receive no benefit whatsoever from the oppression of women is a relic of a particular set of internal rows in the 70s and 80s.
and even that is a rather grossly simplistic misreading of their actual position (although there are some dumber members who, like rmp3, do actually say just that).
Finally got to the Moran piece. It's every bit as crazed as promised, and will, I suspect be regarded as a classic in years to come. The argument that she who sees the world from the proletarian standpoint can be trusted to judge the merits of a rape accusation against a friend without fear of bias will end up as an emblematic Corin Redgrave moment when the death of the SWP is discussed by future generations of socialists.
I believe that, at any given moment in time, it is possible for me to command and communicate about a standpoint that is as consciously proletarian as it is possible to achieve on this side of the end of capitalism.
what is this stuff? :confused:
Some of it reminds me of Orwell's Wigan Pier - "One sometimes gets the
impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards
them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer,
sex-maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist.


i need to re read it, but Stack sets a good tone.
Some things have been removed from people's submissions with no warning. I'm trying to find out from other members of the faction how many others have been censored.

Yes, I saw people on twitter saying that two opposition pieces were simply not carried.
Can Rhetta have a column in a national newspaper, she would become the third proletarian leg in our stool of intersectionality with Owen and Laurie
Pat Stack's article was quite amusing, particularly his Priest analogy. It's useful to remember that many of the stupid assumptions and attitudes of CC members are results of their cosseted isolation and arrogance more than marrow deep malice.
I liked this piece of dialectical thinking (excuse the dots, but it's easy enough to read)- the reason the rebellion happened was precisely because of the good leninist training that party had given the members, the training that his piece is actually a substantial critique of. Heads i win, tails you lose.

In part I.have.no.doubt.the.rebellion.was.greatly.aided.by.the.fact.that.for.the.first time in a long time we had recruited a large.number.of.young.members,.and.we.were.developing.an.impressive.young.cadre.completely.disinclined.to.blindly.following. orders. This was of course magnified by the nature.of.the.issue.itself
Did any of you ex SWP people actually know her, and was she always a total fruitcake?
Odly I only came across her after I left, but yes I head it said she has always been a bit out there. The fact she now seems to be a leading member is mind boggling. I repeat my earlier statement that this women should not have been allowed near any kind of disputes Committee.

Oh, while I cannot be certain I suspect the person referred to in anonymous's contribution as going on about the black panthers was her partner
I remember she declared the anti-EDL efforts in Bolton way back when a resounding victory in a meeting shortly afterwards. I had thought of her as one of the loyalist of the loyal at the time.
I knew her. She was a good friend to me and someone I admired - she was doing a phd raising a young child while being as politically active as she could manage. Doing a phd was not thought of (by others I recognise as loyalists) as being in the best interests of the swp at the time because it meant she wasn't so active. I have never thought of her as out there but it is nearly 20 yrs ago when I lived in Manchester. Her phd, for instance, is not written in the style of the proletarian standpoint.
It actually makes it more sad if she wasn't always a nut sandwich.

I see on Facebook by the way that SWP members have just been told that they sold 1,401 papers last week. Or less than 1 per 5 "members". The oppositionists seem genuinely surprised that they were given a precise number and even more surprised that they were apparently expected to be pleased about it.
Her phd, for instance, is not written in the style of the proletarian standpoint.

It's good that she can switch standpoints so fluidly

I mean one minute finding it possible to command and communicate about a standpoint that is as consciously proletarian as it is possible to achieve on this side of the end of capitalism and then the next, erm..not, must take some doing
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