Coming to terms with late onset Anarchism
The bard of South Norwood is on form....
Brittanica AD 43
The once mighty emperor Calinnicos is dying – his people deserting him disgusted at the long hidden debauchery of his generals.
To the west is the land of the TAAFFES who’s Emperor has forged an alliance with CROWNAN THE BARBARIAN to attack Germania.
Howver the warrior empress LYNDSAY of GERMANIA is betrothed to the renegade general REES who though no warrior is beguiling the people with fine wines and sweetmeats.
To the south King Andrew of BURGINDY seeks to unite the tribes enlisting the VENRABLE LOACH to talk of the old ways of the warriors of AD 45 led by THE INCLEMENT ATTLEE
To the north is the kingdom of Galloway the Inscrutable who seeks alliance with the Moors to be installed as the Great Moghul…….
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