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SWP expulsions and squabbles

Alex Callinicos, perhaps the only Trotskyist in whom genuine Marxist activists in India find some ‘cultural’ affinity.

Given the recent issues on rape that have been highlighted in India of late, I wonder what 'cultural' affinity they could be referring to?

Nothing to do with rape; it means they're all academics with aristocratic ancestors too...
Interesting vid steps, not trying to devalue this, but I'd like to have the opportunity to have a chat with those I had the misfortune to meet, dressed in blue, who broke into my house, sprayed a noxious chemical in my face, along with others who had a jolly good laugh at my expense as they drove me to A&E, and one particular psychopath in mind, who tightened hand-cuffs into my wrists, which were already badly swollen and infected, causing delirium.

They then returned me to my own home and left me alone (lack of "duty of care" here I believe) in a bedroom they had ransacked beforehand, with me in total despair thinking how could they legally do something like this?

The IPCC is a total waste of time, as any complaint made goes straight to the force you are making a complaint against and the solicitors I've contacted just don't want to know and the advice is 'take out a private prosecution'. How do I do that with the little money I have?

In my case, the whole justice system stinks, but It's good to see both participants in the above video having some closure at least. Me on the other hand is left here very angry, with, to be frank, my life in some ruin and a bleak future ahead of me, living in penury.

Sorry for the derail and I know I keep going on about this, but I feel I need to.

As you were,
The SWP have decided to ban any critics of their rape denial from the bedroom tax campaign

"The demo was built through the hard work of federation members and local people from housing schemes all across of the West of Scotland. The demo was peaceful and well stewarded, by volunteers from the federation and local groups and communities affected by the bedroom tax.

The West of Scotland Anti Bedroom Tax Federation condemns the actions of the people who tried to wreck Saturday's rally at George Square by attempting to heckle and silence an agreed speaker.

In doing so, they upset and endangered many of the general public who wished to hear the speaker especially children and disabled activists at the front of the rally.

We further condemn their false allegations against the stewards who responded in a professional and appropriate manner to help maintain a safe environment, a peaceful rally for all demonstrators.

We condemn the posting of video clips on social media, which endangers the personal safety of those involved in trying to maintain a peaceful protest.

The West of Scotland Anti- Bedroom Tax Federation strongly believes that any place where anti-bedroom tax campaigners come together to discuss, plan and protest against the bedroom tax must be a safe space for all people, free of harassment, bullying and intimidation. It is totally unacceptable to physically threaten or verbally abuse other activists, protestors and stewards.

Any individual or group that fails to uphold these basic standards of respectful behaviour will be asked not to attend future meeting and events, in order to ensure the safety of WoS Federation members and all those in attendance"
The SWP have decided to ban any critics of their rape denial from the bedroom tax campaign

"The demo was built through the hard work of federation members and local people from housing schemes all across of the West of Scotland. The demo was peaceful and well stewarded, by volunteers from the federation and local groups and communities affected by the bedroom tax.

The West of Scotland Anti Bedroom Tax Federation condemns the actions of the people who tried to wreck Saturday's rally at George Square by attempting to heckle and silence an agreed speaker.

In doing so, they upset and endangered many of the general public who wished to hear the speaker especially children and disabled activists at the front of the rally.

We further condemn their false allegations against the stewards who responded in a professional and appropriate manner to help maintain a safe environment, a peaceful rally for all demonstrators.

We condemn the posting of video clips on social media, which endangers the personal safety of those involved in trying to maintain a peaceful protest.

The West of Scotland Anti- Bedroom Tax Federation strongly believes that any place where anti-bedroom tax campaigners come together to discuss, plan and protest against the bedroom tax must be a safe space for all people, free of harassment, bullying and intimidation. It is totally unacceptable to physically threaten or verbally abuse other activists, protestors and stewards.

Any individual or group that fails to uphold these basic standards of respectful behaviour will be asked not to attend future meeting and events, in order to ensure the safety of WoS Federation members and all those in attendance"
oh dear oh dear.

like the state, the swp clearly can't be reformed from within.

i can't imagine many children wished to hear the drone of swappie speakers, and i'm fucking sure no disabled people did. they in all likelihood wished for nothing more than a pint in a nice warm pub: like so many other people will have done.
Interesting vid steps, not trying to devalue this, but I'd like to have the opportunity to have a chat with those I had the misfortune to meet, dressed in blue, who broke into my house, sprayed a noxious chemical in my face, along with others who had a jolly good laugh at my expense as they drove me to A&E, and one particular psychopath in mind, who tightened hand-cuffs into my wrists, which were already badly swollen and infected, causing delirium.

They then returned me to my own home and left me alone (lack of "duty of care" here I believe) in a bedroom they had ransacked beforehand, with me in total despair thinking how could they legally do something like this?

The IPCC is a total waste of time, as any complaint made goes straight to the force you are making a complaint against and the solicitors I've contacted just don't want to know and the advice is 'take out a private prosecution'. How do I do that with the little money I have?

In my case, the whole justice system stinks, but It's good to see both participants in the above video having some closure at least. Me on the other hand is left here very angry, with, to be frank, my life in some ruin and a bleak future ahead of me, living in penury.

Sorry for the derail and I know I keep going on about this, but I feel I need to.

As you were,

Although this might technically be a derail, I think it's perfectly OK to bring it up. I also haven't been aware of you mentioning it before, so I don't think you can be accused of going on about it.

I can only assume you're talking about being assaulted by the police in your own home, which I've fortunately never experienced, so I can only imagine (probably inadequately) how that might feel. We've already explored on this thread the problems with and imperfections of any system of justice, and when the accused perpetrators are already in a position of power, it's even more likely that the accusations won't be properly heard.

I'm not surprised you have found the IPCC is a waste of time - that's many people's experience - and taking out a private prosecution doesn't sound like much of an option either.

Sometimes, unfortunately, the legal system does not and cannot provide justice. Although this may sound dismissive, you may be better off not attempting to pursue legal avenues and just get on with trying to put your life back together as best you can with the help of those around you IRL and also here, if we can be of any help.

I hope this doesn't sound patronising - it's really not meant to - but without knowing you and a bit more about what's happened, it's difficult to know what else to say.
Yep, it is a problem going round and round in my head at the moment. There's a brief guardian article here that specifically argues that, in cases of doemestic violence, it can become a case of justice denied:

"An offender making reparation to a victim may be fine and noble. But to blur the line over punishment for partner abuse is reckless"

Women's Aid are certainly not convinced: http://www.womensaid.org.uk/domestic-violence-articles.asp?section=00010001002200070001&itemid=1185

"This definition clearly outlines why restorative justice is not appropriate for domestic violence cases. Restorative justice implies a position of equality and of equal bargaining power between two parties."

That's one view. I'll like to hear more for and against.

A fair amount of the extant data on systems of restorative justice point up that it's at its' most effective when the principles are taken up by an entire community. That creates a sense of reinforcement when the system is used, that goes a long way to not only legitimising the system in and to the community, but legitimating academic research and driving experiments on further use elsewhere. Imposing or quasi-imposing* restorative justice as a solution to anything is foolish. To attempt to do so where the power-relations between parties are so uneven as in situations of intra-familial violence actively worries me, because it is fraught with possibilities for coercion.

*Giving restorative justice as an option from an extremely limited palette, effectively saying "this or standard criminal justice".
Restorative rather than punitive justice sounds like a good idea, though there might be some situations where it isn't appropriate.

But isn't that a completely separate issue to the one of establishing the truth of an accusation, the guilt or otherwise of the accused?

It's the difference between the "verdict" and the "sentence". The latter only becomes an issue if a guilty verdict is reached.

"Restorative justice" generally refers to matters of established guilt, i.e. it's a "sentencing phase" consideration, not, in many cases, a replacement for due process. In some First Nations and Native American communities that have adopted restorative justice principles for punishing misdemeanour and some felony crimes, the restorative justice requested by the community can sometimes be more "harsh" than what a judge would award, but it's often constructively harsh, in that it can force an offender to confront their behaviour to the community within the community, whereas a prison sentence allows them to not have to do so.
oh dear oh dear.

like the state, the swp clearly can't be reformed from within.

i can't imagine many children wished to hear the drone of swappie speakers, and i'm fucking sure no disabled people did. they in all likelihood wished for nothing more than a pint in a nice warm pub: like so many other people will have done.

Didn't Sheridan and a few others resign on the basis of need for unity overriding their positions recently? But the SWP would rather go for a complete fuckup?
Didn't Sheridan and a few others resign on the basis of need for unity overriding their positions recently? But the SWP would rather go for a complete fuckup?
yes, as the small faces sang - and as the swp believe - it is 'all or nothing'. although the small faces' version is better than the swp one.
The SWP have decided to ban any critics of their rape denial from the bedroom tax campaign

"The demo was built through the hard work of federation members and local people from housing schemes all across of the West of Scotland. The demo was peaceful and well stewarded, by volunteers from the federation and local groups and communities affected by the bedroom tax.

The West of Scotland Anti Bedroom Tax Federation condemns the actions of the people who tried to wreck Saturday's rally at George Square by attempting to heckle and silence an agreed speaker.

In doing so, they upset and endangered many of the general public who wished to hear the speaker especially children and disabled activists at the front of the rally.

We further condemn their false allegations against the stewards who responded in a professional and appropriate manner to help maintain a safe environment, a peaceful rally for all demonstrators.

We condemn the posting of video clips on social media, which endangers the personal safety of those involved in trying to maintain a peaceful protest.

The West of Scotland Anti- Bedroom Tax Federation strongly believes that any place where anti-bedroom tax campaigners come together to discuss, plan and protest against the bedroom tax must be a safe space for all people, free of harassment, bullying and intimidation. It is totally unacceptable to physically threaten or verbally abuse other activists, protestors and stewards.

Any individual or group that fails to uphold these basic standards of respectful behaviour will be asked not to attend future meeting and events, in order to ensure the safety of WoS Federation members and all those in attendance"

Where's that from, have you got a linky?
Didn't Sheridan and a few others resign on the basis of need for unity overriding their positions recently? But the SWP would rather go for a complete fuckup?

Not quite, the reasons for the other 3 apart from Sheridan for resigning was slightly different. I think TS realised it wasn't a goer the other 3 being because of concerns about 'parties' taking over, a tad extreme really, cos imho it's not a surprise that political campaigns will include/attract politically active members of political parties. However the obvious point is why elect such a divisive figure in the first place? Not as if the political activists present wouldn't have seen the obvious problem. Sheridan could have turned it down very easily, that he didn't and that the bedroom tax doesn't even affect him tells you plenty.
Lets be honest, for some, Sheridan included, it was/is part of their/his campaign to be 'rehabilitated'.
Interesting vid steps, not trying to devalue this, but I'd like to have the opportunity to have a chat with those I had the misfortune to meet, dressed in blue, who broke into my house, sprayed a noxious chemical in my face, along with others who had a jolly good laugh at my expense as they drove me to A&E, and one particular psychopath in mind, who tightened hand-cuffs into my wrists, which were already badly swollen and infected, causing delirium.

They then returned me to my own home and left me alone (lack of "duty of care" here I believe) in a bedroom they had ransacked beforehand, with me in total despair thinking how could they legally do something like this?

The IPCC is a total waste of time, as any complaint made goes straight to the force you are making a complaint against and the solicitors I've contacted just don't want to know and the advice is 'take out a private prosecution'. How do I do that with the little money I have?

In my case, the whole justice system stinks, but It's good to see both participants in the above video having some closure at least. Me on the other hand is left here very angry, with, to be frank, my life in some ruin and a bleak future ahead of me, living in penury.

Sorry for the derail and I know I keep going on about this, but I feel I need to.

As you were,

what was all that about?
SEYMOUR has just published a bit of a mea culpa(actually its more than that and quite good) but he omits Lindsey and his rewriting of his blog..

Ive my reservations about him but he does own up to more mistakes than i expected though, including their role in the destruction of the SSP.
what was all that about?

In a nut-shell, a couple of Plod took umbrage when I told them there wasn't a problem (a complaint had been made of "shouting") I am allowed to shout in my own home I think, particularly when some lying tory appears on TV. informed the stab vested wearing police officers who appeared at my door that I was the sole tenant at this address and no one else was present in the property, apart from my little mutt, now deceased, and since you have no warrant I bid you good day and then I shut the door on them. It then turned into an episode of the Sweeny and them acting all tough smashing two doors in. I ended up in two police stations, stripped searched, and with serious injuries to my wrists. They laid a number of charges on me, resisting arrest being one. I hid behind my bed when they smashed my bedroom door down, so I wasn't "resisting" much at that point and the CS gas sprayed directly in my face, as they waited for me to take a breath, put paid to anymore "resisting" on my part, as by then I was virtually choking to death. All the charges made against me were dropped pretty quickly, as they'd fucked up big time and they knew it, as I did. In hindsight, I wished it had gone to court because I have no doubt it would have been thrown out and they would have been seen as a bunch of incompetents, showing no "duty of care" to me as a citizen and who at the time of their gung ho intervention was very ill and was no threat to anyone. All they needed to do was call an ambulance. As the song goes: 'The British Police are the Best in the World.'

Are you taking notes on this any plod out there viewing these forums for your paymasters? Here's another line for your notebook. The whole stinking barrel is rotten.

I'll move on now.
from this week's SW
All the same, the wind is in Labour’s sails for the moment. And the better times aren’t just for the party leadership. For the first time in many years, the fortunes of the Labour left are also improving.
Totally marginalised under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the Labour left has been one of the driving forces behind the swelling protest movement against the bedroom tax. Owen Jones has gained a prominence as a speaker and a writer that we haven’t seen since Tony Benn’s heyday in the early 1980s. Some 44 Labour backbenchers rebelled against the party whips and voted against the coalition’s bill denying compensation to jobseekers who refused unpaid work.
And there’s organisational muscle behind this revival, in the shape of Unite, Britain’s biggest trade union. Its general secretary Len McCluskey has pushed the union into community organising. Last week he warned that Unite and other unions might stop backing Labour if it failed to break with neoliberalism

even I think this is a hopelessly optimistic reading
It's Facebook thing
The person complains that they have deleted lots of comments which were attacking them, and distracting from their work of helping people.
Just a note, if you don't want people to not post abuse, don't put such shit on your site.

can you clarify what you mean here, afaiu, Joyce Drummond is the ex Atos nurse, who admittedly after some time, blew the whistle on their crooked and brutal practices, imo she deserves support for that, she also didn't set up the page...

it seems there are divisive people in the disability movement going by 'Fuck Atos's' awful comments , perhaps just as much as on the far left, people change look how some of the AFA types began having NF sympathies.

btw, this backstabbing seems to be worse in Scotland, is this correct?
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