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SWP expulsions and squabbles

So wrote Richard Seymour in an article in yesterday's Guardian. Pity it was SEYMOUR but it's not going to make him popular with those here who regard any talk of abolishing money and banking as wildly and hilariously utopian.

There's plenty of people here who want to abolish money and banking - me included. That's not what makes you a utopian. It's the idea that this can somehow happen overnight, with nothing in between what we have now and FULL COMMUNISM, if only we can persuade people of the need to do so that makes you a utopian.

Edit: fuck, I've bitten and now we're going to get another squeeby derail. I'll do it so that jean-luc doesn't have to - SPEW... reformists... NHS is a capitalist institution and so should not be supported... the personal is not political...
The position was always more subtle than for or against identity politics per se. Resisting Islamophobia was one of the better things the SWP did in that period. But if you remember it actually meant pissing off a layer of people who had a problem with Islam's attitude to sex and gender. One of the first debates I remember having on here was about German's remark about there being no shibboleths in Respect, gay issues in particular. Standing with Muslims against the tide of shit being thrown at them meant not screaming at them at every opportunity about the treatment of women in Islam and making that a condition of working with them, a subtlety that would be lost on the current student opposition. The approach was fine, the problem was a section of the leadership - the all knowing leadership even! - went native in the anti war movement.


"If you think Islamophobia is on a worrying rise in Europe, you should have seen the Egyptian Twitter-sphere during the week of the sit-in. Liberals and leftists were reacting in the most disgusting way."

The SWP label moderate Muslims who live in a Muslim country who do not want their country to turn into another Saudi Arabia Islamophobic. In 2012. Fucking insane.
There's plenty of people here who want to abolish money and banking - me included. That's not what makes you a utopian. It's the idea that this can somehow happen overnight, with nothing in between what we have now and FULL COMMUNISM, if only we can persuade people of the need to do so that makes you a utopian.

Edit: fuck, I've bitten and now we're going to get another squeeby derail. I'll do it so that jean-luc doesn't have to - SPEW... reformists... NHS is a capitalist institution and so should not be supported... the personal is not political...
You beat me to it, but that wasn't what I was going to reply (if only because I agree with SPEW's basic stance on the NHS cuts: leave it to the unions to organise the fight against them). I accept that this is not the place to discuss the views of other parties than the SWP and its dissidents. So it can't be a derail to discuss Seymour's political ideas. I don't know who this blogger from Ireland is but he seems to have got it right on this issue as well as Seymour.
I have no idea why she hasn't gone to the police. The point is there could be a myriad of reasons.

Also she hasn't gone to the press. Why are you just making things up? Why are you almost putting the blame on the woman who has made the rape allegation by saying she would know who the dipsutes committee was. This is bollocks. The SWP even said that if people knew the people involved they could step aside. One person who knew the woman chose to. Martin Smith's mates chose to stay on. This didn't have to happen. They could have found people in the SWP who, even if they knew him, weren't his mates. That shouldn't have been too hard.

I think they wanted to handle it internally so they could try and minimalise any publicity about it and, as they did with the Sheffield incident, leave members not knowing the truth. Initially this was successful, and they managed to get a standing ovation for Martin Smith knowing that he had slept with a 17 year old teenager and that an allegation of sexual harassment had been made, but then this back fired massively. They could have got help from organisations that deal with rape victims. They could have got independent legal advice. Why is the privacy of the party of any significance when you are talking about a rape allegation? This in itself shows the mindset of where you are coming from.

Of course the Daily Mail would always make capital out of anything for totally the wrong reasons. But surely the important thing is the interests of the women who have alleged rape and sexual abuse? As it happens if they had put them first, it would be a lot harder for the right wing to use the incident for their own purposes.

The fact that you have people like BB making the disgusting comments that he is, and long term trade unionist SWPers selling their papers for the first time in years and calling the woman a liar says it all about how rotten the SWP has become. And that's not because they are being attacked by a "certain kind of feminist", it's because this has resulted from an organisation with stalinist methods and politics which seems to be degenerating more and more quickly. But it's political methods were always going to lead down a dead end, as their various dishonest front organisations show.

Then of course there is the shameful way the Sheffield organiser was dealt with.
the reason I am couching it in these terms "the self-interest of the party" "privacy of the party", is because people on here are couching it in those terms. You are saying, they are motivated ONLY by self-interest, cover-up. So I'm examining that. If they are really only motivated by self-interest, was it in their self-interest?

She added that she was coming forward two years later because she believes the SWP is a dangerous environment for women: "I want people to know it's a systemic thing. They've done this a few times, covered things up in the interests of the party and it's a dangerous environment to be in." You would have to be an idiot to believe cover-up is possible. More importantly, she had left the party, and not gone public. If self-interest was your only motivation, best leave it alone.
Everybody who was on that committee could be considered "his mates", couldn't they? Go through the list, and tell me which ones were acceptable. Pat Stack? Would even he have been acceptable to the Daily Mail, even though he disagreed with the conclusion of the committee? Anything that involved party members would be christened a kangaroo court by the Daily Mail, fact.
The disputes committee is elected, yes? How do you replace people, without electing them at National conference? You say they could have easily found people, but could they within the constitution? I don't think they could. But even if they could have done, would this have been acceptable, to do it non-democratically? You can't really complain about them being non-democratic, and then asked them to be non-democratic.

I asked this question at the beginning, and nobody has answered it in a way that satisfies me. They dumped John Rees. They dumped Lindsey German. Even dumped Martin Smith. So why not dump him earlier? If you really wanted to put the self-interest of the party first, dump him.
You say me and BB are typical. Well there is no way I would ever done a cover-up. EVEN FROM A POINT OF SELF INTEREST, it was absolutely the wrong thing to do. IF YOU want to put the interests of the party first, you don't do it in house. But more importantly, because you cannot be a socialist without gay rights, disabled rights, women's rights. It's completely and utterly an illogical contradiction.
Cover-up is completely and utterly illogical reason to do it in house, IMO there ARE other reasons why you would have done it in house. I would suggest them, but;
it's because this has resulted from an organisation with stalinist methods and politics which seems to be degenerating more and more quickly. But it's political methods were always going to lead down a dead end, as their various dishonest front organisations show.
okay, you are entitled to that point of view.

ETA I apologise, you are clearly right about me misrepresenting the woman in question going to the press. :oops:
Well I never belboid. Our relations have become very frosty over recent weeks. One of us must be digging his heels in. I'm prepared to admit it might be me but are you by any chance being seduced by the ISN?
not particularly, bb. in case you hadn't noticed, i can be quite rude to most people, it means nothing more than 'i think the comment i was responding to was absolutely full of shit.' If you think you've been getting more than your deserved share of such comments, well, its probably because you are virtually the only person on the whole internetz making any kind of a job of defending the CC. MOst of the actual SWP members comments generally amount to no more than 'really good article.'

But that last comment was excessively crap even for a loyalist! 'A certain brand of feminist...' well, I could just as well say 'a certain brand of trotskyist is nothing more than a rape apologist' - it doesnt exactly get us anywhere does it? Its just an excuse not to (that horrible word!) engage with what the other person is saying. It amounts to a refusal to listen, which therefore makes the response worthless, as it is not a reply. Effectively you are saying it is impossible for a member - even a very young member - to be bullied. Which is a bit crap, innit?

Cliff always used to say that the SWP was different to many of the other trot groups (he was thinking, I think of the WRP, RCP and overseas groups mainly) in that they liked to put up their flag and tell people to come rally round it, being proudest of their points of difference, whereas the SWP tried to build bridges to people, to find ways of working with them and convincing them in practice. Everything you are defending is the WRP/RCP methodology. Which failed, miserably and deservedly.
Of course there are circumstances which are none of our business. But it doesn't make you a bourgeois moralist to think what the hell is a 48 year old leader of a socialist organisation doing trying to go to bed with a 17 year old, and another teenager not much older. Personally I think he is a tosser doing that behind his partners back as well, which I imagine must have been fairly humiliating. All in all it doesn't exactly paint a very good picture of him. Using your position as a political leader to sleep with young women, which is effectively what has happened, even in a best case scenario, is totally out of order in my view and he should be made to step down for that alone.

On a general point of age differences while I'm not saying it is always a problem, I think most parents would raise an eyebrow if their 17 year old daughter brought back a 48 bloke and said that this was their partner. I would sympathise with this, and wouldn't just denounce them as reactionaries. It might turn out that there is nothing wrong with it, but I can see at the very least why people might be concerned. At to that the power relation of someone in a teacher role, or a leader in a political orgnaisation and I can see why there would be even more concerns.

As for feeling passionate about it, the reason for this is the disgusting way in which the "loyalists" are treating the opposition. I think BB has been particuarly out of order for saying things like Delta should have kept his dick in his trousers, when there is a rape allegation. If this had been said by a leading Lib Dem then I can imagine what SWPers would have to say. There clearly is a problem with not just Delta, but the Sheffield case. To write all this off as "certain kinds of feminists" and write off bullying allegations without even knowing the facts shows someone that will blindly defend the leadership whatever they do.
this is why I raised Marx earlier.

You're raising the issue of denouncing parents as bourgeois, not me.

Purely on a personal basis, you can denounce things as much as you want, but you cannot expect me to live by your values. Regardless of the issues involved in this thread, no I would not denounce a 48-year-old going out with a 17-year-old in a consensual relationship.

I remember somebody who was gay, writing in the Guardian (I think the theme was about how a public gay kiss is always political). He said, 16 and 17-year-old lads going out looking for sex with older men, it was often the 16 to 17-year-old who was the predator. So who do we judge? I prefer to not judge either party in consensual sex.
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