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Sun and Doves pub - owner evicted after by brewery after huge rent rises

Care Quality Commission. LoopZilla thinks that there is a problem with pubs, and that the solution is for them to be regulated by the people who inspect old people's homes. I'm all for it personally. All music written after 1950 would be banned, all available food would be liquidised, and everyone would have to be in their bed by 9pm. Brilliant.
Thanks all for the words of encouragement. I'm researching for the People's Pub Partnership now, a worker and consumer owned pub company which will be, at least in part, crowd funded - more of that soon I hope.

I heard, from the owner of the BunHouse (now closed with planning application in for shop) in Peckham that S&N are touting around a new lease at The Sun and Doves, with a full tie for beer wines and spirits, for £48K rent. Don't know what they plan to do about the fact that it needs £300K spending on it to get it fit for purpose as a business fit for contemporary expectations. WOULD anyone here like to negotiate a 'deal' with S&N to find out what they are looking at in detail? The data could be sent to Business Innovation and Skills department, CAMRA and IPPR - they are all interested in these things.

I can't do it - I don't think S&N will talk to me :>)
These forums are good.

Aren't they?

The Sun and Doves was squatted recently.

A lot has been happening. I came across this charming video about what pubs really mean to their communities earlier yesterday and have spent the best part of the last five hours spreading it as far as I can. If you like it, please spread it further. Such talent as Jamie Wright, the film maker, deserves recognition:
Shit. I didn't realise that it was still closed. What a fucking waste.

(Is that your pic by the way?)

Yeah, took it last year when it had just closed. Bit dark as despite the blue sky, it must have been dark on the other side of the road or something - you know me and photography :D

Anyway, where are all the new residents of those ugly new apartments going to drink? Have you seen them yet Editor? The yellowness is a bit much. The whole look of them is a bit much. Hate them

Surprised you've not taken any photos yet, but here's something for you to look at. £26k minimum income to buy a 1-bedroom flat. Damn, I so wanted to live in a disgusting looking apartment :mad:


Yeah, took it last year when it had just closed. Bit dark as despite the blue sky, it must have been dark on the other side of the road or something - you know me and photography :D

Anyway, where are all the new residents of those ugly new apartments going to drink? Have you seen them yet Editor? The yellowness is a bit much. The whole look of them is a bit much. Hate them

Surprised you've not taken any photos yet, but here's something for you to look at. £26k minimum income to buy a 1-bedroom flat. Damn, I so wanted to live in a disgusting looking apartment :mad:



And unless I'm very much mistaken that's not even a real pic, it's an 'artist's impression'. They're even uglier in real life. The perspex-a-like balconies are an almost supernaturally hideous shade of putrescent greeny/yellow. Plus those trees and hedges don't exist.
And unless I'm very much mistaken that's not even a real pic, it's an 'artist's impression'. They're even uglier in real life. The perspex-a-like balconies are an almost supernaturally hideous shade of putrescent greeny/yellow. Plus those trees and hedges don't exist.

I know. I pass it regularly, and initially when those balconies went up, I thought that was some film covering on the glass to protect it until the job was finished, but then I gradually realised that no, it was indeed going to be yellow.

Wonder where they got the names for the buildings from: Printworks, Embassy?

PS: There actually is a bit of greenery/landscaping going on between and behind the buildings, but I've not had a good look yet. May have a look next Friday
I understand from a local of the Sun + Doves that there are moves to attempt to reopen the pub....anyone else heard about this?
So the squatters will be leaving soon, then?

Gordon: The Sun and Doves was definitely squatted. How long this will remain the position I don't know. At least it's given the freeholder, Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company something to chew on, apart from their own incompetence that is, for a change. I've left messages with the S&NPC area manager to find out more but he never responds.

The grapevine is that Antic, they of the Tiger on Camberwell Green, formerly Silver Buckle, and of about 30 other pubs in south London, are talking to S&NPC about taking on a lease.
I understand from a local of the Sun + Doves that there are moves to attempt to reopen the pub....anyone else heard about this?

The Sun and Doves HAS been squatted. How long this will remain the position I don't know. At least it's given the freeholder, Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company something to chew on, apart from their own incompetence that is, for a change. I've left messages with the S&NPC area manager to find out more but he never responds.

The grapevine is that Antic, they of the Tiger on Camberwell Green, formerly Silver Buckle, and of about 30 other pubs in south London, are talking to S&NPC about taking on a lease.​
Antic, they of the Tiger on Camberwell Green, formerly Silver Buckle, and of about 30 other pubs in south London, are talking to S&NPC about taking on a lease.
Oh what a shitter - the Tiger is so bland and not a jot on the old S&D. Better than an empty building I guess but. Blah. I heard rumours it was going to be a community owned pub (crowdfunded or some such) but I guess that was too good to be true...
With The Brixton Beer Company being developed, some kind of community owned co-operative pub would be the dream!
Interesting, I'd not heard of the Brixton Beer Company, will look up - do you have info? Antic are doing a brewery in Camberwell as it happens.

Here's something of potential interest to readers of Urban 75:

Next Thursday on The Guardian Social Enterprise website

To be on the panel and to take part, you have to register as a member of the Guardian social enterprise network, and log in. Follow link below to register.


check out: www.peoplespubpartnership.org
The Brixton Beer Company is a recent initiative by City Farmers whereby local residents grow hops to harvest and hand to local micro breweries to brew beer from:

Interesting links. Thanks. I'll be paying attention to that panel debate.
Do you think there's any realistic possibilty that the Sun & Doves could be a community run pub?
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