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I thought that the laser of the scanner was supposed to stop the RFID tag setting of the alarm - but obviously not. I had the same experience at Tesco LJ except the staff there can't give 2 fs if the alarm goes off.
This seems to be the ultimate guide to RFID tagging: How to Block/kill RFID Chips
and this video shows what will happen when we catch up with Japan. You simply present your credit/debit card and walk out the store - the tags do the rest!

Havent looked at all of this.

However it now seems for the privilege of buying M and S underwear and socks I now I have to tug my forelock and go up to the correct till which ascertains if I have bought the items. Even though I have have scanned them myself and got a receipt.

So as far as M and S are concerned scanning the items myself/ my card being accepted by the machine/ getting a paper receipt is now not good enough.

Well M and S greedy big company could sort this out properly.

Put staff on tills in evening. So I can buy stuff in the old school way.

Thus verifying at the till Im not a shop lifter.

You use the self service tills and somehow your supposed to search the shop for the minimal staff on duty in evenings it has to get the stuff you have bought de tagged.

And your supposed to know all this.
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So went to Marks and Spencer this evening after work to buy some socks and underwear. I do this every now and then. As its late it is only the self service tills on. Not a problem. I have done this before.

Pay for items and get receipt.

No problem.

Walk out of shop and alarm goes off.

Security guard stops me. Show my receipt. He says it is still tagged.

There were no tags on the two items.

I was furious.

Anyway went to till. asked for manager. Told manager I've paid for this and this is embarrassing and I'm livid about this.

Told it is tagged ( how they tag items with no plastic tags is new to me)

Told I should have used the till at front ( there is no one at till at front in evenings. I have bought socks before on self service tills and alarm has not gone off.)

I said I used the self service tills at back as everyone does in evening. That there was nothing at those tills to tell me I needed to de tag them.

I kept myself under enough control not to be abusive.

They were still trying to make out I was being aggressive. And i wasn't. I don't lose the plot entirely unless really pushed. And they were pushing me but I kept it civil. If I had lost the plot they would have known about it. Im well aware there are cameras there and keep it within bounds.

Seems to me this is new. Plus it is not obvious what is tagged. Used to be a big plastic ring on clothes that were tagged. Some how they are doing it without that. So mister joe public customer like me thinks buying it at self service till is ok.

I'm so angry about this.

This is not how M and S Brixton should treat customers.

If they are going to extend tagging to minor items in way that is not obvious they should set up self service tills so they say approval needed.

Still it starts to push me over the edge that these big companies imo hound the little person who works hard to make ends meet. And actually pays for their items.

Life is hard enough without these big companies assuming your out to steal from them until proven otherwise. Ive almost had enough of it.

Close to abusing someone when buying some socks. You're on the edge mate!

Don't use the scab tills.
BTW I was not abusive.

As you said you kept under control enough to not abuse people in the shop doing their job.

Barely kept it together because of a beep as you left the shop.

Then wrote an essay about it on social media and were abusive to people calling you out for using the scab tills.

Dont use the scab tills!
As you said you kept under control enough to not abuse people in the shop doing their job.

Barely kept it together because of a beep as you left the shop.

Then wrote an essay about it on social media and were abusive to people calling you out for using the scab tills.

Dont use the scab tills!

I just laugh at you. Your a pathetic little wind up merchant.
You are a poster in this area?

Or are you just trolling?

Its just you talking to yourself on the Brixton forums as anyone that ever points out you are taking life to seriously you get banned.

Chill out mate. You got angry buying socks.

Maybe buy them in a different area so you have people more amenable to your needs. Harrods maybe?
Its just you talking to yourself on the Brixton forums as anyone that ever points out you are taking life to seriously you get banned.

Chill out mate. You got angry buying socks.

Maybe buy them in a different area so you have people more amenable to your needs. Harrods maybe?

So you dont live in this area. But you have nothing better to do but troll here. You really are pathetic.

And what you are going on about me getting people banned. What a load of rubbish. As if I had the power.

Way this site works people like you can still post up. As you do here.
Its just you talking to yourself on the Brixton forums as anyone that ever points out you are taking life to seriously you get banned.

Chill out mate. You got angry buying socks.

Maybe buy them in a different area so you have people more amenable to your needs. Harrods maybe?

BTW you didn't answer my question. Are you local to the area this forum covers?
BTW you didn't answer my question. Are you local to the area this forum covers?

Do I live in Brixton no. Do I shop in Brixton yes. Sometimes.

Do I barely keep it together when the machine beeps when I leave shops. No.

Don’t reflect on your behaviour. Just establish others purity instead.

Don’t you have friends you can talk to?
So you dont live in this area. But you have nothing better to do but troll here. You really are pathetic.

And what you are going on about me getting people banned. What a load of rubbish. As if I had the power.

Way this site works people like you can still post up. As you do here.

Erm. You constantly get others banned from the Brixton forum when they disagree with you. Until its just you talking about getting angry while buying socks.
Do I live in Brixton no. Do I shop in Brixton yes. Sometimes.

Do I barely keep it together when the machine beeps when I leave shops. No.

Don’t reflect on your behaviour. Just establish others purity instead.

Don’t you have friends you can talk to?

As you spend so much time here seems to me you pathetic little poster obviously has to much time on your hands to do anything but troll other posters.
As you spend so much time here seems to me you pathetic little poster obviously has to much time on your hands to do anything but troll other posters.

You think its pathetic to go on this forum?


As I said, you seem on the edge when buying socks. Maybe have some counselling?
Erm. You constantly get others banned from the Brixton forum when they disagree with you. Until its just you talking about getting angry while buying socks.

Sorry but I dont think you understand how U75 works.

It is an open site.

Anyone can join.

The Editor and Mods decide who gets a ban.

Not me. Im not a Mod.

So how you can say I constantly get posters banned is beyond me.
You think its pathetic to go on this forum?


As I said, you seem on the edge when buying socks. Maybe have some counselling?

Unlike some other posters here , who I dont always agree with , you are just here as a wind up merchant. There is a difference.
At the Streatham Aldi on Friday all the large shopping trolleys had disappeared. Apparently they are being stolen and sold for scrap!! This meant we had to use two small trolleys which don’t fit the trolley bags I bought to make things easier to pack #firstworldproblems.

All wine in the store is now tagged - which definitely wasn’t the case 4 weeks ago. Some cuts of meat too (which has been the case for a while). Desperate times!
As you said you kept under control enough to not abuse people in the shop doing their job.

Barely kept it together because of a beep as you left the shop.

Then wrote an essay about it on social media and were abusive to people calling you out for using the scab tills.

Dont use the scab tills!
Brixton M&S are very on point with security. I got stopped the other week after buying a packet of mints!

Security chap apologised & all was fine.

It’s not a nice job especially in Brixton.
At the Streatham Aldi on Friday all the large shopping trolleys had disappeared. Apparently they are being stolen and sold for scrap!! This meant we had to use two small trolleys which don’t fit the trolley bags I bought to make things easier to pack #firstworldproblems.

All wine in the store is now tagged - which definitely wasn’t the case 4 weeks ago. Some cuts of meat too (which has been the case for a while). Desperate times!
I didn't know they had big trolleys. I go in there occasionally because my preferred route from LJ to the Holland Tringham is via Thameslink (when not on strike or suspended due to engineering works).
They always have these vile super-sized plastic wheelie baskets, which I refuse to use.
Which kind of limits me to three bottles of Aldi ruby ale @ £1.19 (or whatever).

Reverting back to the earlier topic, Aldi at Streatham is the ONLY shop to have ever searched my bag.
I assumed it was reverse discrimination and the assistant looking in my bag couldn't tell the difference between a white gay pensioner and an old lag!
The Colgate toothpaste is sold in both Aldi and Lidl, for 98p.

Up until very recently though, it was 100ml, rather than 75ml. It is still 98p, but do they really think people wont realise the huge shrinkflation?

thanks, i'll be going to one of those next time, even though its a longer walk.
...btw I was in the co-op earlier and noticed that they sell the Morning Star newspaper.
At the Streatham Aldi on Friday all the large shopping trolleys had disappeared. Apparently they are being stolen and sold for scrap!! This meant we had to use two small trolleys which don’t fit the trolley bags I bought to make things easier to pack #firstworldproblems.

All wine in the store is now tagged - which definitely wasn’t the case 4 weeks ago. Some cuts of meat too (which has been the case for a while). Desperate times!

Local Tescos and Sainsburys metro/minis have had their mince tagged for several months now, which is a pretty bad sign. Used just to be high end steaks
Brixton M&S are very on point with security. I got stopped the other week after buying a packet of mints!

Security chap apologised & all was fine.

It’s not a nice job especially in Brixton.
I've never been stopped anywhere do you look shifty?
Local Tescos and Sainsburys metro/minis have had their mince tagged for several months now, which is a pretty bad sign. Used just to be high end steaks

As I get out and about across London I ended up finishing work in Belgravia.

Went to the Waitrose there and no tags in sight.

As it's frequented by a "better" class of person the security was restrained.
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