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Storm Eunice, 18th Feb 2022 - news and discussion

Aberystwyth promenade


from here
This storm just got properly serious. All our local takeaways seem to be shut according to Uber Eats. I didn't vote for Brexit just to have this happen. I mean, I didn't vote for Brexit at all, but that's not the point here. The takeaways are shut people! The takeaways! Shut! People! Takeaways!

I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to the Pope, and sending the Queen the bill.
This storm just got properly serious. All our local takeaways seem to be shut according to Uber Eats. I didn't vote for Brexit just to have this happen. I mean, I didn't vote for Brexit at all, but that's not the point here. The takeaways are shut people! The takeaways! Shut! People! Takeaways!

I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to the Pope, and sending the Queen the bill.
Barely anything of note round here yet Bristol was supposed to be right in the middle of the red bit. Just walked up to school, plenty of twigs and a few minor branches scattered round the site, there’s been worse storms for debris just this winter (suspect a lot of the loose stuff was already down).

On the way up there I saw the box bit for a shop canopy had come down, the top of a Victorian style lamp was sat on the pavement (not smashed, just like it had been placed there) and a dead blackbird was being eaten by a magpie on one of the shopping streets. That and a few toppled/askew wheelie bins, but the bin men often leave them like that anyway so it looks no different. Bit boring.
We have an ice warning, but it felt like spring out there today- I walked miles! There must be some ice-god descending on us in a few hours as it will be a hell of an escalation.
Just saw a squirell get blown out of one of our trees. He/she was hanging on magnificently with their tail but the wind was too much; they hit the grass about ten feet away and then scampered off.

(I don't know if they were on crack or not at the time.)
A load of the wee shops round here have their metal shutters down which is sensible. The pub opposite which has a big canopy has now put it down. Having it up seemed like madness...
There has been an almighty thud from outside so have been outside to investigate, nothing of mine has blown over that I can see. It's not too bad in the East Mids yet there's been light rain almost all the entire day and the wind is making the windows rattle occasionally but that it's it.
Its bad, really bad out there.

if you're looking for a silver lining though the storm caused a complete power outage at my company's head office and factories. Everyone got the afternoon off and have been in the pub since midday. Its like a snow day.

Every cloud eh?*

*Thinking about it maybe not the best choice of phrase.
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