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Star Trek: Picard [spoilers]

Wow that second episode was slow. Also the romulan make-up looks it been done by the work experience kid. I mean it looks like someone just drew the eyebrows on with a black magic marker and went "fuck it, that'll do". Will stick with it but am struggling.
I’m not totally getting into this. spread across the first 3 eps seems to be enough for one decent intro episode and unfortunately a lot of guff
like so many scenes where two characters have a stilted conversation telling each other stuff they already know about their own relationships.
hopefully it’ll pick up next week now we should be past the build up and full swing into the story
I enjoyed ep 3 but kept shouting to the TV ‘come on, let’s go to space and see some action!’ Luckily it looks like that’s what is in store going forward:)
liking this series. loved it when he said "engage".

But I'm beginning to think it was a mistake not dropping this all at once. Every episode feels so short & just as it gets going, it ends. The lengthy recaps at the beginning & the 'coming next' tags at the end don't help either. I just watched ep 2 and 3 back to back and thought it was much better. So I'm going to miss ep 4 and watch it when ep 5 is released.
They have signed Woopi Goldberg for season 2 which is negative already in my books as never liked her character in the tng.
starting to feel like the mid season episodes are just going to be filler and lead us to a cliffhanger season finale.

Hope I’m wrong. Last 2 defiantly haven’t been as on par as the two openers.
I know I said I would skip ep 4 and watch it with ep 5, but I broke my own rule.

Good God that was by far the worst episode so far for me. Complete filler. Picked up another crew member which took all of the episode :rolleyes:

Picard got shouted at again and apologizes for the Federation's failure to help the Romulans (again).

No mention of where the Romulan ships were during this time and why they couldn't evacuate their own people and needed Starfleet....

Stewart delivers his lines like he's just reading them - plus he looks like he might drop dead at any moment. I almost switched off when the holodeck appeared - that substitute for any real ideas :facepalm:

AND next week looks really horrible - some sort of fancy dress expedition :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
I am not sure any of Discovery's episodes, in either season, was as bad as ep 4 of Picard was.

Of the many terrible bits - the meeting in the holographic representation of his house, the ship turning up, the warrior nuns, him walking into that bar, that Panama hat etc - I felt the worst was the two minutes of skidding. What on earth was the point of that?
what a disappointment episode 4 was :(

was there any point to holographic Chateau Picard other than they’d already paid for it so wanted to get there money’s worth?
it seems to go against the characterisation in the last 3 episodes that Picard never felt as comfortably at home there as out on a ship (see also Generations)

also, the incestuous Romulan spies have had the exact same conversation 4 times now. it’s insulting the intelligence of your audience to think we’ve forgotten everything about them and need reminded again
I want to see him trying to do his chair thing, and squashing his left bollock in the process.

apparently he had to do the Riker Chair Mount/Dismount because he had a back problem at the time.

not seen this weeks one yet, sticking it on nowish
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also, the incestuous Romulan spies have had the exact same conversation 4 times now. it’s insulting the intelligence of your audience to think we’ve forgotten everything about them and need reminded again

Yeah. Their clandestine meetings are just boring.
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