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Star Trek: Picard [spoilers]

Oh, I feel like I must have been watching something else. Everyone seems to universally love it. Maybe TV just isn't for me anymore.
I think majority of us that have seen it are in universal acclaim. After reading this article

I was thinking of posting in the main Star Trek discussion thread to offer up purchasing amazon gift cards for those who love Trek but are unable to afford amazon prime? I believe you can get prime in monthly subs now and not just yearly. I don’t want a single massive bill on this if there’s a massive uptake? Would anyone else join me in offering to do this?
Lots of nice callouts for the fans (anyone recognize the romulan mind probes?) and a good premise. It's a better series opener than discovery. I'm looking forward to this.
Took me a couple of eps to get into STD, but this won me over immediately. I guess it was the familiarity and call backs to what went before. Interesting to see the Prime & Kelvin timelines both having a bearing on what's happening (almost tempted to go back and watch Nemesis).

Only gripe was that it's weekly and not all there to binge on.
Just watched it, thought the Picard bits were excellent but not sold on the rest of it. Also it is a bit mad that Data's actual daughter didn't get mentioned (unless I missed it).
Oh, I feel like I must have been watching something else. Everyone seems to universally love it. Maybe TV just isn't for me anymore.

I've sometimes thought the same. I haven't really had a single show that I follow for a couple of years. I don't know if that's a function of television generally being shite, or a function of getting older and crankier. My money is on cranky.
Just watched it, thought the Picard bits were excellent but not sold on the rest of it. Also it is a bit mad that Data's actual daughter didn't get mentioned (unless I missed it).
No mention of Lore either and the point for this stuff to arise would have been during Picard's convo with the woman who heads up the remnants of the synthetic program
No mention of Lore either and the point for this stuff to arise would have been during Picard's convo with the woman who heads up the remnants of the synthetic program

True, though they could possibly be saving that for later (given the mention of creating a new being from a single bit of a positronic brain, which might explain why the thing on Mars happened if they used something from Lore to help create the things).
True, though they could possibly be saving that for later (given the mention of creating a new being from a single bit of a positronic brain, which might explain why the thing on Mars happened if they used something from Lore to help create the things).

we know hugh shows up later and he had dealings with lore in season 7 opener of TNG. It wouldn’t surprise me if Maddox ended up with Hugh in his lab somehow. He did seem a bit gung ho from what we saw in the TNG episode when he tried to acquire data as star fleet property. It wouldn’t surprise me if he also shows up later considering he’s only ‘disappeared’
Decent start. I see phazers are actually dangerous in the Star Trek universe now. Always amazed me they could travel fast than light but couldnt invent a laser gun that didnt repeatedly miss. The hand-to-hand fighting was easily the best ive seen in any Trek Trek franchise or film, not that I watch it for that.
Oh, I feel like I must have been watching something else. Everyone seems to universally love it. Maybe TV just isn't for me anymore.
Reviews have been ok but not exactly enthusiastic, mostly 3 out of 5. Star Trek now is for existing fans, it’s not going to be in the top range of current tv dramas. There are many better shows around, including science fiction shows.
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