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Snooker 2023 - 24

Woah, anyone watch the afternoon session of the final? Trump was dreadful with his pots, and Allen was excellent in punishing him. The steals before the mid-session interval were a lesson in how to do it.
Woah, anyone watch the afternoon session of the final? Trump was dreadful with his pots, and Allen was excellent in punishing him. The steals before the mid-session interval were a lesson in how to do it.

The final today was almost like a repeat of their form from the earlier matches that stavros mentions above.

I'd go so far as to say that Trump losing 10-3 to Mark Allen could be described as a thumping.

I'm getting sick of Phil Yates' commentaries, though. FFS shut up man.
Spotted this today and was also chuffed. Aswell as winning the tournament before he does tend todo well in the UK. Here's hoping this year is the case fr him .
I think he's got Allen in the first round, who as well as being the defending champion looked very good against Trump last week in the CofCs.
Wow, that was good. Ding looked less anxious than he normally does on pressure shots, and that red into the right middle, with huge topspin to get on the black, was a thing of beauty.

Allen sounded a bit bitter afterwards, saying he'd done all the scoring. Stolen frames are worth the same as centuries in match play, mate.
When they're playing well I don't think there's anyone I'd rather watch than Ding, other than perhaps O'Sullivan. The power-plays of Robertson and Trump have their fans, as do the matchplay styles of Higgins and Selby. However that cue ball control when break-building that Ding has is something to behold.

For a lad who had to qualify and felt rough in the first round he's done damn well.
This is some final. O'Sullivan wipes the floor with Ding for four frames then Ding wipes the floor with O'Sullivan for four frames (up to frame 9 so far).
Yep was lovely snooker from the both of them, almost alternately, with a fair bit of sparring until one of them got a chance to finish off the frame.
I give a little cheer every time he breaks one of Hendry's records :) . I particularly don't like Hendry probably for irrational reasons but I remember him in an interview once saying that he deserved all the money he gets because he has to work such long hours. Yeh, as do a lot of cleaners and nurses but it doesn't work that way for them.

Having said that I wasn't all that keen on O'Sullivan saying he want to ruin peoples' careers - I'd imagine he's already done a lot of that over the years without trying.
Lovely stuff yesterday.

And to be repeated (hopefully) at the Masters, as they've drawn each other in the first round. Trump-Wilson and Allen-Higgins also stand out.
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