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Shameless, fawning, Alexandra O Cortez fan thread

For those who fancy placing a punt on events that may not happen until many years in the future now would be a good time to place bets on AOC:
  1. becoming president
  2. being assassinated
  3. both of the above
Although I would very much like to see 1. happen in my lifetime I fear that 2. or 3. are also a possibility.
She could win big time. She’s quite inspirational i think.

Its a long old road from the House to the Presidency, and it has (almost?) always involved a move to the Senate first. The two sitting New York Senators are Kirsten Gillibrand (52) and Chuck Schumer (68), both Democrats, and both well entrenched, so that's not so easy. Time does take a toll, though, so you never know.

Nancy Pelosi ain't daft, so AOC, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib got slots on House Oversight. The way things are at the moment that's as high a profile gig as a new congressperson can ever hope for. TV exposure. Succession planning.
oh ... oh god ...

"She's from Westchester, don't forget. She didn't grow up in the Bronx like she claims," Caruso-Cabrera said. "And everybody in the Bronx knows it."


But Caruso-Cabrera, a New Hampshire native who lived in Manhattan for 20 years, told Insider she moved to New York's 14th Congressional District only late last year when she and her husband took up residence in Sunnyside, Queens.

Insider found that Caruso-Cabrera and her husband recently lived in an apartment in Trump International Hotel and Tower at Columbus Circle in Manhattan for several years. A representative for the campaign confirmed that Caruso-Cabrera moved into her husband's apartment at 1 Central Park West, which he rented for nine years.
AOC is God tier. That fascist misogynist barbarian she verbally trampled into the dirt should be wiped off the face of the earth.
She should run for president

She was too young this time around - in 2024, she'll be turn 35 and become eligible to be president a couple of weeks before Election Day. By then either Trump or Biden will be in power as the oldest president in history, so maybe voters will be happy to have an unusually young president instead.
The trouble with excrement like Yoho is they do not any sense feel accountable for their actions. This is the Trump/Bolansaro/Boris phenomenon, they do not feel that they are bound by any norms of minimal decency. The scum - and enemies of humanity - who reward these barbarians with votes are in large part to blame.
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The trouble with excrement like Yoho is they do not any sense feel accountable for their actions. This is the Trump/Bolansaro/Boris phenomenon, they do not feel that they are bound by any norms of minimal decency. The scum - and enemies of humanity - who reward these barbarians with votes are in large part to blame.
With any luck he felt pretty small after that speech
you have to hope his daughters are human though - presumably his wife is beyond redemption if she's married him
Has AoC been caught doing anything massively terrible yet?

during her first campaign she did play the race card - a person who looks like Joe Crowley shouldn't represent this district (though he'd been re-elected for two decades) - and she made trumpian noises about the election being stolen if she didn't win, like, literally suggesting that party operatives were breaking into polling places at night and playing with the machines.
She should run for president

Eventually, yes. She's still 5 years too young to run in the next election. For the 2024 election, I'm not sure - she'll turn 35 in October of that year, so she'd be 35 once she became President, but under 35 when announcing her candidacy, so I'm not sure what the rules are.
I'm saying you've bought into the bullshit that women in positions of power are bitchy to each other. You can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that Pelosia and Ocasio-Cortez, could be working toward broadly similar goals, and using their differing positions, perspectives and political approaches to do that. Naw, they have to be clawing each others eyes out, sure. :rolleyes:
Stop covering your surrender to corporate democrat capitalism by playing the feminist card. It's not only transparent, it's getting fucking tedious. Pelosi is 100% a clin to nian triangulator and a corporate shill. Always has been, always will be. She miht be OK on one or two issues here and there, but that sholuldn't obscure the bigger picture, that she, schumer and similar democrats are the problem, not the solution.
Ditto - for all that any sane person will prefer him to Trump - unky Joe.
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