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A watch thread for N. American Christian nationalism, Christo-fascists and the evangelical far right

Some of those posts will be from troll farms or organised groups tho and it's a tactic that's defo used to create despondency and scare people into believing fascist beliefs are much more numerous than they are. Not saying people should be complacent but how did this shit become so widespread in the first place?
Some of those posts will be from troll farms or organised groups tho and it's a tactic that's defo used to create despondency and scare people into believing fascist beliefs are much more numerous than they are. Not saying people should be complacent but how did this shit become so widespread in the first place?

Yes, I did wonder at one point if the person I was responding to was some kind of troll operative themselves. It's just such a ridiculously extreme position that I find it hard to take seriously. If it's not the product of disingenuous meddling, then someone has managed to become frightened into a very dark and lonely place.
Unlike Stan, who does exist and is my son, and is almost as naughty.

I think deep down, you know it's worth considering the idea that it is real.

I don't want anyone to make that pledge. It upset me that I wrote that.

I've had quite a few of these. Back in the day. I'd wake up and see an angel on her knees by my bedside praying for me, or praying over me. She was wearing some kind of old fashioned nurses uniform.

The one I can't easily explain is, in all my 40 years, i've dreamed of an encounter with two saints on separate occasions.

Each time I asked these persons their name. One told me he was 'San Miguel', the other told me she was Gwendolyne ("like Wendy").

In the dream, with Gwendolyne, I was in an ordinary kitchen dining area probably a flat. I was stood to the side of her on her right hand behind her, in the kitchen.

She was showing me her right breast, kind of in profile. I was looking for a while and in the end was beginning to be turned on a little bit.

So I realised then this was a holy encounter, same with San Miguel.

I went and sat at the dining table. Her daughter, blond hair about seven years old comes over to me. I ask the daughter
who that was, she says "Gwendolyne, like Wendy".

So I look it up when I wake up. Turns out there is a Saint Gwendolyn or also called Gwenn. And she is attributed
as having three breasts. And is now obscure but was once celebrated.
San miguel.

Well I guess he's just a hard knock. Has to be.

He just told me to 'keep going'. Wrote it on the pavement for me too after I met him.

I was a bad man. Not a hard man, but someone like who was messed up and would cause problems, could get people killed.

So in that dream I was in North Birkenhead, there was me and a mate.

They had pure dogs, you couldn't move a muscle. If you buck you are dead.

I behaved. Eventually shook his hand and asked his name. San miguel.

Mate just got composted and buried.

That was it. Never heard from him again.
Yes, I did wonder at one point if the person I was responding to was some kind of troll operative themselves. It's just such a ridiculously extreme position that I find it hard to take seriously. If it's not the product of disingenuous meddling, then someone has managed to become frightened into a very dark and lonely place.
Russian bot farms actively aim to promote division, pushing such a ridiculously intolerant hard-line position seems like it could plausibly be this. The poster also seems motivated by trying to hide the prevalence of propaganda accounts.

Tbh I stopped using Reddit for this reason, there's no point having a debate when there's a reasonable chance that you're wasting your breath arguing with a paid propagandist (also came across one account who I suspect was a bot generating responses with GenAI).
Has anyone noticed Youtube becoming more and more far right-wing? If I try to post anything criticizing what someone like this says, it gets immediately deleted.
I have a Premium account which makes it even more annoying when they show me right wing videos in the first place - clearly something adrift with the way videos are being tagged.
No matter how many times they agree to stop, I'm constantly getting news items from the NY Post and Washington Post - and The Sun...
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