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Aotearoa: 14 y/o & under will never be able to buy tobacco, for life

The idea that because some people still take illegal drugs therefore banning something has no effect is quite popular on the drugs forum but it's obviously nonsense isn't it. Obviously lots of people take cocaine or whatever more people would take more of it if you could pop down your local corner shop and buy a gram of guaranteed quality coke. People were swearing the mephedrone ban would make no difference but then availability and use dropped off a cliff when it kicked in.

Mephedrone was a legal version of coke though, the moment it became illegal you may as well as buy coke instead. The same didn't happen so much with spice, especially in prisons, but that may be down to other factors regarding cannabis's bulk, smell and time it stays in your system.
Its interesting that when people stop doing drugs they want everyone else to stop it too ;) :p. I used to to smoke and know it kills people but also a lot of people smoke for a few years and then stop off their own accord and go on to live healthy, long lives.

Why aren't they banning alcohol too, that fucks up lives in ways that are far more horrible than tobacco. I don't think it's going to have the desired effect, it'll just create a black market for tobacco. But I guess NZ is a small, isolated country, it might be easier to implement. Will be interesting to watch how that goes - from a distance.
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From the look of a lot of the tobacco I'm seeing I think a lot of the current UK illicit market is counterfeit. I guess brexit might have made fag runs a little bit more challenging, but even without it, there would be good money to be made from floor sweepings and cut tobacco.

:( - only bought that crap once, off some guy on Waterloo Bridge, lit the first fag, two or three drags and binned off the rest of the packet, horrible stuff.
:( - only bought that crap once, off some guy on Waterloo Bridge, lit the first fag, two or three drags and binned off the rest of the packet, horrible stuff.
Rank as fuck, but most of the people who I know using it can't afford £25 for a 50g from Tesco.
Mephedrone was a legal version of coke though, the moment it became illegal you may as well as buy coke instead. The same didn't happen so much with spice, especially in prisons, but that may be down to other factors regarding cannabis's bulk, smell and time it stays in your system.

I often wondered if Mephedrone was more like a legal version of Crystal Meth :D. I wasn't very keen on it, but then again I don't like coke that much. However a lot of people I knew couldn't get enough of it! It was worrying!
From the look of a lot of the tobacco I'm seeing I think a lot of the current UK illicit market is counterfeit. I guess brexit and covid might have made fag runs a little bit more challenging, but even without it, there would be good money to be made from floor sweepings and cut tobacco.

Or grow it..

Methedrone was great, and nothing like coke at all. The reasons for it's total disappearance on being banned is something that I'd like to know a bit more about tbh - I imagined there absolutely would be an illicit market for it.
Methedrone was great, and nothing like coke at all. The reasons for it's total disappearance on being banned is something that I'd like to know a bit more about tbh - I imagined there absolutely would be an illicit market for it.
it certainly hasn't disappeared in new zealand
that's nye 2019/20
Methedrone was great, and nothing like coke at all. The reasons for it's total disappearance on being banned is something that I'd like to know a bit more about tbh - I imagined there absolutely would be an illicit market for it.

I think there definitely is an illegal market for it and you can still buy it but I think making it illegal actually did cause a big constriction in supply, including because they started cracking down on the precursors I think, plus a lot of people just don't want to bother with sneaking around meeting dealers and buying white powders of dubious content, or just don't know any dealers, which really caused a big fall in use. Actually for me (and others I've spoken to) it came at a point where I was glad to give it up anyway to be honest.
I think there definitely is an illegal market for it and you can still buy it but I think making it illegal actually did cause a big constriction in supply, including because they started cracking down on the precursors I think, plus a lot of people just don't want to bother with sneaking around meeting dealers and buying white powders of dubious content, or just don't know any dealers, which really caused a big fall in use. Actually for me (and others I've spoken to) it came at a point where I was glad to give it up anyway to be honest.
I'll admit I'm not that plugged into the party drug scene and haven't been for years, but I know plenty of space cadets round here and I've literally not heard of it being available or anyone talking about it being available since it was banned. There was a long tail of people taking a different synthetic that had a similar name but everyone hated but took anyway (Methylone?), but methedrone itself completely disappeared overnight in my circles.
the fact drugs are bad for your health is a given

The chemicals are there to make it more addictive, and also make it more carcinogenic no?

The stuff manufacturers add to tobacco is apparently mostly benign compared to the tobacco itself.

Smokers are not well informed that cigarette additives are generally food products, are generally not harmful in their non-combusted states and are unlikely to have substantial effects on the overall toxicity/ carcinogenicity of cigarette smoke.6 There is a widespread belief among smokers that cigarettes have dangerous chemicals added to them and could be made substantially less harmful if action was taken to prevent the tobacco industry from adding these chemicals. This stems from public confusion over whether harmful chemicals are found in smoke because they are deliberately added by the tobacco industry (which generally speaking is not true) and the harmful chemicals that are found in tobacco smoke because they are inevitably produced by the combustion of tobacco.

One difference is that drugs and alcohol give you a good feeling whereas fags don't. Tobacco is only nice if you have an addiction.
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