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Several people shot dead in Plymouth 12 August 2021

People just saying 'Well I need a shotgun at home because I like to do a spot of clay pigeon shooting' as justification for owning one are on dodgy ground.

To be honest, I find it absolutely ludicrous that this is seen as a reasonable reason for being granted a gun license.
Sorry you find quite a popular past-time ludicrous.

You would have hated my semi-automatic Franchi Affinity. :( Sold it as cleaning it was such a faff.

Anyway, gun ownership shouldn't be mixed up with this horrible event.
Not heard of this incel thing before. Can't see shag me or I'll go on a killing spree being that effective a pulling strategy
Either ignore it (probably wisest) or else learn about it then? But by the time they do the murder suicides they’ve given up, you know, on trying to get a girlfriend.
I did n't say shag me while I go on a killing spree. Girl's like that, best avioded
My husband hadn't heard of Incels either. I don't know whether many know about them, which I find odd. There's this whole network of people merrily going around plotting death and no one seems to care :confused: People don't even see it as a form of terrorism.
O it's all a bit more toxic than the (ahem) earlier Incel, MRA, PUA's and MGTOW versions popular in my day. Hanging about in the woods, banging a drum was pretty much the (laughable) response to those emasculating feminists. I certainly recall quite a few would-be Iron John types (and, tbf, I still know a surprisingly large number of vaguely survivalist woodsy types).How did it all get so raging and murderous? The inevitable collision of far too many discrete online tropes, trends, memes and assorted positions means pretty much all of us have some dodgy identity fails (I can list easily half a dozen attitudes I have which would not pass muster on any ideological purity scales). I can't really get too enraged about the whole gun thing, tbh but mostly because, while not a (shot)gun owner myself, they have become more familiar to me since spending more time in rural Norfolk (and knowing a heap of shooters and at least a couple of gunsmiths). I have certainly benefitted from them (diet-wise) though and feel very uncomfortable with the idea of demanding yet more state intervention everytime some nutter goes off the rails. There are numerous explanations and even some solutions to this sort of personal anomie...but massive state intervention and crack-downs are not, in my opinion, where we should be looking.
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what will calling it terrorism actually solve

its like the us trying to make Antifa at terrorist orgainisation "i'm not drawing parallels between the 2 "

it not orgainsed ffs

if lonely young men don't want to fap and get angry at women about it

wtf will calling it terrorism do

As always with these suicide terrorism things, whatever flavour they are, school shooters incels isis inspired whichever, I can’t help feeling like the suicide part gets overlooked a bit, when they’re discussed. Like we already know that suicide is a really huge issue amongst young & youngish men, and wonder whether the (complex obvs) causes of that might be not so very different from what leads to these ones who decide to take a bunch of others with them when they go.
My husband hadn't heard of Incels either. I don't know whether many know about them, which I find odd. There's this whole network of people merrily going around plotting death and no one seems to care :confused: People don't even see it as a form of terrorism.

It's been a new and unwanted discovery for me as well, but I don't really touch social media so it's easy for this sort of thing to pass me by. Is there a reason they should be better known though...? Is this the first case of incel-origin violence in the UK or has there been a long history of it already?
This encapsulates much of what I feel about this shooting (and
about generally about surviving abuse/trauma/disability without becoming a cunt)

Because it’s the intersection of personal biography — the whole biography — with social factors — all the social factors — that creates responses, habits, behaviour and whatever else you want to talk about. You can’t just isolate one part of it and say, “Aha! This part is the same for these two people so it must not be relevant to their differences!”
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