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My all-time favourite sandwich (no pics, sadly) is watercress, cream cheese, and Marmite, on nice brown bread. If I'm ever going on a trip needing sandwiches which requires something a bit nicer than cheese and pickle, that's my go-to, in watercress season at least.
My all-time favourite sandwich (no pics, sadly) is watercress, cream cheese, and Marmite, on nice brown bread. If I'm ever going on a trip needing sandwiches which requires something a bit nicer than cheese and pickle, that's my go-to, in watercress season at least.

I can't bear cream cheese, unless it's as an ingredient in a pasta sauce.
When I was on a dig in Romania back in the day, the caterers thought that "vegetarian" meant "lives on cream cheese and tomato sarnies" and I just can't these days.
See also carbonated water, bottled still water (no water supply on site) was not a thing at all.
If I'm ever faced with a cream cheese and tomato sarnie and a bottle of carbonated water for lunch ever again it might send me over the edge :D
It's been a long time since I had peanut butter due to an allergy, but surely peanut butter and banana clings to the roof of your mouth like ill advised '80s house cladding?
If you need a spoon to eat it, is it still technically a sandwich?

More often dispatched with a knife and fork than a spoon but I kind of take your point. However, but when you look at one of these doozies in cross-section, there can be little doubt as to their sandwich credentials.


I often eat complex sandwiches (mainly bacon, egg, and sausage ones) with a knife and fork. Not because I'm precious about getting my hands in a mess, but because I find it easier to maintain the structural integrity of the filling and layers with clean, considered cuts, and deliver perfectly balanced mouthfuls right up to the finalé.
I've been consuming loads of cheese and onion/cheese and pickle lately (v thin sliced onion tho, not traditional). if I'm going more complicated then I'll put a pickle in (ie gherkin, not branston), this elevates most. I like mayonnaise, I like mustard.

peanut butter and banana is prob 3rd most common, feels so good for you whilst probably not being.
I would go for mustard rather than mayonnaise with that. But mayonnaise might be worth a try.

Controversial sandwich opinion: if a sandwich is dry, there is mayonnaise. And mustard. And maybe other things that don't come to mind at the moment. But butter on a sandwich, which is common in the UK as well as places like Canada that have probably caught the disease from the mother country, is just wrong.
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If you’re talking about the industrial lubricant that comes in Hellmans jars, absolutely not. Butter goes with everything, anyway.

I don’t understand why vendors of prepacked sandwiches are so worried about dryness. Good bread and meat should cause salivation, and is much nicer without loads of soggy filler.
Love me a sandwich.

All time fave is an avocado and crispy bacon with mayo on white sliced.

When I am being a good boy it is a hummus and sauerkraut.

And for dessert a peanut butter with mashed banana (bougie upgrade is to make this with french toast).
peanut butter and banana is prob 3rd most common, feels so good for you whilst probably not bebeing.
I have peanut butter and banana croissants before a long run. Sometimes during. Very very good for fueling and easy to consume. In fact I've just eaten a chocolate pain with peanut butter and banana for that very reason.
isnt that a reuben? v good also, I wouldnt ever make at home though because i cant have rye bread in any other situation
To be fair I rarely have rye bread in and when I do it is specifically for this very sandwich. Same with the emmental.
I stick walnuts in if it's not rye. . . Not that it makes it taste like rye, but it does add something that feels missing.
This year I started making my own sauerkraut, but I have only recently got into the habitat of new batches before the old ones have run out (takes about three weeks or so).

And yes I think it is a Reuben or something very close. I used to work in a sandwich shop in Bath in my late teens.
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