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Can you eat a sandwich without crisps?

Can you eat a sandwich without crisps?

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You are so lucky. You get to experience crisps with sandwiches for the first time :D
I think I've already had that experience. I've had sandwiches in cafes that have been served with limp lettuce and a few crisps on a plate. If the crisps were still crispy I would eat those first then the sandwich.
I bought a big bag of scotch bonnet crisps, made appropriately enough by a Scottish company - all because of this bloody thread. Will not be eating them with a butty though.
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Oooh a ham salad sandwich with mustard, ready salted crisps, gherkins and silver skin onions. Lunch of champions :cool:

I probably have sandwiches without crisps more often than with though. Plus it depends on the filling - peanut butter, probs not with crisps :D
don't think i've had crisps in a sandwich since i was a child. i do like some crisps but if i was going to add a snack it would always be sweet. also i rarely eat sandwiches but when i do i try and get a nice one that doesn't need crisps. all of these choices are based on the fact i can't eat what i like without gaining weight though. if that wasn't a factor i would eat a lot more crisps. and sandwiches.
I like crisps occasionally. Marmite walkers are very nice. Salt and vinegar too.

Never really seen the urge to eat them with a sandwich. Sandwiches are already tasty enough.

Plus, if I eat them together I won’t have a mid afternoon snack.
I do like a crisp sandwich, and rarely eat a sandwich without crisps, but I can eat a sandwich without crisps cos I love a good cheese and ham sandwich, loads of butter, fresh crusty bread.....yeah baby
I guess it's a British thing. As a Continental I find the combination bizarre. I see crisps as a savoury snack, preferably consumed with a beer. Obviously the latter is usually not an option for most people at work, but even without the beer they're a perfectly valid work snack between meals- just not a but it doesn't seem a natural complement to a sandwich as part of a main meal.

Speaking of British lunch habits, don't even get me started on having a hot drink such as tea with a main meal...
I guess it's a British thing. As a Continental I find the combination bizarre. I see crisps as a savoury snack, preferably consumed with a beer. Obviously the latter is usually not an option for most people at work, but even without the beer they're a perfectly valid work snack between meals- just not a but it doesn't seem a natural complement to a sandwich as part of a main meal.

Speaking of British lunch habits, don't even get me started on having a hot drink such as tea with a main meal...
This at least partially explains why you can't get the little bags of crisps that we have in many other countries. I hadn't thought of it before.
Tea comes after the main meal. Not with it...
I agree. But no fewer than three of my British co-workers regular have a cuppa with their lunch. I thought it might be relatively commonplace amongst Brits.
If you are having beans on toast or whatever then tea has to be had with. I like a brew with lots of meals come to think of it.
tea goes with anything that could be considered breakfast-y, like beans on toast. it also goes with some sandwiches, depending on content. definitely not with salad and usually not with a 'proper' meal.
tea goes with anything that could be considered breakfast-y, like beans on toast. it also goes with some sandwiches, depending on content. definitely not with salad and usually not with a 'proper' meal.

No, tea is what you drink before your first breakfast coffee, whilst the espresso machine is heating-up properly..! :p :D
I get the tesco meal deal a lot as the huge red bull is in the meal deal. The huge red bull is £1.99 and the meal deal is £3. I get a chicken caesar wrap and fridge raiders on the side. (i used to get peperami but they stopped having that in the meal deal)

I would just like to point out that peperami is back in the meal deal.
Had a large egg and cress bap (three eggs, bit of mayo and black pepper, no salt) with salt and vinegar discos shoved in for dinner today. Fucking great.

This was made at home and discos bought especially but normally won't have crisps for butties I make myself. But then I'll have a round and a half or two rounds of butty at home, or two maybe three baps.
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