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Bacon sandwich. One king to rule them all.

Club sandwich.
Philly cheesesteak

But in Japan in the ubiquitous 7/11s and other convenience stores they did sandwich’s with sliced white bread that made mother’s pride look like an artisanal 12 grain sourdough . Various fillings. Man, the crack cocaine of the sandwich world. I sometimes seriously think of flying to Tokyo just for the sanwiches
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Bacon sandwich. One king to rule them all.

Club sandwich.
Philly cheesesteak

But in Japan in the ubiquitous 7/11s and other convenience stores they did sandwich’s with sliced white bread that made mother’s pride look like an artisanal 12 grain sourdough . Various fillings. Man, the crack cocaine. I sometimes seriously think of flying to Tokyo just for the sanwiches
7/11s egg and tuna is addictive, for sure
It's been a long time since I had peanut butter due to an allergy, but surely peanut butter and banana clings to the roof of your mouth like ill advised '80s house cladding?
🤣 I don’t have that problem, no. But I get that food texture is an individual thing.
I’m living in the land of the open faced sandwich. The first photo Numbers added to the OP would be the end of it for the Swedes. Putting them together, as he did in his second photo would just confuse them.

🇸🇪 has somehow reached the laughable conclusion that a single slice of bread topped with everything except a second slice of bread is the optimal solution to the dilemma of what to eat at teatime. I don’t get it and never will. The minute you pick one up and find you can’t handle the thing without your fingers getting acquainted with the toppings you realise it’s a nonsense, yet they won’t listen to me.

Personally I stick with fish finger sandwiches with HP sauce and a fried egg within two slices of white bread, which was always my favourite sandwich when growing up.
My preferred version of fishfinger sandwich is crusty white bread, iceberg lettuce, spring onions, girkins, mayo and perhaps a small squirt of sweet chili source.
Banana, jam marmite, all that can fuck right off though. I'd honestly rather go hungry. Not starve but you know skip the offering til some grown up food is available.;)
I love an egg and tomato sandwich with a sprinkle of white pepper.

One of the nicest sandwiches I've ever had was a chicken and tarragon sandwich at The Ritz.
Oh yeah corned beef, even the tinned kind, with mustard red onion and white pepper, crusty roll or baggette. Tomato optional.
Got myself some sausages and a lovely fresh baguette while I was out earlier, so tonight I'll be having that for tea, with fried onions, ketchup, and mustard.
Can't wait!
Sausages should count as a sandwich in their own right, really, given that they generally contain wheat (or maybe rice or potato) flour.
My current favourites I think have already been mentioned:

turkey, sauerkraut, emmental, mustard and mayo
Fish fingers with plastic cheese and ketchup

Holiday sandwiches I have enjoyed have mostly been in Italy from those panino hole in the wall places. This was tripe and I appreciate it looks and maybe sounds disgusting but it was bloody gorgeous. It was six years ago and I'm still perving at the photo

Sausage baguette from above and in cross section.
3 fried sausages (nothing fancy, just pork sausages from the supermarket), onions fried in the same pan and arranged under the sausages because I find it a bit easier to manage that way, ketchup and yellow mustard on a buttered piece of fresh baguette.

Favourite sandwich at the moment..

Cheese ciabatta roll toasted and then filled with Ballymaloe relish, mayo, extra mature cheddar, ham and coleslaw.
I often eat complex sandwiches (mainly bacon, egg, and sausage ones) with a knife and fork. Not because I'm precious about getting my hands in a mess, but because I find it easier to maintain the structural integrity of the filling and layers with clean, considered cuts, and deliver perfectly balanced mouthfuls right up to the finalé.


I hated this knife, some sort of weirdly double sided nutjob but it was great for a breakfast bap.

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