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Russian Victory Day!


Happy Russian Victory Day!

A a salute to the brave sons of Russia* risky life and limb to liberate washing machines from Nazis and JK Rowling
(or whatever bullshit is this weeks justification for the illegal invasion and occupation of its neighbour.)

Not the ones raping, murdering civilians and other atrocities and war crimes, They can fuck off to the Hague.

Red Square air display cancelled 'because of weather'​

Ahead of Victory Day, Russia's air force was busy rehearsing over Red Square, including in Z formation - the motif of the military invasion of Ukraine.
Now we hear from Russian news agencies that the air display part of the parade has been cancelled. Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, blamed it on the weather conditions.

:hmm:Just how allergic to clouds are the Russian Airforce?

Red Square air display cancelled 'because of weather'​

Ahead of Victory Day, Russia's air force was busy rehearsing over Red Square, including in Z formation - the motif of the military invasion of Ukraine.
Now we hear from Russian news agencies that the air display part of the parade has been cancelled. Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, blamed it on the weather conditions.

:hmm:Just how allergic to clouds are the Russian Airforce?

You need perfect visibility for formation flying like that, above hundreds of thousands of people including most of the leadership of the country.
You need perfect visibility for formation flying like that, above hundreds of thousands of people including most of the leadership of the country.
No you don't and btw Ukrainians clearly set display level as mug point in their trap and baits. RIP Greywolf
No you don't and btw Ukrainians clearly set display level as mug point in their trap and baits. RIP Greywolf

Alright, maybe not perfect weather but you do need good weather. Flypasts (including big ones) have been cancelled here for just that reason relatively recently.
Well if that was it he doesn't seem to want to escalate right now. The only substantial thing I saw (and I have been working all morning so haven't read a full translation yet) was more help for families of killed and injured soldiers. Which suggests they're worried the war's not playing that well at home.
Well if that was it he doesn't seem to want to escalate right now. The only substantial thing I saw (and I have been working all morning so haven't read a full translation yet) was more help for families of killed and injured soldiers. Which suggests they're worried the war's not playing that well at home.
agree. the tone has changed. i think it's just as much as a darkening mood in moscow from the biting of sanctions as it is the ire of all those tens of thousands of families burying sons (who are mostly, but not exclusively, from poorer backwater regions, a world away from moscow)
I think it would be an error to think that just because he's not mentioned it today, that some kind of full/partial mobilisation, or taking Russia to a full war footing is off the table.

That said, if he was to go down that road, he might have 700,000+ plus men to throw into battle but what tanks has he got to give them, what Artillery has he got to give them, what logistics has he got to keep them fed?

Russia keeps a huge number of tanks et al in storage, but this is stuff from the 60's and 70's, and stuff that didn't get the upgrades through the 80's, 90's, and so on - there's the question about whether much of it will even start with batteries that haven't been turned over in 20+ years, then there's what state will the ammunition be in.

This doesn't touch what will happen to them when the Ukrainians start putting Javelins through them...

The caveat to this is that the Red Army of WWII, which our friend apparently reveres, effectively drowned the German Army is Russian blood. Losses of 10-1 were acceptable to Uncle Joe because he could afford the 10, but Hitler couldn't afford the 1.

Perhaps Vlad thinks he can afford to loose 3,000 tanks and their crews because he'll have 3,000 left, but that once the Ukrainians destroy 3,000 tanks, they'll have run out of missiles for tgre next wave....
I think it would be an error to think that just because he's not mentioned it today, that some kind of full/partial mobilisation, or taking Russia to a full war footing is off the table.

That said, if he was to go down that road, he might have 700,000+ plus men to throw into battle but what tanks has he got to give them, what Artillery has he got to give them, what logistics has he got to keep them fed?

Russia keeps a huge number of tanks et al in storage, but this is stuff from the 60's and 70's, and stuff that didn't get the upgrades through the 80's, 90's, and so on - there's the question about whether much of it will even start with batteries that haven't been turned over in 20+ years, then there's what state will the ammunition be in.

This doesn't touch what will happen to them when the Ukrainians start putting Javelins through them...

The caveat to this is that the Red Army of WWII, which our friend apparently reveres, effectively drowned the German Army is Russian blood. Losses of 10-1 were acceptable to Uncle Joe because he could afford the 10, but Hitler couldn't afford the 1.

Perhaps Vlad thinks he can afford to loose 3,000 tanks and their crews because he'll have 3,000 left, but that once the Ukrainians destroy 3,000 tanks, they'll have run out of missiles for tgre next wave....
i wonder who'd officer this army as you can't magic up a major or even a captain or lieutenant overnight, let alone a sergeant or warrant officer.
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