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Russian anti war movement

Anyone know if it's possible/if anyone's organising funds to be sent over to pay the fines of those arrested? Think I heard something about an Eastern European Anarchist group doing something on a podcast but not sure where.
Anyone know if it's possible/if anyone's organising funds to be sent over to pay the fines of those arrested? Think I heard something about an Eastern European Anarchist group doing something on a podcast but not sure where.
ABC Moscow have a paypal:

Our union branch are possibly going to donate to Rights in Russia, giving the money to a British NGO and then hoping they get it across seems like it might be easier than making contact with a Russian group:
Two pieces on 76 year old anti-war artist Yelena Osipova, one BBC and the other First Post (India) -

Ukraine-Russia: The 76-year-old artist taking on Putin
What's happening is a disgrace. So many people are being killed. The authorities are trying to arouse patriotic feelings in the public. But it's all a deception. And many are deceived by the propaganda that has gone on for years and that has changed people. It's terrible.

Meet the 76-year-old Russian anti-war protester who’s not backing down

I don't understand Russian but it's clear she's getting a lot of stick in that first video. :(

She’s using her art as a tool of protest.

One of her anti-war placards reads, “Putin is war. We don't want to die for Putin”; another depicts him as the devil, reports BBC.

Osipova says she receives some support from passers-by, who see her standing at the station.

“Thank you so much for taking a stand here. It takes so much courage,” one woman tells her, according to The Moscow Times report.

Thank you…” she replies. “I nearly died when I heard that 70 per cent of Russians support all this. See, it’s very scary.”
Russian diaspora in Prague protested against the war yesterday. Police estimate was 3,000. We marched from Náměstí Míru, through Wenceslas Square to Old Town Square. I went along in support of my partner.


The blue and white flag seems to be gathering momentum among Russian opposition

Abbreviation of "Russian military vessel, go fuck yourself"



Translation of her banner:

My heart is bleeding.

I think it’s useless to appeal to reason, so I appeal to your hearts.

Every day in Ukraine women, children, old men and old women die from bombings, hunger, the impossibility to get out of the debris or to get medicine. Their graves with homemade crosses can be found in public spaces. Thousands of injured and mutilated, millions of lives destroyed. If you invent excuses for this, it means that your heart is rotten.

Find the strength to be merciful and compassionate. Don’t support the bloodshed.


Every protest needs a fund – striking workers and people on barricades have to eat, or they won’t be able to last long enough. These people need reassurance that if they get fired, they will get the necessary support and will be able to feed their children.

Neither the well-known Russian opposition nor foreign organizations have created such a fund. Thus we are doing it ourselves – with your help and support of the “AntiJob” project, which defends workers’ rights.

We are members of the Russian anti-war movement. Some of you may already know us as “Antivoenny bolnichny” (in English: Antiwar sick leave) and “Feminist Anti-War Resistance.” We are not the mass media, not political scientists, and not a party cell. We are just people from different cities of Russia who permanently protest against the war in Ukraine and the authoritarian regime in Russia in various forms.

In Russia, many people oppose the war, and every day there are more and more of them. From the very beginning of the war, we promoted the idea of strikes, sick leaves (so as not to serve the state), and mild sabotage. If workers of the military industry, transport, clothing factories get the opportunity to stop supplying the war, the government will quickly run out of resources to continue it. Grassroots citizen movements cause economic slowdown, which can exhaust the war machine much more efficiently than external sanctions.

Our calls have
caused a great resonance among the citizens of Russia. We also have received support and help from abroad (Russia’s Feminists Are in the Streets Protesting Putin’s War).

However, no significant strike movement has developed – and we know the reason why.

Even though many workers were ready to do it, the devastating economic crisis has left them living barely from hand to mouth, and they were too afraid of losing the last money they had.

Of course, any significant strike needs a strike fund. It’s clear for the foreign activists. But the union movement in Russia has been suppressed for decades and is now in a saddening decay. Only two kinds of funds exist nowadays – those supporting emigration and paying fines to the police. None of those are necessary for the protest to grow, even though they help individual people.

Thus, we are creating a fund for the needs of the anti-war movement – mainly for supporting those who are ready to strike. Why are we addressing you? Of course, some people in Russia are willing to donate too. But, again, they do not have enough money for it. What is a couple of cups of Starbucks coffee for people from Europe or the US is a salary for the whole day for many Russian workers.

Currently, the main way to transfer money to Russia is to use cryptocurrency. It complicates everything. If you cannot help us with crypto (or a more traditional alternative–Revolut), please message us directly: we’ll find a way to transfer money with the help of our friends from abroad.

Of course, such funds cannot be a priority nowadays. If you have only a few spare bucks to donate, you should give them to the people of Ukraine and to all those who have suffered – and who continue to suffer – from the Russian aggression. But if you have some leftovers and want to support our resistance – we promise not to waste your money.

Moreover, if we see we cannot use the funds fruitfully, we will donate the raised sums to the people of Ukraine and report on it, as we will report on our every step. And none of it will go into our pockets – those pockets are full of leaflets, stickers, and cans of paint.

The “AntiJob” project will become our mediator in communication with the workers. The project will develop a verification mechanism so that your money goes to strikers in need and not scammers. Together with “AntiJob,” we are going to spread the money between those who need it: for leaflet printing, nourishment during the strike, and supporting those who get fired for openly protesting.

Peace for Ukraine, freedom for Russia!

If you don't fancy messing around with crypto/revolut and want to contact them directly to find another way to donate, here's their telegram, twitter, fb, and insta. Looks like you can donate directly to antijob.net, fwiw.


A new act of Belarusian rail war took place on the night of March 25 near Borisov: unknown persons burned down two relay cabinets on the Borisov-Novosady railway line. Sabotage on the railway is an effective way to prevent the supply of weapons and soldiers to continue the imperialist aggression and save people's lives. The KGB (special service and political police of Lukachet) has already stated that it cannot guarantee the safe transporting for Russian troops along the Belarusian rails, with the control time of traffic, correspondence with the UVSO (Military Communications Office of Belarus and Russia), other documentation. As we wrote earlier, in this regard, the KGB is going to conduct another "cleansing" at the Belarusian Railways. It may affect those who work with documents of limited distribution and workers involved in the organization of train traffic. In addition, it is reported that in the Directorate, branches and subdivisions of the Railways, employees began to be given paper with threats of criminal liability for involvement in the rail war and calls for it, demanding to sign it.

Moscow student Anastasia Levashova was sentenced to two years in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail at a cop during anti-war rally on February 24. The court found her guilty of threatening to use violence against a government official. The girl pleaded her guilty in part.

In Tula, on walls and on windows of Z-cars, began to appear regularly inscriptions "Overthrow Putler! Stop the war!" with the sign of anarchy. Yesterday cops reported about the detention of 28 y/o local anarchists Anton and Faik on suspicion of this "vandalism". No further details are given.

Finally, on March 20, in Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, six women blocked traffic on a river bridge in stanitsa Zelenchukskaya, demanding information about their sons and brothers served under contract in the military unit 01485 and missed from communications. According to the protesters, their relatives were sent to war in Ukraine. Cops detained them all and drew up administrative protocols on "violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting".

It is possible that some Russian officials has not yet completely lost touch with reality, and therefore martial law and general mobilization have not yet been declared - there are fears that it will be massively sabotaged.
Big new article:

eta: some beautiful bits of writing there:
The Russian government helped dictator Lukashenko crush the resistance of the Belarusian people and keep him on the throne, and now it wants to bring our brothers and sisters in Ukraine to their knees. Do we want the people living side by side with us to perceive us as occupiers, do we want to be hated and despised?

I don’t, and that’s why I’m proud—not of Putin—but of the fact that even this international slogan “Russian warship, go fuck yourself” was uttered in Russian, which, for the record, is supposedly banned in Ukraine. So all is not yet lost for us.
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thousand words

An artist has staged a visual protest on the streets of Moscow, recreating the images of those seen dead in Bucha, Ukraine, just days after Russian soldiers were accused of genocide.

The man, who has not yet been identified, was seen lying facedown on the streets of Russia's capital this morning with his hands tied, wearing a brown jacket and black hoodie.

Invitation to Europe!​

On the 28th of March Novaya Gazeta was forced to suspend its work for the second time in history.

This time the reason was martial law censorship and repressive decision of our authorities.

We believe that no one can eliminate a newspaper with such a strong heritage. And we are still looking forward to restarting our work in Moscow.

At the same time, we know that we have readers around the world who are waiting for verified information today. That is why we, Novaya Gazeta journalists who were forced to leave their country due to an occupational ban being in fact put into effect, are pleased to announce that we launch Novaya Gazeta Europe — an outlet that shares our values and standards. That is not a European bureau of Novaya Gazeta but rather a separate independent project, independent both in legal and practical terms.

Novaya Gazeta Europe will cover what is happening in Russia in several languages. It will cover international and Russian news for people who read in Russian and who share European values.

The team of Novaya Gazeta Europe looks forward to your support.
Chatted with a friend last night who's still in Russia and been involved in the opposition for years, don't want to say too much as I'm pretty sure Putin bots read this site. They're pretty depressed tbh but there a couple of hopeful signs. I can't really say what tho without risking identifying them
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