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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Assuming criminal charges are brought.
He has the right to a defence. Can't see him qualifying for legal aid so that will cost. He can point to the full youtube demonetization of his channel and the letter rumble received, apparently justified on the basis that he put up one denying the allegations . Then you have grey areas with regards contempt by publication and his involvement with 'new media'

Multi millionaire defendant (with quite a lot to lose) . Short odds its ends up as caselaw for precedent.
Point to it in what sense? Why?
This is the cental problem with this crap.
The right to a fair trial and freedom of speech means the state cannot take lock you up without a trial or because they don't like what your say.
It does not mean to have an inalienable right to make money on youtube or post on twitter or whatever.

So many seem to confuse those 2 things.
It isn’t even freedom of speech as YouTube haven’t removed his content. The problem for YouTube is that advertisers might not want their products being associated with him so the simplest solution to it all is to just pull the adverts.
Please can those men who are overconfident in their limited understanding and knowledge of the law, please refrain from scoring points with each other. It’s not a good look l.

You've waited to page 46 to make your first post on this thread, which is somewhat nonsensical, what exactly is the point you are trying to make?
Breaking now
The episode, which aired on 21 June, 2008, features this exchange between Brand and Matt Morgan.
Morgan: It's been 25 minutes since he showed his willy to a lady.
Brand: (Laughing) Very easy to judge! Very easy to judge!
Morgan: The receptionist…
Brand: (Laughing) Look…
Morgan: Receive this!
Morgan adds: "He got told off for ringing a bell, minutes later he's showing his willy." Brand can be heard laughing in the background.

In 2019, BBC management was informed about the incident by a BBC staff member who had spoken to Olivia.
She says nobody from BBC management approached her directly about the incident and no formal action was taken.
Olivia says she feels let down by the BBC.
"What allowed that output go out like that? What made the BBC think that was appropriate to go out like that? I just don't understand why they didn't investigate this much sooner.
"And I suspect there's far worse in all those episodes that I can't even stomach to listen to."

BBC News - Woman says Russell Brand exposed himself to her then laughed about it on Radio 2 show
Please can those men who are overconfident in their limited understanding and knowledge of the law, please refrain from scoring points with each other. It’s not a good look l.

Hey, remember when there was that thread that talked about how male posters were so assertive and so present on threads where women had the first person experience of what was being discussed? And the women were saying how boring it was to be dealing with over-talking and interruptions and internecine point scoring by the men? And some of the men said they thought maybe l they'd pay better attention to their part in the patriarchy and maybe not fall into those behaviours?
That was a fun thread, eh.
Is it usual for the press in the UK to make serious legal allegation about rape and sexual assault from anonymous sauces?

I understand that people who have made reports to the police regarding sexual assault and rape are able to have anonymity in the press (but they have made a police report), I'm really just interested if the press are free to make such allegations from anonymous sauces and claim public interest in the UK. I don't think the press here in Brazil can do that, also in the USA the stories about Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey (found not guilty) and others had named accusers making the allegation in the stories exposing then.
The accusers are not completely anonymous. The people who made the Dispatches film about Brand know the identity of the accusers, and have verified their identities. They have also verified evidence from the mobile phones of the accusers.
BBC News - Woman says Russell Brand exposed himself to her then laughed about it on Radio 2 show

What a piece of shit, shame it's too late for him to be prosecuted in California for following this woman into a bathroom and exposing himself

In the conversation that followed, he recalls him saying: "Oh, I think you're a bit alright. I think you're a bit of alright."
She says he told her he was going to call her Betty. When she said that wasn't her name, she says he replied: "Well, I'm gonna fuck you."
"And I said: 'No, you're not.'"
She says he then pulled out his penis on his hand and "pretty much served it to me as you would be serving someone some food".
She says the door to the bathroom was closed, and she felt trapped.
Hey, remember when there was that thread that talked about how male posters were so assertive and so present on threads where women had the first person experience of what was being discussed? And the women were saying how boring it was to be dealing with over-talking and interruptions and internecine point scoring by the men? And some of the men said they thought maybe l they'd pay better attention to their part in the patriarchy and maybe not fall into those behaviours?
That was a fun thread, eh.
And then on another thread it was said that men should be discussing these things more and pulling up their mates about it etc. So fuck knows then which way to go. 🤷‍♀️
So who is going to cut his revenue streams? It's either the government or the corporation isn't it, there's no left political movement or anarchist vigilantes with the power to do so.

So the question is it either doesn't happen and he's free to do whatever he wants, or the government/corporation do it. And if the government decide to do it you would protest that, because that's the position you seem to be arguing for?

If the Government want to have the power to cut the revenue streams of people accused of serious offences then they should legislate to do so surely, not just do it off the cuff. I don't think that's what happened here, I agree with the analysis that's it's probably just an over eager MP but on the broader point then no, the government shouldn't do this unless they have passed a law enabling them to.

I sincerely hope Brand gets kicked off every platform he tries to spout his shit from but it would still be a worrying state of affairs if the government decided they had the power to trash people's careers based on allegations without any due process or even legislation to enable it. That's a dictatorship, not the (piss weak) democracy we supposedly live under.
And then on another thread it was said that men should be discussing these things more and pulling up their mates about it etc. So fuck knows then which way to go. 🤷‍♀️

Sometimes yunno Magnus McGinty you seem to be seeking the insult and missing the point.

Of course men should be discussing these issues.

But it seems to be a bit tricky for men (nam obvs) to lay off the squabbling and point scoring, which - on a thread like this - isn't dissimilar to a self-aggrandising chap pulling out his old chap and saying "have a look at this! Innit big and clever! Much biggerer and cleverer than yours!"
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