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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I was asking if your words were intended to mean something, cos if they meant something I didn't understand them.

You wrote "Do the right thing and nobody will say you no".
In the middle of a conversation about how sometimes, in some contexts, men's pointless domineering willy waving posts can come across as more than usually shit.

As you're the most prolific contributor to the thread i wondered what if anything you meant by it
I can explain it to you: but I cannot understand it for you. My post to Magnus McGinty meant simply that rather than worry about the various tensions he identified in his post just do the right thing and no one will object. Just as the post said.

If you think two men talking to each other as I and Magnus were is pointless domineering and willy waving you understand neither pointless nor domineering nor willy waving.

Whether I were the most or least prolific poster on this thread doesn't matter to me. And I don't see why you raise it as you do. It's utterly irrelevant
I can only imagine why you're this bothered about getting it right but okay, whatever.

Strange then that the reverse isn’t true about you being bothered about the sex of those posting and what they have to say.
My last post as I’m already in shit.
Anyone wanting to come forward, talk to the Met and Operation Hydrant officers for it is they whom will build a case, and the CPS that will decide if it is one. Everything else is just enabling Article 6 Human Rights Act issues
No. Nobody should have to go to the police. A number of people on here have given a bunch of reasons why people (vast majority women, sometimes men) don't report sexual crimes. Do you have any idea how misogynist the police can be? Do you know how very few r___s* end in a conviction?

I can't even stomach typing out the word today.* I'm sick of saying this over and over but I will say it as many times as it takes:

Anyone who tells sexual assault victim that they must call the police can get to fuck.
Strange then that the reverse isn’t true about you being bothered about the sex of those posting and what they have to say.
My last post as I’m already in shit.

You're being really odd.
You're assuming I'm bothered.

In what way? That people can point to me being male and comment on that from a position of being ambiguous so I can’t comment back?

So you admit that the perceived gender of the person you're engaging with has a bearing on what you say, how you say it.

I'm not having a pop. You're just such a good example of how this stuff lands with (nam) men. You push back on a perceived slight, get defensive, expose your assumptions and then when that gets shown back to you you either push off or double down. Sometimes, usually later, you'll go "yer, that was fair, it made me think" but that don't seem to translate to change. There are other men on here less willing to engage than you are. Props for that innit.

Also, women posters are probably bored to death of having to point it out over and over, so I'm kinda filling the gap there a bit, I hope.

When I'm saying this stuff it's not just aimed at you, it's an opportunity to show and tell in a general way. I'm assuming and hoping other posters, men women and in between, also find it interesting or even helpful.

I don't care what gender other posters are and I don't mind what I'm assumed to.be. That's kinda the point. I said it was liberating, but it's also been a really good discipline for me: to mind what I write, what I say, how I say it, in order to not appear any specific gender.

Not sure how any of this relates back to Brand tho. Also not sure if it's a real derail tho.

I'm getting on a plane in a couple of hours. Back in Blighty at breakfast time on Friday.
I don't know this Brand person, I'm guessing his fame is in the English speaking parts of the world.

Having had him all over any UK news I've looked at in the last few days, you think he'd have been convicted of mass murders not just some allegations from 20 years ago ( albeit very serious allegations). I was interested to see that government ministers have been writing to the places he makes money before he has been convicted. I'll be interested to see if any MP who is accused of a crime is suspended without pay and ministers write to everywhere they earn money asking if they will still be paid.

Guilty or not, I have no view on that, but there appears to be a very strange reaction to these allegations. Has he pissed off the king or something :confused:
I don't know this Brand person, I'm guessing his fame is in the English speaking parts of the world.

Having had him all over any UK news I've looked at in the last few days, you think he'd have been convicted of mass murders not just some allegations from 20 years ago ( albeit very serious allegations). I was interested to see that government ministers have been writing to the places he makes money before he has been convicted. I'll be interested to see if any MP who is accused of a crime is suspended without pay and ministers write to everywhere they earn money asking if they will still be paid.

Guilty or not, I have no view on that, but there appears to be a very strange reaction to these allegations. Has he pissed off the king or something :confused:
You've been around since 2010, but appear not to have posted about anything else apart from Formula 1 until now. (I admit to not searching very hard, but 13 years is a long time.) Why has Russell Brand -- whom you say you've never heard of -- brought you into the mainstream?
You've been around since 2010, but appear not to have posted about anything else apart from Formula 1 until now. (I admit to not searching very hard, but 13 years is a long time.) Why has Russell Brand -- whom you say you've never heard of -- brought you into the mainstream?

1%er might not be the most prolific poster but he's started dozens of threads on a wide variety of subjects
Has anyone considered the possibility that agents of the Republic of Azerbaijan could have promoted the Russell Brand story in order to divert attention from that state’s resumption of control of Nagorno-Karabakh?
There was some clown on Twitter reckons it's all a fake to distract from the Welsh Assembly introducing the 20mph restrictions
I don't know this Brand person, I'm guessing his fame is in the English speaking parts of the world.

Having had him all over any UK news I've looked at in the last few days, you think he'd have been convicted of mass murders not just some allegations from 20 years ago ( albeit very serious allegations). I was interested to see that government ministers have been writing to the places he makes money before he has been convicted. I'll be interested to see if any MP who is accused of a crime is suspended without pay and ministers write to everywhere they earn money asking if they will still be paid.

Guilty or not, I have no view on that, but there appears to be a very strange reaction to these allegations. Has he pissed off the king or something :confused:

Which government ministers? All I've seen is a copy of a letter from a Select Committee Chair suggesting that social media companies demonetise his accounts, which is something they do to plenty of people anyway. I also get the impression that you don't think that rape and sexual abuse are "very serious".
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