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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Is it usual for the press in the UK to make serious legal allegation about rape and sexual assault from anonymous sauces?
It's not uncommon for anonymity to be used on the front end of a program, but the press will be more careful than usual to have all the relevant Ts crossed and Is dotted behind the scenes when doing it because of the risk of a court case. That the famously litigious Brand hasn't mooted one yet is fairly notable in and of itself.
Is it usual for the press in the UK to make serious legal allegation about rape and sexual assault from anonymous sauces?

I understand that people who have made reports to the police regarding sexual assault and rape are able to have anonymity in the press (but they have made a police report), I'm really just interested if the press are free to make such allegations from anonymous sauces and claim public interest in the UK. I don't think the press here in Brazil can do that, also in the USA the stories about Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey (found not guilty) and others had named accusers making the allegation in the stories exposing then.

As far as i know yes they can although the person accused could sue for libel if allegations were untrue.
Yeah they're great, going on about a 'cancel culture mob' ffs. What's next, cheering GBNews if they give Brand a platform as well?

The letter asked if he was able to make money off content related to the accusations, which might end up being charges. It's hardly a massive State overreach, I think being concerned he might start churning out content full of horrible shit and conspiracy bollocks about the case through which he makes hundreds of thousands of pounds is a fair question and something he shouldn't be able to do.
Assuming he is charged, he'd probably apply for bail ahead of the trial. There is always the potential of flight risk....This could be considerably reduced if they kneecap him now.

You can be appalled by the allegations (and believe them to be true) and still be perturbed by how this is all going down
Assuming he is charged, he'd probably apply for bail ahead of the trial. There is always the potential of flight risk....This could be considerably reduced if they kneecap him now.

You can be appalled by the allegations (and believe them to be true) and still be perturbed by how this is all going down
How is this all going down?
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Feel free to call a demo against the government and supporting Brand's freedom to make videos and make money off all this then, that's the result of the position you're defending.
No it's not. It's quite possible both to think that the government should not be sticking its nose in and to want the likes of Brand to have their revenue streams cut.
No it's not. It's quite possible both to think that the government should not be sticking its nose in and to want the likes of Brand to have their revenue streams cut.

So who is going to cut his revenue streams? It's either the government or the corporation isn't it, there's no left political movement or anarchist vigilantes with the power to do so.

So the question is it either doesn't happen and he's free to do whatever he wants, or the government/corporation do it. And if the government decide to do it you would protest that, because that's the position you seem to be arguing for?
its literally trial by media
He won't be convicted by the 'mainstream media,' although they've done a great job of researching his activities and collecting testimonies from his victims. And producing such a water tight case that they're not bothered by any legal threats Brand may wield.

Hopefully this investigation will also empower others abused by Brand to come forward.

What's your problem with that?
It's not uncommon for anonymity to be used on the front end of a program, but the press will be more careful than usual to have all the relevant Ts crossed and Is dotted behind the scenes when doing it because of the risk of a court case. That the famously litigious Brand hasn't mooted one yet is fairly notable in and of itself.
Well the standard media stance would be that that are just reporting on the fact that allegations have been made not on the truth of them - until tested in court.

But as this was a documentary not a news report It will be a bit different and like you say I imagine they need to be much more sure of themselves.

But worth remembering that while Brand is well off and litigious he is not all that rich or influential. Not when compared to someone like Weinstein for example.
If these letters are real this move by the government is raw meat to conspiracists

It does seem like state overreach to me

Same letter went to Rumble it seems?
In the comments is seemingly real Rumbles response, basically saying fuck off ... great publicity for their platform too

What a shit show

Is this definitely real?

Select Committees are made up of backbenchers, so are not responsible for the policies of the Government. The point about them is that they are independent parliamentary groups and can try to hold the Government and in this case other organizations to account.
He won't be convicted by the 'mainstream media,' although they've done a great job of researching his activities and collecting testimonies from his victims. And producing such a water tight case that they're not bothered by any legal threats Brand may wield.

Hopefully this investigation will also empower others abused by Brand to come forward.

What's your problem with that?
Anyone wanting to come forward, talk to the Met and Operation Hydrant officers for it is they whom will build a case, and the CPS that will decide if it is one. Everything else is just enabling Article 6 Human Rights Act issues
Bits of this thread are like some weird Viz top tips letter...

Dear lefties,

When a sexual abuser and rapist is exposed by some brave women and a long term investigation definitely make sure you go on about trial by media and how unfair it is he loses some of his income for pushing alt-right conspiracy theories and denying the allegations on social media, it'll really chime with the general population (women especially) and make you look like you're sticking it to the man.
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Anyone wanting to come forward, talk to the Met and Operation Hydrant officers for it is they whom will build a case, and the CPS that will decide if it is one. Everything else is just enabling Article 6 Human Rights Act issues

Wow, you've really plummeted in my estimation.
So who is going to cut his revenue streams? It's either the government or the corporation isn't it, there's no left political movement or anarchist vigilantes with the power to do so.

So the question is it either doesn't happen and he's free to do whatever he wants, or the government/corporation do it. And if the government decide to do it you would protest that, because that's the position you seem to be arguing for?
I wish you'd stop telling me what I think. I've told you what I think. The fact this is a backbench group does change things significantly as it's not the government directly intervening. But the point about state overreach stands. I don't oppose state overreach only when it's done to people I like or approve of.
Pretty thin distinction - she is a Tory MP - a member of the governing party - and parliamentary committees are essentially part of the mechanism of government

Well that's something else completely, if being able to claim a percentage of revenue from video content didn't exist then its a different conversation, but it does exist, and its not currently up to anyone in government to decide who can and can't be allowed to take part in that, just because they feel like putting pressure on.

And this is nothing to do with having sympathy for Russell Brand.. its a question of what is legitimate interaction between state, business and the public.

Most importantly for me its about the frightening rocket-fueled rise in conspiracism, and where that leads politically. The left are regularly ceding ground to the right over this - saying oh it doesnt matter, fuck Russel Brand anyway, plays in exactly to their narrative and gives power to those right-wing figures who can point to an injustice and use it to build their case. Not that unlike twenty years ago it was the left that was against globalisation, and now this is territory for some mutated 'anti-globalist' right
It's hardly a thin distinction when you have said yourself that legislation would be preferable to government intervention. This is a committee of the legislature asking questions, however pointed, as part of the process of performing oversight of the relevant government department. They're demonstrating their capacity to ask tough questions so that they can make recommendations to the DCMS, such as whether to introduce new legislation or not-for instance because the sector showed the capacity to self regulate rapey grifters without the state needing to get involved.
Anyone wanting to come forward, talk to the Met and Operation Hydrant officers for it is they whom will build a case, and the CPS that will decide if it is one. Everything else is just enabling Article 6 Human Rights Act issues

Article 6 covers the matter of any criminal charge against a person, we are not at that stage.

The media has only reported the allegations made, I fail to see how that would cause issues under article 6.

It's hardly a thin distinction when you have said yourself that legislation would be preferable to government intervention. This is a committee of the legislature asking questions, however pointed, as part of the process of performing oversight of the relevant government department. They're demonstrating their capacity to ask tough questions so that they can make recommendations to the DCMS, such as whether to introduce new legislation or not-for instance because the sector showed the capacity to self regulate rapey grifters without the state needing to get involved.
The bit I disliked most about the letter was that it mentioned both illegal behaviour and inappropriate behaviour. That's where the overreach comes in.
Anyone wanting to come forward, talk to the Met and Operation Hydrant officers for it is they whom will build a case, and the CPS that will decide if it is one. Everything else is just enabling Article 6 Human Rights Act issues
Have you managed to completely miss the lengthy explanations by women why they've been reluctant to talk to the police and why they haven't fancied taking on rich, powerful men and possibly being exposed and most likely abused by their fanatical followers?
Article 6 covers the matter of any criminal charge against a person, we are not at that stage.

The media has only reported the allegations made, I fail to see how that would cause issues under article 6.
This is the cental problem with this crap.
The right to a fair trial and freedom of speech means the state cannot take lock you up without a trial or because they don't like what your say.
It does not mean to have an inalienable right to make money on youtube or post on twitter or whatever.

So many seem to confuse those 2 things.
This is the cental problem with this crap.
The right to a fair trial and freedom of speech means the state cannot take lock you up without a trial or because they don't like what your say.
It does not mean to have an inalienable right to make money on youtube or post on twitter or whatever.

So many seem to confuse those 2 things.
In living memory - well within living memory - the state has locked people up with neither crime nor trial taking place.
Bits of this thread are like some weird Viz top tips letter...

Dear lefties,

When a sexual abuser and rapist is exposed by some brave women and a long term investigation definitely make sure you go on about trial by media and how unfair it is he loses some of his income for pushing alt-right conspiracy theories and denying the allegations on social media, it'll really chime with the general population (women especially) and make you look like you're sticking it to the man.

aye but you are forgetting the real victims in cases like these straight male of a certain age

the world changing and they cannot handle it
Article 6 covers the matter of any criminal charge against a person, we are not at that stage.

The media has only reported the allegations made, I fail to see how that would cause issues under article 6.
Assuming criminal charges are brought.
He has the right to a defence. Can't see him qualifying for legal aid so that will cost. He can point to the full youtube demonetization of his channel and the letter rumble received, apparently justified on the basis that he put up one denying the allegations . Then you have grey areas with regards contempt by publication and his involvement with 'new media'

Multi millionaire defendant (with quite a lot to lose) . Short odds its ends up as caselaw for precedent.
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