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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

The letter is nearly identical to one that Rumble was toting about from the 19th. Rumble being a US hard-right site founded by, among others, Tucker Carlson. I'd not put it out of the realms of possibility that Dinenage decided to try a bit of this on (which is very much not the same same thing as it being a government policy to hammer his income streams) but the sources for this are partisan af.

I'd suspect a clumsy personal campaign doing a bit of an overreach on the headed notepaper rather than anything else, if it is true, especially if you're writing to Rumble and Musk, of all places, to try and get Brand off air. The 100% outcome from them was always going to be telling her to fuck off and immediately going public about it.

In fact if anything the way this has come out suggests to me that the State itself doesn't care at all, otherwise it might have been employing more competent forms of pressure rather than leaving it to some dozy MP on a keyboard who's had that committee chair for all of four months.

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You can't not do something cos it plays into conspiracy narratives, they make all the stuff up anyway, worrying they might use it as fuel is a dead end. Following that logic would result in Brand not having been investigated. Not to mention his YT being demonetisated or him being deplatformed off anything.
yes i take your point - policy shouldn't be decided on whether it plays well or not with conspiracists
but where conspiracists are 100% right is to fear the intrusion of the state into freedoms.... this used to be a left position ...or definitely an anarchist one. at the very least the law should be defining the limits of process.

i've just been reading What About The Rapists - Anarchist Approaches to Crime and Justice...a topic for its own thread really, but its interesting to compare the gulf between what is playing out in reality and a model of community and restorative justice presented in this book

I tend to agree, ska invita, platforms should decide on what, if any, action they want to take in this case.
or legislation should be introduced that says If thing X happens then Y outcome happens... something legally binding. Not that I have faith in the law, but its better than this random letter crap
I guess I don't see media platforms the same as TV. It is a very different model in many ways though I take your point.

The government are not saying they should ban him from posting videos on a platform ... based on that letter they "allow" him to keep posting....
they are specifically pushing the platform to demonitise.

This is not due process.

It's unlikely he is going to go through a state legal process. Even if he did and was found guilty and carried out whatever punishment, should he never be allowed to post on monetised social media again, because of arbitrary state pressure.

What other criminal convictions should result in a banning from monetising social media? Are there other areas of work that should also be banned?

It looks like overreach of the state to me, and enacted on a whim rather than by any law.

I mean I think it's complicated and a new area that hasn't been worked out yet.

They're not talking about him being banned. But should someone be able to make money from social media when they're posting stuff about ongoing charges they're facing?

It's not arbitary State pressure though is it? It's very specific to him.
but where conspiracists are 100% right is to fear the intrusion of the state into freedoms.... this used to be a left position ...or definitely an anarchist one. at the very least the law should be defining the limits of process.

It's not a left position, it's a position dearly held by many on the right as well. I also think the fixation and poor wider analysis that some anarchists and many alternative types have on this partly explains why so may have gone down conspiracy rabbitholes the last few years.
Its arbitrary in that some elected politician has decided they are going to intervene in a case that hasnt even been through any legal process. Theyve arbitrarily decided to get involved in this
Yeah, I agree. It's also arbitrary to call out 'inappropriate' behaviour. If it's not illegal, it's not the government's business.
Someone from the government has sent a letter asking a question.
But there's is no indication, currently, whether she did so with wider blessing from her peers. My hunch is it wasn't, because there are at least some heads left in that pile of swill who'd be sensible enough to tell her what a terrible idea it would be. It doesn't work at all as a threat, but it works marvellously as a rallying cry.
But there's is no indication, currently, whether she did so with wider blessing from her peers. My hunch is it wasn't, because there are at least some heads left in that pile of swill who'd be sensible enough to tell her what a terrible idea it would be.
id hope so too
but as i say its a massive fuck up because its oil on the inferno that is conspiracy theory land and massively undermines the reality of the accusations...it looks like the state trying to shut down a media channel (s)...its doesnt even look like it, thats what it is...it gives credence to the idea that this is a politically motivated attack
Heard an interesting point in repsonse to the trial by media nonsense the twats are spouting.... are they defending Sir Jimmy then too? he never faced the CJ system in his life!!

And a point of mine about why people don't go to the police. I've worked with 2 rape victims where I was the first person they had ever told about it. Years later. They couldn't even say the word rape. The pain and shame of the experience was overwhelming for them and they as you would obviously understand both had PTSD.
It's not a left position, it's a position dearly held by many on the right as well. I also think the fixation and poor wider analysis that some anarchists and many alternative types have on this partly explains why so may have gone down conspiracy rabbitholes the last few years.
Historically, free speech has been a left wing issue around the idea of "speaking truth to power". More recently, it's become more about those on the right having unfettered platforms to punch down. By "some anarchists and many alternative types", I doubt you're referring to actual anarchists but to the bohemian weirdos that seem to hang round the neck of what passes for an anarchist movement like a fucking albatross. Most actual anarchist groups and organisations have had a pretty good analysis on this.

Anyway, if this Russell Brand stuff ever does get to court, this minister's actions will no doubt be used as an example to suggest that government interference prejudices the case against defendant.
To be fair, the whole forum seems to be about Russell Brand at times. There's this thread, the general entertainment industry thread, and whatever threads from the past about this or that creation or outrage. Just what a narcissist would want, really.

I always wonder how come so many
narcissists set up to seek fame and fortune in the media, leaving in their wake a host of abused, mistreated or at the least people with not many a good word to say about them… Tis a puzzler.
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It's written as though it's coming from the whole Committee - she's just the messenger.
Chairs of committees always write like that, it doesn't necessarily mean they had a meeting and signed off on her sending anything (they could have, but not necessarily).
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I do not like or condone his treatment of women: however he was targeted by the US for exposing their war crimes, aided and abetted by the Guardian (and that bastard Starmer at the CPS), who lied claiming that it wasnt all a ruse to get him extradited to the US, when it was.

I cannot allow on any thread Guardian scum to claim moral high ground on anything whatsoever without drawing attention to this episode.

If you dont like it, tough
Is that the fella that middle manned with the Kremlin to get Trump elected? Thanks for that Mr Assange
It's not a left position, it's a position dearly held by many on the right as well. I also think the fixation and poor wider analysis that some anarchists and many alternative types have on this partly explains why so may have gone down conspiracy rabbitholes the last few years.
Like covide lockdowns
Unwanted government intrusion, or important public health measures?
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