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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I remember pre-internet days that the top shelves of most newsagents were all nudie mags, these days they're mostly things like Model Railways and Fishing magazines.
I think “Lads’ Mags” were bought by those too embarrassed to buy proper porn and it started to blur the line between what was sleazy with what was previously just general interest. Earlier soft porn had a higher proportion of articles on cars, hi-fi so there was a plausible reason for purchasing beyond nudie pics.
I do think its important to understand the differnt culture of the 70s and 80s, the fact that it was a predominately working class audience and take a grown up nuanced view and conclude that Bernard Manning was a vile misogynist, racist cunt who performed vile misogynist, racist, cunt jokes to an audience of vile, misogynist racist cunts. Which is exactly what many, many people belived at the time.
I do think its important to understand the differnt culture of the 70s and 80s, the fact that it was a predominately working class audience and take a grown up nuanced view and conclude that Bernard Manning was a vile misogynist, racist cunt who performed vile misogynist, racist, cunt jokes to an audience of vile, misogynist racist cunts. Which is exactly what many, many people belived at the time.
what class are the followers of Brand? who watches Ross?
Wish I'd never brought Manning up now, but one thing I will note as a parallel between his era and that of Brand and co. is the assumption that a lack of challenge is the same thing as enthusiastic acceptance.

Manning, for example, in a video posted above, talks about his Pakistani neighbour being a very clever man who would laugh at his jokes about Pakistanis. RD's comments have repeatedly talked about how racists would go see Manning and then go back to the factory and rub along fine with black co-workers. I have no doubt the latter was true, and perhaps the former as well.

But then, of course it would be. A minority group has to be accepting of a situation which they have little power to change and where a reaction other than cheerful acceptance Causes A Problem, with them as the troublemaker.

It's notable, isn't it, how few of the minority people who lived through that time have subsequently been among its prominent nostalgists. Even Manning's beloved neighbour.
trigger warning ----> I don't know much about comedy and never followed the latest stars or trends, so take this for what it is.....

A few weeks ago I stumbled across an Apollo show and thought I'd give it a go....It struck me how deeply racist and mysogonist the whole production was. The set up was the usual: A rotation of various acts, all given a certain amount of stage time. The acts were very obviously picked for their backgrounds and appearances: An Asian man, a black man, a bigger woman, a white w/c lad, a black woman, etc.
The acts would mould their routines around the specific stereotypes typical to them. A few curry jokes from the Asian man, the black man jumped between Carib-, West African-, and Grime Accents, the bigger woman made jokes about being big and threw in a few lesbian jokes, et etc, all in the name of 'as long as I joke about myself I can be as edgy as I like'.
From their stage appearances, however, I have no idea what their real life personas were. But this wasn't they point. The point wasn't about confronting the audience with their own perceptions and to make them question their prejudices via the means of comedy, but it was about re-assuring people that racist views, exclusion and bullying don't need challenging, as long as you laugh with someone about their status in society. The fact that the acts were just that, acts, was side-lined. Both audience and act really laughed at something, laughed at people for being disadvantaged.

I don't think things are very different to the 70s and 80s. The packaging has changed, but to point at the 70s with outrage misses the point and is a get-out-clause.
Apologies if already posted/incorrect thread

The question “Why didn’t she go to the police?” is easy to answer for any of us who lived under that hideous toxic media regime. The challenging of any aspect of sexism or misogyny was ruthlessly quashed, the objector painted as humourless and unfuckable, then mocked, bullied and harassed.

The acts would mould their routines around the specific stereotypes typical to them.

Another thing that starts early. Referencing back to my colleague doing his course, the teacher suggested to all of them that they use their personal attributes to fuel their set. Except of course for the white guy they're The Norm, so his unique tack was political, his views on the world. Judgment of externalities.

White guys aren't expected to joke about bad dates, or about culture brought over from their ancestral homeland (not that either is "bad comedy"), they have freer reign to go wherever, into surreal stuff, shock, satire etc. I'd not really thought about it until it was pointed out to me, but you can definitely see the influence of that mindset on the mainstream shows.
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If these letters are real this move by the government is raw meat to conspiracists

It does seem like state overreach to me

Same letter went to Rumble it seems?
In the comments is seemingly real Rumbles response, basically saying fuck off ... great publicity for their platform too

What a shit show

Is this definitely real?
If these letters are real this move by the government is raw meat to conspiracists

It does seem like state overreach to me

Same letter went to Rumble it seems?
In the comments is seemingly real Rumbles response, basically saying fuck off ... great publicity for their platform too

What a shit show

Is this definitely real?

That account is a Trump supporter that likes talking about vaccines. So probably not.
If these letters are real this move by the government is raw meat to conspiracists

It does seem like state overreach to me

Same letter went to Rumble it seems?
In the comments is seemingly real Rumbles response, basically saying fuck off ... great publicity for their platform too

What a shit show

Is this definitely real?

Asking if someone potentially facing rape and sexual assault charges is able to make money off producing SM content talking about them is a fair question tbh. People would be asking questions if they did highly paid uncensored and unquestioned interviews on TV shows discussing them, so why not this?

Also, fuck that Twitter.
From their stage appearances, however, I have no idea what their real life personas were. But this wasn't they point. The point wasn't about confronting the audience with their own perceptions and to make them question their prejudices via the means of comedy, but it was about re-assuring people that racist views, exclusion and bullying don't need challenging, as long as you laugh with someone about their status in society. The fact that the acts were just that, acts, was side-lined. Both audience and act really laughed at something, laughed at people for being disadvantaged.

I don't think things are very different to the 70s and 80s. The packaging has changed, but to point at the 70s with outrage misses the point and is a get-out-clause.
If you haven't seen it already I'd highly recommend watching Nanette - Hannah Gadsby's show, about this, it's an excellent, if difficult watch; I saw her perform it live at the Fringe a few years back and have rewatched on Netflix - just as powerful the second time around even when you know what's coming.
That's why I posted it, it's a conspiracist account and they're all reposting it.... It makes my point about how this plays into conspiracy narratives

Whether is real or not though...?

You can't not do something cos it plays into conspiracy narratives, they make all the stuff up anyway, worrying they might use it as fuel is a dead end. Following that logic would result in Brand not having been investigated. Not to mention his YT being demonetisated or him being deplatformed off anything.
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If these letters are real this move by the government is raw meat to conspiracists

It does seem like state overreach to me

Same letter went to Rumble it seems?
In the comments is seemingly real Rumbles response, basically saying fuck off ... great publicity for their platform too

What a shit show

Is this definitely real?

Looks real, it's on the government's website - https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/41488/documents/204326/default/

And, looks like Musk has had a letter too.

In the communication to X chief executive Linda Yaccarino, Dame Caroline said: “We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr Brand monetises his content and, if so, we would like to know whether X intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform.
“Given Elon Musk’s response to Mr Brand’s tweet regarding the allegations, where he wrote ‘Of course. They don’t like competition’, we are also keen to understand whether Mr Musk has personally intervened in any decisions on Mr Brand’s status on the platform.
“We would also like to know what X is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour.”

Asking if someone potentially facing rape and sexual assault charges is able to make money off producing SM content talking about them is a fair question tbh. People would be asking questions if they did paid interviews on TV shows discussing them, so why not this?

Also, fuck that Twitter.

I guess I don't see media platforms the same as TV. It is a very different model in many ways though I take your point.

The government are not saying they should ban him from posting videos on a platform ... based on that letter they "allow" him to keep posting....
they are specifically pushing the platform to demonitise.

This is not due process.

It's unlikely he is going to go through a state legal process. Even if he did and was found guilty and carried out whatever punishment, should he never be allowed to post on monetised social media again, because of arbitrary state pressure.

What other criminal convictions should result in a banning from monetising social media? Are there other areas of work that should also be banned?

It looks like overreach of the state to me, and enacted on a whim rather than by any law.
To be fair, there was a lot of speculation that he would also be named in the Dispatches programme.
As I said before upthread. C4 can be very good at this sort of thing, and if any broadcaster at all would do it I suppose it would be them. But they're not going to shoot GBBO in the face just as it starts for the season.
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