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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Sorry but your fucking experience? Try asking black people what it 2as like to experience the 60s and 70s. Twat.
Calm down. All I've done is try to explain BM in context and explain what I saw in indirect relation to it.

I was alongside a non-white minority in factories at the time. Were you?
This isn't a thread about Bernard Manning, how about fucking the fuck off with this defence of him, on a thread that isn't about him?

Maybe in 40 years you can pop up and support Brand on a thread that isn't about him, but please for the love of all that is good, just STOP.
Stop? I've already said it's 'how you were,' after explaining how Manning came into it and how nobody else necessarily had to jump in. Not that it should need explaining when the thread is there for anybody to follow.

I can't help it if you choose to carry on with the theme.
Stop? I've already said it's 'how you were,' after explaining how Manning came into it and how nobody else necessarily had to jump in. Not that it should need explaining when the thread is there for anybody to follow.

Anyone bringing up a defence of Manning in any situation should be given a robust argument as to why that is not appropriate and told to fuck right off with that shit.

If the inscription on my grave reads "Didn't let anyone get away with a defence of racist comedians unchallenged" I'll be more than happy.
Anyone bringing up a defence of Manning in any situation should be given a robust argument as to why that is not appropriate and told to fuck right off with that shit.

If the inscription on my grave reads "Didn't let anyone get away with a defence of Bernard Manning unchallenged" I'll be more than happy.
That's great. Even if it's something that arose from your imagination. Any celebraration of a life is a celebration of their delusions, I suppose.
You could try not posting in support of racist "comedians" - not just here, but anywhere. Not just late, but at any time.
I suppose I'll just have to place some faith in the sensible posters. Or the ones who aren't pissed.
It’s a little-known fact that Bernard Manning was actually a left communist intellectual. He would ofttimes quote the words of Anton Pannekoek.

Manning was engaged in a project that aimed to transform working class consciousness by exorcising the racism and xenophobia polluting the minds of the masses. He broke down the repressive dam that contained the secret hatreds of the listener, thereby, as it were, lancing the boil of prejudice, enabling the poison to flow out of his or her body, leaving the listener a true internationalist.

The only cure for racism and xenophobia is more racism and xenophobia. A little bit of what ails you cures you, as homeopathic medicine has so convincingly demonstrated.

Many of us were too stupid to realise that Bernard Manning was in fact satirising racists, which is why I complained to the BBC about his comments on the Mrs Merton show. I was not astute enough to realise the contribution that this man was making to preparing the ground for the creation of a world held in common by all human beings.

These days, when the people of Britain are no longer free to shout vile abuse at people in the street, secret hatreds are allowed to fester, unexpressed, causing who knows what emotional damage to racists, xenophobes, and other bigots.
Just to clarify what's been established over an interesting night -- it's not racist to like Bernard Manning if you're from Manchester, Marina Hyde is crap because she's posh and writes in the Graun, Julian Assange isn't all that bad, and Russell Brand is still a cunt?
I do not like or condone his treatment of women: however he was targeted by the US for exposing their war crimes, aided and abetted by the Guardian (and that bastard Starmer at the CPS), who lied claiming that it wasnt all a ruse to get him extradited to the US, when it was.

I cannot allow on any thread Guardian scum to claim moral high ground on anything whatsoever without drawing attention to this episode.

If you dont like it, tough
Thought that it was on ref to manning for a moment
Those terms had never been invented at the time. As you will know.

But few people even now like being actually told what to think, it seems.
Good to see that encountering such constant rejection has not dampened your enthusiasm for trying to put us lot right.
To be fair, the whole forum seems to be about Russell Brand at times. There's this thread, the general entertainment industry thread, and whatever threads from the past about this or that creation or outrage. Just what a narcissist would want, really.
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