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Rochdale by-election

Those Rochdale candidates include:

1. Disowned Labour candidate who voiced conspiracy theory about the current Israel conflict (amongst, apparently, other discretions)
2. Former Labour/Respect MP with a curious relationship with the Arab world, the Islamic faith, and byelections
3. Former Labour MP who sent inappropriate messages to a 17-year old girl
4. A Green candidate with a social media history of dubious opinions about the current Israeli conflict
5. An anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist connected to the far
Those Rochdale candidates include:

1. Disowned Labour candidate who voiced conspiracy theory about the current Israel conflict (amongst, apparently, other discretions)
2. Former Labour/Respect MP with a curious relationship with the Arab world, the Islamic faith, and byelections
3. Former Labour MP who sent inappropriate messages to a 17-year old girl
4. A Green candidate with a social media history of dubious opinions about the current Israeli conflict
5. An anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist connected to the far
And the utterly discredited libdems.
Those Rochdale candidates include:

1. Disowned Labour candidate who voiced conspiracy theory about the current Israel conflict (amongst, apparently, other discretions)
2. Former Labour/Respect MP with a curious relationship with the Arab world, the Islamic faith, and byelections
3. Former Labour MP who sent inappropriate messages to a 17-year old girl
4. A Green candidate with a social media history of dubious opinions about the current Israeli conflict
5. An anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist connected to the far

That about covers it: a political non-choice where effective relations with the past have been severed, where the lack of political representation of the working class is visceral, where the only available explanation for the state of everything is reduced to conspiracy, flaccid populism or depthless and history-less political organisations and parties.
Labour have ditched him.

As nominations have already closed, Labour don't have a candidate in this by-election.

Not a huge loss imv - they've lost Rochdale (which they didn't hold anyway), but mitigated an issue that might have impacted their efforts in far more seats.

Absolutely shit candidate selection though, absolutely shit. Almost excusable in a GE when you've got to trawl through the twitter feed of thousands of potentials, often with little time to do it, but this is just one by-election.

“All we ask is the chance to serve”.

What an absolute disasterclass from Shur Kieth & his ludicrous control freak smurfs.

Government in waiting. LOL
But it's that kind of logic that creates a track where criticism of Israel becomes antisemitism. I'm not accusing you of hardening that linkage, but we need a space where claims - almost certainly wrong in this case - can be assessed on their own merits (rather than as almost inherently antisemitic).

Ultimately only Ali knows what he meant, and what he meant to say, by his comments.

On your general point, I agree that some of the criticism of Israel has become conflated - sometimes disingenuously - as AS. However, at the same time it’s impossible to deny that some of those with purported anti-zionist politics have tipped into darker and fouler territory or that there isn’t a general rise in AS.

Azhar ALI (Lab)
Mark COLEMAN (no ballot paper description)
Simon DANCZUK (Reform UK)
Iain DONALDSON (Liberal Democrats)
Paul ELLISON (Conservative Party)
George GALLOWAY (Workers Party of Britain)
Michael HOWARTH (no ballot paper description)
William HOWARTH (Independent)
Guy OTTEN (Green Party)
Raven Rodent SUBORTNA (Official Monster Raving Loony Party)
David TULLY (Independent)

1. Ali - disowned by Labour Party
2. Coleman - jailed for Just Stop Oil protest
3. Danczuk - lost Labour whip for texting a 17-year old girl
4. Donaldson - accused of giving Nazi salute during council meeting
5. Ellison - he's a Tory
6. Galloway - allow yourself time to research
7. M. Howarth - owns restaurant in Rochdale
8. W. Howarth - anti-grooming anti-everything type
9. Otten - disowned by Green Party
10. Subortna - Official Monster Raving Loony Party candidate
11. Tully - owns garage/mechanics in Rochdale
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The Rev Mark Coleman was jailed for sitting in the road.
Speaking to the court, the Reverend said: “I want to state that I acted to protect human life, to draw attention to the death and destruction caused by rising emissions and the impact of cold damp homes on the health of the citizens of our country.

“I had learned of the effects of fuel poverty when I worked for the charity Age Concern in the 1980s.

“Later, in the Liverpool and Rochdale parishes where I served as parish priest, I saw the misery caused by these uninsulated homes and the fuel poverty and debt that often ensues.

“In the ordination service priests are told that they should ‘resist evil, support the weak, defend the poor, and intercede for all in need’.

“For me of course, it has moral authority. Poor people are more likely to die prematurely. I have tried to be true to my ordination vows. I see it as part of my vocation as a priest, to continue to resist until the government acts.

“I expect that this civil resistance will involve sitting on the public highway again.”

There are worse candidates. No idea what he proposes to do for the citizens of Rochdale, however.
1. Ali - disowned by Labour Party
2. Coleman - jailed for Just Stop Oil protest
3. Danczuk - lost Labour whip for texting a 17-year old girl
4. Donaldson - accused of giving Nazi salute during council meeting
5. Ellison - he's a Tory
6. Galloway - allow yourself time to research
7. M. Howarth - anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist
8. W. Howarth - owns restaurant in Rochdale
9. Otten - disowned by Green Party
10. Subortna - Official Monster Raving Loony Party candidate
11. Tully - owns garage/mechanics in Rochdale
Maybe the restauranter? What's his trip advisor scores?
I've got the Howarths mixed up. I've corrected it, as I'd suspect by the restaurant Howarth doesn't want to be swapped with the anti-everything Howarth.

Maybe they could do a joint press conference where the one talks about the best tomato to use on pizza and the other can explain how Bill Gates can now monitor anyone who had the covid jab? We’d know who was who then..
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