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Rochdale by-election

Mentioned a bit earlier in this thread, but sounds like Billy Howarth is going to be the candidate of choice for Greater Manchester's far-right cranks this time round - some background on him here:
And here's a glowing, entirely uncritical write-up from Rochdale Online, including a link to his gofundme at the end:
Does sound like he is talking about some of the genuine issues in the constitutency:
He continued: “I will also be working with people over the concerns of mould and damp in houses, including that of RBH, killing people. Social care is at an all-time mess. There are so many issues I want to go at.

“The other thing that stands out is the housing crisis. It used to be you could grow up and live on the same estate as your parents and then your kids do the same. It created a sense of community that's now gone. Unless you're able to buy, you have to live at the other end of town. I want to restore community togetherness.

“If I am elected, I will be taking Rochdale Borough Council and Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to court, as well as Greater Manchester Police and the Home Office.”
Solidarity to everyone dealing with damp, mould and disrepair in Rochdale, hope they can firmly tell Howarth and his fascist mates to fuck off.
This will keep happening until you get leftwing candidates standing explicit platforms to address material conditions rather than wanging on about the Middle East.
I disagree. Yes, terrible housing conditions in Rochdale and elsewhere need to be addressed and fixed. But it's not an either/or situation.

Many people care about their own personal material conditions, poor quality housing, homelessness, low pay, poor educational outcomes, health inequalities, and so on.

But that doesn't preclude them from caring about what's going on in the Middle East and it being a political issue here that sways people's opinions and votes.

Not least because we're partly responsible, in that Palestine was a British Protectorate before we fucked over the Palestinian people with the Balfour declaration.

There are many Palestinian-born people and British-Palestinians resident here. There are British-Palestinians who were caught up in recent events, many of whom might've been killed, many of whom have family members who've been killed. And if they've not been killed or bereaved, they or family members have been injured and/or they've been suffering through overstretched hospital facilities or lack of medical care or lack of food and water or collapsed infrastructure, ie without functioning sanitation leading to rise in disease, lack of electricity, and so on.

So it's not just some random shit happening in the Middle East that no one cares about. It's the political/personal equivalent of the Kevin Bacon game, ie six degrees of separation, in that it's not happened/happening to people on the other side of the world who we haven't heard of and don't care about, it's people we know personally, or it's our neighbour's family, or it's our doctor's family, our child's classmates family, or it's our colleague's partners family, etc, etc.

Many of those killed, bereaved, injured or otherwise adversely impacted have relatives here, school or university classmates, colleagues, neighbours, friends from mosques or community groups or mums and toddler groups or five-a-side football teammates or whatever.

Rochdale has a relatively high proportion of sub-continental Asian Muslims who will no doubt be thinking about the military and humanitarian response to Russia's attack on Ukraine as compared to Israel's massively disproportionate and indiscriminate response against an overwhelmingly civilian population. There will undoubtedly be lots of Muslims in Rochdale who've been wondering why the government and Labour Party rightly condemn Russian atrocities and help arm Ukraine and call for a ceasefire...

Yet by way of contrast, former human rights lawyer Sir Keir Starmer failed to condemn Israel's collective punishment, ie war crimes. Why is that Labour will support white Europeans but not brown Middle Eastern Muslims (who are in the mess they're in because of us, let's not forget)?

Labour has, for many, many years, taken the votes of working class Asian Muslims totally for granted.

And so maybe what's been happening in the Middle East and will be a factor for the wider electorate in Rochdale, people who recognise injustice when they see it? Maybe there will be lots of prospective voters who've been involved in Palestinian Solidarity Campaign over the years, anti-war/anti-arms trade campaigns, or y'know people who just generally think bombing the shit out of a defenceless population, as well as blatant targeting of hospitals, ambulances, schools, journalist and UN facilities and workers is really, fucking, heinously, criminally wrong, and why the fuck aren't Labour saying and doing more about this?
Labour's candidate has had to apologise for his remarks made at a meeting of the Lancashire Labour Party soon after October 7th , 'The Egyptians are saying that they warned Israel ten days earlier... Americans warned them a day before [that] there's something happening... They deliberately took the security off, they allowed... that massacre that gives them the green light to do whatever they bloody want.'

Fwiw, there definitely are tenants in Rochdale doing valuable organising to address their own housing conditions (see for instance: Save the Seven Sisters campaign Bid to save Rochdale's Seven Sisters from demolition takes step forward etc), I think mostly among social rather than private rented tenants though. So the question is whether it would be a good use of their time and energy for those people to focus their attention on running for elected office. Obv I would tend to say no, others might disagree though.
Think it's a bit of a false premise on this occasion - left wing candidate banging on about the middle east vs one focused laser-like on local material conditions. If the latter was available in this particular byelection, given the high amount of Muslim voters and the relentless horror from Gaza they would be forced to address that as a major part of their platform in any case.

Having said that though, I think one of the far right candidates will get a pretty decent result. Rochdale is a pretty segregated place, with large, mainly white social housing estates forming a very significant percentage of voters compared to other places, and if the whole election is perceived as a battle for Muslim voters between Galloway and Labour I think there will be a backlash.
Think it's a bit of a false premise on this occasion - left wing candidate banging on about the middle east vs one focused laser-like on local material conditions. If the latter was available in this particular byelection, given the high amount of Muslim voters and the relentless horror from Gaza they would be forced to address that as a major part of their platform in any case.

Having said that though, I think one of the far right candidates will get a pretty decent result. Rochdale is a pretty segregated place, with large, mainly white social housing estates forming a very significant percentage of voters compared to other places, and if the whole election is perceived as a battle for Muslim voters between Galloway and Labour I think there will be a backlash.
What’s the history of far right candidates standing in elections in this ‘pretty segregated place ‘ of Rochdale ?
I disagree. Yes, terrible housing conditions in Rochdale and elsewhere need to be addressed and fixed. But it's not an either/or situation.

Many people care about their own personal material conditions, poor quality housing, homelessness, low pay, poor educational outcomes, health inequalities, and so on.

But that doesn't preclude them from caring about what's going on in the Middle East and it being a political issue here that sways people's opinions and votes.

Not least because we're partly responsible, in that Palestine was a British Protectorate before we fucked over the Palestinian people with the Balfour declaration.

There are many Palestinian-born people and British-Palestinians resident here. There are British-Palestinians who were caught up in recent events, many of whom might've been killed, many of whom have family members who've been killed. And if they've not been killed or bereaved, they or family members have been injured and/or they've been suffering through overstretched hospital facilities or lack of medical care or lack of food and water or collapsed infrastructure, ie without functioning sanitation leading to rise in disease, lack of electricity, and so on.

So it's not just some random shit happening in the Middle East that no one cares about. It's the political/personal equivalent of the Kevin Bacon game, ie six degrees of separation, in that it's not happened/happening to people on the other side of the world who we haven't heard of and don't care about, it's people we know personally, or it's our neighbour's family, or it's our doctor's family, our child's classmates family, or it's our colleague's partners family, etc, etc.

Many of those killed, bereaved, injured or otherwise adversely impacted have relatives here, school or university classmates, colleagues, neighbours, friends from mosques or community groups or mums and toddler groups or five-a-side football teammates or whatever.

Rochdale has a relatively high proportion of sub-continental Asian Muslims who will no doubt be thinking about the military and humanitarian response to Russia's attack on Ukraine as compared to Israel's massively disproportionate and indiscriminate response against an overwhelmingly civilian population. There will undoubtedly be lots of Muslims in Rochdale who've been wondering why the government and Labour Party rightly condemn Russian atrocities and help arm Ukraine and call for a ceasefire...

Yet by way of contrast, former human rights lawyer Sir Keir Starmer failed to condemn Israel's collective punishment, ie war crimes. Why is that Labour will support white Europeans but not brown Middle Eastern Muslims (who are in the mess they're in because of us, let's not forget)?

Labour has, for many, many years, taken the votes of working class Asian Muslims totally for granted.

And so maybe what's been happening in the Middle East and will be a factor for the wider electorate in Rochdale, people who recognise injustice when they see it? Maybe there will be lots of prospective voters who've been involved in Palestinian Solidarity Campaign over the years, anti-war/anti-arms trade campaigns, or y'know people who just generally think bombing the shit out of a defenceless population, as well as blatant targeting of hospitals, ambulances, schools, journalist and UN facilities and workers is really, fucking, heinously, criminally wrong, and why the fuck aren't Labour saying and doing more about this?
Very well said.
What’s the history of far right candidates standing in elections in this ‘pretty segregated place ‘ of Rochdale ?

The NF then the BNP got 1-5% standing in elections from the 70s onwards. From 1974-2015 there were only two elections where it was not possible to vote for a fascist in this seat.

UKIP & Brexit Party scored 8-18% in the last few polls. So there is a small minority prepared to vote for the radical right.
The NF then the BNP got 1-5% standing in elections from the 70s onwards. From 1974-2015 there were only two elections where it was not possible to vote for a fascist in this seat.

UKIP & Brexit Party scored 8-18% in the last few polls. So there is a small minority prepared to vote for the radical right.
Sure however there is a difference though between the radical right and the far right ie fash. One of the UKIP candidates was Asian and there were significant part of Asian communities in the north that voted for Brexit .

The full Rochdale abuse report has recently published so there is some ammo for the far right however I’m a touch wary of the magic formula large white council estates = good vote for the fash unless they have something on the ground and there are significant national or most importantly local issues to inflate their vote in a period where they are very weak .
Dan Hodges (I know, I know) is saying on X/itter that Ali has been suspended by Labour and if he wins won't take the Labour whip.
Labour's candidate has had to apologise for his remarks made at a meeting of the Lancashire Labour Party soon after October 7th , 'The Egyptians are saying that they warned Israel ten days earlier... Americans warned them a day before [that] there's something happening... They deliberately took the security off, they allowed... that massacre that gives them the green light to do whatever they bloody want.'

I thought Labour’s selection process was forensic and tightly managed? Clearly the ‘conspiraloon watch’ team have dropped the ball on this one…
Sure however there is a difference though between the radical right and the far right ie fash. One of the UKIP candidates was Asian and there were significant part of Asian communities in the north that voted for Brexit .

The full Rochdale abuse report has recently published so there is some ammo for the far right however I’m a touch wary of the magic formula large white council estates = good vote for the fash unless they have something on the ground and there are significant national or most importantly local issues to inflate their vote in a period where they are very weak .
I wasn't making the same distinction in my mind as you between 'radical right' and fash. I think there's a good chance of one of the right wing parties (exc Tories) getting a decent result (though not winning). I'm not that up to date with Rochdale politics but neighbouring Oldham is pretty toxic, rife with populist local-independent types with grim politics.
The NF then the BNP got 1-5% standing in elections from the 70s onwards. From 1974-2015 there were only two elections where it was not possible to vote for a fascist in this seat.

UKIP & Brexit Party scored 8-18% in the last few polls. So there is a small minority prepared to vote for the radical right.
I think you'll find the correct nomenclature is "yonnner fash".
Reform really scraping the barrel there

I think Danczuk is an irrelevance, thankfully (hard to imagine a viler human being, and I've had professional dealings with him outside of politics,

Yeah, Danczuk is vile.

Apparently, Simon Danczuk is the 'right candidate' to tackle Rochdale’s grooming gangs, according to the leader of his current political party.

Of the indies it seems Billy Howarth is a far right conspira-idiot,

Mentioned a bit earlier in this thread, but sounds like Billy Howarth is going to be the candidate of choice for Greater Manchester's far-right cranks this time round

In addition to his child protection concerns, Mr Howarth also places a high priority on 'protecting' statues and monuments.

Rochdale is around 20% Asian.

Labour's peril re Palestine is the towns 19% Asian population is almost entirely Muslim.

According to the 2021 Census, 29.6% of those in the constituency self-describe as "Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh"; 62.7% describe themselves as "White". 30.5% of those in the constituency describe their religion as Muslim.
Apparently, Simon Danczuk is the 'right candidate' to tackle Rochdale’s grooming gangs, according to the leader of his current political party.

In addition to his child protection concerns, Mr Howarth also places a high priority on 'protecting' statues and monuments.

According to the 2021 Census, 29.6% of those in the constituency self-describe as "Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh"; 62.7% describe themselves as "White". 30.5% of those in the constituency describe their religion as Muslim.
Can't be bothered chasing the figures down, but there is a difference between Rochdale Borough and the Rochdale constituency. I was probably quoting the figures for the Borough. Also, boundary changes from a couple of elections ago took some middle class and largely white areas out of the Rochdale Constituency.
Lab candidate in full apology mode now. Just imagine the majority they could have had - in built Lab majority anyway ,Muslim candidate who opposes the genocide.
But no, Starmer and his maniacs have created a scenario for this to get very messy. Also a scenario that will be repeated in varying degrees elsewhere.
Think it's a bit of a false premise on this occasion - left wing candidate banging on about the middle east vs one focused laser-like on local material conditions. If the latter was available in this particular byelection, given the high amount of Muslim voters and the relentless horror from Gaza they would be forced to address that as a major part of their platform in any case.

Having said that though, I think one of the far right candidates will get a pretty decent result. Rochdale is a pretty segregated place, with large, mainly white social housing estates forming a very significant percentage of voters compared to other places, and if the whole election is perceived as a battle for Muslim voters between Galloway and Labour I think there will be a backlash.
Redlining has a long history.
It's the kiss of death from Griffin.
This by-election really is a roaring binfire of incompetence. Never have so many clownshoes candidates de-selected in a clownshoes manner by their own party put themselves forward.

Only the Great Charlatan will benefit. His chances of getting in here really helped by Labour's total idiocy.
This by-election really is a roaring binfire of incompetence. Never have so many clownshoes candidates de-selected in a clownshoes manner by their own party put themselves forward.

Only the Great Charlatan will benefit. His chances of getting in here really helped by Labour's total idiocy.
It's hilarious example of the politics of 'the grown ups are in the room' Having led Paul Waugh to believe that he would be selected as candidate as a reward for his services to Starmer they appointed a candidate who was an influential figure in Lancashire Labour's criticism of Starmer's position on the genocide. The Labour candidate is deadwalking. If he wins he'll be disowned by the Labour leadership in a matter of days then prob suspended. Then before the election, he'll be deselected and possibly expelled. If he loses the boot goes in quicker.

Starmer's now being accused of the same anti semitism that Corbyn era Labour was , Richard Tice from Reform has written a letter to Labour condemning Labour's antisemitism. At some point The Guardian is going to have to step in to reassure its readers.

Come the general election Waugh will be the candidate and Labour are going to try to play catch up winning back what was a solid vote. Two more weeks of this
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