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American Literature at Warwick and a PGCE from Thames Poly.

Not forgetting in the middle of these two she attended PNL (Polytechnic of North London) where she signed on for a course for 5 minutes in order to take a place on the student exec as Woman's Officer and then one of the three Vice-President positions. At the same time other RCP members were 'encouraged' to become students at PNL too. I know this because one of them was a friend of mine who sadly died not long after from a brain hemorrhage. While there they did their best to disrupt other (other?) student left groups such as the SWP who had built up a base largely due to and following on from the Harrington campaign from which PNL had gained a radical reputation.
Not forgetting in the middle of these two she attended PNL (Polytechnic of North London) where she signed on for a course for 5 minutes in order to take a place on the student exec as Woman's Officer and then one of the three Vice-President positions. At the same time other RCP members were 'encouraged' to become students at PNL too. I know this because one of them was a friend of mine who sadly died not long after from a brain hemorrhage. While there they did their best to disrupt other (other?) student left groups such as the SWP who had built up a base largely due to and following on from the Harrington campaign from which PNL had gained a radical reputation.
I took my parents(!) to an IFM talk at (then) UNL :D :facepalm: :thumbs:
You can't help but wonder can you. She also did an M.A and PhD at University of Kent. In Sociology (after a B.A in Literature at Oxford), but I don't know if Ferudi was still there (actively) in 2004 (M.A) and 2009 (PhD).

Oh and apparently he was. There's a profile of her on Radio4 right now. They just moved seamlessly from "she worked closely with Ferudi at Kent" to "but becoming disillusioned with the revolutionary Left went to work with a right wing think tank" - as you do.
Not forgetting in the middle of these two she attended PNL (Polytechnic of North London) where she signed on for a course for 5 minutes in order to take a place on the student exec as Woman's Officer and then one of the three Vice-President positions. At the same time other RCP members were 'encouraged' to become students at PNL too. I know this because one of them was a friend of mine who sadly died not long after from a brain hemorrhage. While there they did their best to disrupt other (other?) student left groups such as the SWP who had built up a base largely due to and following on from the Harrington campaign from which PNL had gained a radical reputation.
Pseuds or pseudo-gang?
Not forgetting in the middle of these two she attended PNL (Polytechnic of North London) where she signed on for a course for 5 minutes in order to take a place on the student exec as Woman's Officer and then one of the three Vice-President positions. At the same time other RCP members were 'encouraged' to become students at PNL too. I know this because one of them was a friend of mine who sadly died not long after from a brain hemorrhage. While there they did their best to disrupt other (other?) student left groups such as the SWP who had built up a base largely due to and following on from the Harrington campaign from which PNL had gained a radical reputation.
Must have been after my time there . I’ve told this loads of times , they used to try and sponge off the left who were trying to do something about the fash at PNL without contributing themselves to the campaign against Harrington . One early afternoon got fed up with them so we put their bookstall in the lift ,one of their lot , a woman flung herself somewhat dramatically at the bookstall protecting the books so we simply pressed the lift button . Her and her bookstall went to the ground floor .
Good to see Sp!ked among the network of Conservative media outlets that have been caught out publishing articles by fake journalists:

Sp!ked isn't mentioned in the article by name, but on Twitter the author has pointed out a number of articles on Sp!ked by fake journalist Joyce Toledano:
It's Clair Fox sitting on Ghislaine Maxwell who in turn is sitting on a young Brendan O'Neill. Ghislaine cut her links with the RCP after suspecting Furedi of having rocked her dad's boat just a little bit to much.
It's Clair Fox sitting on Ghislaine Maxwell who in turn is sitting on a young Brendan O'Neill. Ghislaine cut her links with the RCP after suspecting Furedi of having rocked her dad's boat just a little bit to much.

Really? Do you have a reliable source for that photo tim as it doesn't look like either O'Neill or Fox. And Fox didn't go to Oxford.
Really? Do you have a reliable source for that photo tim as it doesn't look like either O'Neill or Fox. And Fox didn't go to Oxford.

People change as they age, and the photo was taken at the Chelsea Arts Club not in Oxford. Anyway, who else could it be? It must be one of them, otherwise Micky D wouldn't have posted it.
I could be wrong but i think its this bloke

If that is him, he would also have been RCP in 85. Plus since then a bit of Spiked writing, anti-anthropocene contrarianism and founder of the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (or bombin' and robbin'). Just how many of these fuckers are out there?
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