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I suppose the confusion between history and memorialisation, the belief in liberal conspiracy and that the act of taking the knee is the preface to tyranny... Just seems massively disconnected. The BAME experience today is glossed over. Weird stuff to me, unless I'm missing something.
This week it was announced that Munira Mirza would be joining new prime minister Boris Johnson's team as head of Number 10’s policy unit
Munira Mirza is now
leading much of the work to form the commission on race and ethnic disparities announced by Boris Johnson on Sunday

The Guardian discusses the concerns which have been raised given her previous views on institutional racism.
Dismay as No 10 adviser is chosen to set up UK race inequality commission - The Guardian

They refer to her 2017 Spectator article :
Theresa May’s phoney race war is dangerous and divisive - The Spectator (archived version)
May and her ministers may lack the courage to halt the bandwagon, but there is cause for hope in the growing number of younger people from ethnic minority backgrounds who can see through the divisive politics of anti--racism. Their lived experience gives the lie to the idea of Britain as a fundamentally racist society. It is possible to acknowledge that racism still exists without turning its waning influence into the pretext for a bogus moral crusade that pollutes the public space with false accusations based on selective evidence. Despite the inevitable challenges of integrating millions of newcomers, Britain is a country that is conspicuously fair and tolerant by any reasonable standard.

We have earned the right to focus on the positive. For the Prime Minister to claim that we have a serious problem with racism really would be a burning injustice.

Back in 2017 Mirza criticized May and her advisers
When she announced the audit last August, Mrs May dropped any pretence that she would wait to see the actual evidence by promising that it would ‘reveal difficult truths’. Her political advisers fondly imagine the audit will somehow improve the Conservative party’s relationship with BAME communities.

Of course 'politics as usual' is a very different matter when it's you that's on the inside pissing out. Illustrating that nothing much has changed, beyond the nature of the outcomes that are planned in advance and the communities it is hoped will be impressed by them, Mirza is reported as hoping "to recruit Trevor Phillips as part of the commission".

Up until 2018 she contributed a number of posts to the 'All In Britain' blog
an informal group of people from a wide range of social and ethnic backgrounds born in, and or living in the UK. We have come together because we believe there needs to be fresh thinking about the issues of race, identity, culture and politics in Britain today. We wanted to create a forum where we could discuss new ideas openly and consider the way forward.
Doubtless any resemblance between this project and any number of similar 'fronts' set up by members of the ex-LM network is entirely coincidental. </sarcasm>

Her last 'All In Britain' blog post entitled 'Weaponising victimhood', and written in response to the Windrush scandal, began :
Trevor Phillips once said to me – only half joking – that newspapers should have identity correspondents, just as they have economics or environment correspondents. Certainly there appears to be an inexhaustible appetite on the part of media outlets for stories that focus on social divisions, real or imagined. Usually these are framed as moral parables featuring virtuous victims, usually female, ethnic minority or gay, and contemptible wrong-doers who are male, white or straight. Sometimes the perpetrator is institutional – often, as with the Windrush generation controversy, the British state itself.

No prizes for guessing where this is all going then.
Cry-bully and all round tosser Brendan O’Neill was this morning revealed pretending he hadn’t seen the thousands of forehead memes posted on the Twitter comments under every twattish contrarian article he has churned out recently. (Mockery being the only appropriate response to his effluent output) “A friend” sent him Twitter profile pictures of some of the meme spreaders. Apparently, according to O’Neill all the people posting were “ugly” and indulging in “anti-Irish racism”. Then Brendan “Right to be offensive” O’Knobhead appeared to be appealing for his mates to doxx and report his humorous tormentors. So much for the Spiked wankers much whined about “FreezePeach”.
"Any footballer who said they did not want to wear Black Lives Matter on their shirt would be "utterly demonised, called racist and their career wouldn't survive. That's how intense the conformism around Black Lives Matter has become."

I hope he has an on air contrarianism induced stroke.
Just had this suggested to me for breakfast by the algorithm

I didnt get that far into it as her attacking of identity politics reaks of her oxford privilege to me, but if you want to hear it from the horses mouth....

Video hosted on the seemingly very popular "free speech" Triggernometry channel, which is pure Spiked territory - anyone know anything about it?
Just had this suggested to me for breakfast by the algorithm

I didnt get that far into it as her attacking of identity politics reaks of her oxford privilege to me, but if you want to hear it from the horses mouth....

Video hosted on the seemingly very popular "free speech" Triggernometry channel, which is pure Spiked territory - anyone know anything about it?

Watched the first ten minutes, couldn't be bothered with the rest. Found the presenters are more annoying then her tbh.

Probably more suited to the thread on identity politics, but....

I think limited bits of what she says has commonalities with what Malik and others that are critical of multiculturalism and identity politics say as well. The differences come with where the next leap from that goes, she and others would replace it with liberal individualism and capitalism, those coming from the left would posit class and class struggle against capitalism as the better analysis.
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Watched the first ten minutes, couldn't be bothered with the rest. Found the presenters are more annoying then her tbh.

Probably more suited to the thread on identity politics, but....

I think limited bits of what she says has commonalities with what Malik and others that are critical of multiculturalism and identity politics say as well. The differences come with where the next leap from that goes, she and others would replace it with liberal individualism and capitalism, those coming from the left would posit class and class struggle against capitalism as the better analysis.
Malik is perhaps the only one of the Spiked/RCP/LM crowd who is able to give an impression of having (ironically, given all their free thought/free speech whining) any independence of thought or intellectual depth - even so, when you dig down there is but a hairs breadth from the Furedi Party line, which his intellect and linguistic skill allow him to mask.
Just had this suggested to me for breakfast by the algorithm

I didnt get that far into it as her attacking of identity politics reaks of her oxford privilege to me, but if you want to hear it from the horses mouth....

Video hosted on the seemingly very popular "free speech" Triggernometry channel, which is pure Spiked territory - anyone know anything about it?

The two blokes who run the channel are avowedly anti socialist . The channel started under the guise of being neutral but the guest list gives the lie to that idea .
Furedi himself has a strange past . Escapes Stalinist Hungary has a staunchley anti communist father then pops up in Canada at Mcgill university ( itself the site of strange events - CIA ) late 60s early 70s then somehow ends up in Britain as a communist ( yeah right ) spends the next few years relentlessly attacking the Labour Party and having the RCP supporting the IRA even when they bomb working class British people . Controlled opposition , take yer pick which SS they work for
You've been a member here for 3 years and you have a grand total of 10 posts, 7 of which are on this thread...? :hmm:

Micky D may have a bone to pick, but if it is with Fuerdi and Co there is probably a good reason. I'm just amused by the blatant entryism. Having been in the RCP seems to fuse the advantage of having been to Eton and Oxford with that of being a Freemason

Micky D 's next task should be to teach us the "Next Steps" - choreographed walk which enables members to identify each other on the street.
Furedi himself has a strange past . Escapes Stalinist Hungary has a staunchley anti communist father then pops up in Canada at Mcgill university ( itself the site of strange events - CIA ) late 60s early 70s then somehow ends up in Britain as a communist ( yeah right ) spends the next few years relentlessly attacking the Labour Party and having the RCP supporting the IRA even when they bomb working class British people . Controlled opposition , take yer pick which SS they work for

they had unusally expensive marketing materials!
Micky D may have a bone to pick, but if it is with Fuerdi and Co there is probably a good reason. I'm just amused by the blatant entryism. Having been in the RCP seems to fuse the advantage of having been to Eton and Oxford with that of being a Freemason

Micky D 's next task should be to teach us the "Next Steps" - choreographed walk which enables members to identify each other on the street.

Did Clare Fox go to Oxbridge?
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