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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Why does the video have to 'help end racism'? Does everything black people do have to help end racism for you to approve of it or something?

Quite. Does everyone uploading videos to Youtube showing appalling driving for example get accused of not going the right way about improving driving standards. Maybe they're just fucked off and want to say,look at this shit I'm subject too. I mean, if and it's a big if, he had done something to scare her kids, why didn't she film him and say look at this twat who can't drive. That would have been fine too.
Oh wow yes. Let's not do anything then.

You realise that it's one or the other? Exposure or not exposure? The guy can show the video on youtube or he can't? Well maybe there's a middle way, I'd be interested to hear what that might be.

I guess putting it on there with the kids faces blurred might be considered a middle way - that way apologists like Wells wouldn't be able to use feigned concern for them as an excuse.
What bit about the kids in the video, and how does that affect the whole thing?

Got to say that's the only bit that makes me a tad uncomfortable - the kids haven't done anything to deserve the shit they'll undoubtedly get for this. I still think the bloke had every right to post the video and don't blame him one bit for doing so though.
I don't think going on a racist bender is anything other than the action of someone with issues. It's not just the racism either. Clearly she's venting. Because she's got issues.

She racist cos she's got issues. And she's got issues cos she's racist.

I hope she moves in next to you.
You fucking twat. Playing the race card? She's racially abusing him. In front of her children. Which she claims he's scared somehow. Yet carries on there, whilst he's sat in his car, calm and detached.

I don't give a fuck if she's mentally ill. Shouting, being aggressive, sure, that's something someone under mental stress might do. THe fact she reaches for racist epithets tells you something. Whether she's consciously racist or not. That tells you something. Maybe he's mentally ill too. Maybe he's sick of being racially abused. Let's speculate.

Like that tram woman. She was depressed etc. Well so fucking what. Who hasn't been depressed. There' are loads of people with bipolar who don't pull the racist card. That's her BTW, the womin the video she made it a racist thing. Yes and those abusing her on Youtube for being a stripper or whatever. They're filth too.
I was referring to Johnnycanuck3.
Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty.
Is what I said in response to johnnycanuck3. You haven't paid attention. That comment was not directed at the driver. I would have thought that petty obvious, if you had read the thread properly.

Speculating on whether he has a my condition is facile; qr have no reason to. On the other hand she had made that claim. I have no idea if it's true, but people don't just flip out like that without any trigger, whether merely perceived or actually justified.

The difference here is that you don't give a fuck, I do. You aren't interested in an outcome that improves the situation. You simply want to roar about a racist on the basis of five minutes of ugly ranting recorded on YouTube. When you're done, nothing will have changed for the better.
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Stop playing the I'm not a racist card.
Why? Because its more convenient for you to bully someone if they don't defend themselves? You are pig ignorant. Show me where I said something racist? Or are you as much a coward as magnet?
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There you are then. Actions have consequences. So it goes.
What does that mean? What consequences do you think she should suffer or are all bets of because of the nature of her crime?

Shouldn't the consequence be proportionate, reinforcing positive behavior in the future? Or do we damn her for the rest of her days?

If the consequence is not proportionate/positive then it's just vengeance. I though people here were above that and wanted a civilised society, perhaps you're the exception.
The difference here is that you don't give a fuck, I do. You aren't interested in an outcome that improves the situation. You simply want to roar about a racist on the basis of five minutes of ugly ranting recorded on YouTube. When you're done, nothing will have changed for the better.

She racist cos she's got issues. And she's got issues cos she's racist.

I hope she moves in next to you.
That's a daft thing to say, for one thing i'm white so she's not going to be harassing me racially.

She could be racist for all sorts of reasons: upbringing, environment, what she's heard in the media or church or whatever. What you have done is really rather dangerous: you are assuming that racism iss imply the product of mental health problems or even just stress. This undermines just how pernicious and evil racism is. It's arrogant and dismissive and unwittingly implies that people with mental health issues are racist as well. I think you need to rethink what you've said.

I'm more concerned with racism from people like Nigel Farrage and that nice Le Pen woman he's chummy with, than one random angry woman on youtube. Clearly the driver didn't think she was much of a threat or he would have calld the cops, no question.
That Le pen woman who he had a blazing row with that has led to her threatening to sue him over his highlighing of her and her parties racism? That chum?

What a barrage of nonsense.
You won't listen to anything anyone says about the dynamics of a black person calling the cops in the US for this sort of thing. Assume all you want; you have no knowledge about that of which you speak.

If you're accusing me of not being a black man in New York then I'm guilty as charged. Sorry!

I'm not entirely sure what your point is since I conceded that it is likely the cops wouldn't do anything had he called them. The difference is that you are steadfastly assuming that they wouldn't - to the point that calling them would make his situation worse.

The attitude of the cops is a separate issue and not challenged by never calling them. Had he done soe he would have them on film and, as I said that would be a different situation, then would have evidence of their bias.

What if the situation had been serious enough to necessitate a police call? What if she'd been armed? Would you argue then not to call the cops?
The difference here is that you don't give a fuck, I do. You aren't interested in an outcome that improves the situation. You simply want to roar about a racist on the basis of five minutes of ugly ranting recorded on YouTube. When you're done, nothing will have changed for the better.

How would driving away and ignoring it improved the situation?
How would driving away and ignoring it improved the situation?
you would have removed yourself friom the threat of physical violence and out of earshot of someone screaming racism. How is that not better?

You would also not be complicit in furthering her emotional state.
What you have done is really rather dangerous: you are assuming that racism iss imply the product of mental health problems or even just stress. This undermines just how pernicious and evil racism is. It's arrogant and dismissive and unwittingly implies that people with mental health issues are racist as well.

I don't think he's doing that though. He's parodying your initial reaction to the video where you said:

Awesome Wells said:
She's clearly troubled; going off on some massive racist rant threatening a guy with violence in front of your kids is not what sane people do.
Yes, as I asserted: she is damaged.

That's not the same thing as saying racism is a product of mental illness or the reverse.
you would have removed yourself friom the threat of physical violence and out of earshot of someone screaming racism. How is that not better?

Assuming the man in the car is of average stature for a black male there's not a huge threat of violence, she's tiny. And you'd be reinforcing her racism by demonstrating that if you scream racist abuse at a black man they go away and leave you alone.

Yes, as I asserted: she is damaged.

That's not the same thing as saying racism is a product of mental illness or the reverse.

As I said he was parodying it, not reproducing it word for word. And it's an excuse. Hence my comment that you're excusing her behaviour.
So a small person threatening a larger person is ok? Or calling someone else - in this case a spouse - to carry out the threat is ok if you're also a teeny tiny woman? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?

It doesn't reinforce the behaviour to remove yourself from a potentially dangerous situation.

And he wasn't just sat in his car minding his own busines, he was consciously and deliberately interacting with her - knowing her state of mind and that she was prone to shouting racial slurs.

What positive effects have come from this video?
Jesus Christ, so black people have to play doctor to white peoples abusive public racism? And if they don't, if they reject that role as reactive nonsense based on expectations of correct racial behaviour, then they're letting society and the racists kids down. Listen to this nonsense.
That's a daft thing to say, for one thing i'm white so she's not going to be harassing me racially.

She could be racist for all sorts of reasons: upbringing, environment, what she's heard in the media or church or whatever. What you have done is really rather dangerous: you are assuming that racism iss imply the product of mental health problems or even just stress. This undermines just how pernicious and evil racism is. It's arrogant and dismissive and unwittingly implies that people with mental health issues are racist as well. I think you need to rethink what you've said.

I'm more concerned with racism from people like Nigel Farrage and that nice Le Pen woman he's chummy with, than one random angry woman on youtube. Clearly the driver didn't think she was much of a threat or he would have calld the cops, no question.
Hang on, Farage is racist now?
What positive effects have come from this video?

People who are minded to use racist abuse are more aware than they were previously (and it's a process, no single event provides a solution) that a) public opinion generally is against them and b) they too could end up with their opinions being shown to a wider audience then those immediately present. Not a perfect solution but far preferable to walking away or expecting the state to do something about it.
People who are minded to use racist abuse are more aware than they were previously (and it's a process, no single event provides a solution) that a) public opinion generally is against them and b) they too could end up with their opinions being shown to a wider audience then those immediately present. Not a perfect solution but far preferable to walking away or expecting the state to do something about it.
How are they more aware? Do racists watch clips like this? Why would doing so make them question their behaviour?

So now you're having a dig about 'the state'?

The purpose of the police is to enforce the law. Do you not agree states should legislate against people being victimised in this way?
If you're accusing me of not being a black man in New York then I'm guilty as charged. Sorry!

I'm not entirely sure what your point is since I conceded that it is likely the cops wouldn't do anything had he called them. The difference is that you are steadfastly assuming that they wouldn't - to the point that calling them would make his situation worse.

The attitude of the cops is a separate issue and not challenged by never calling them. Had he done soe he would have them on film and, as I said that would be a different situation, then would have evidence of their bias.

What if the situation had been serious enough to necessitate a police call? What if she'd been armed? Would you argue then not to call the cops?

You're saying he should have called the cops instead of filming her - how, then, can you claim that the way the cops would have approached this is a separate issue? If you're going to claim that him calling the cops would have helped then you need to show this to be the case. I don't think even you are stupid enough not to realise this. Which means you're being intentionally dishonest. I won't speculate about the motivation for this dishonesty - I'd rather leave people to draw their own conclusions.

You daft racist apologist.
you would have removed yourself friom the threat of physical violence and out of earshot of someone screaming racism. How is that not better?

You would also not be complicit in furthering her emotional state.

Because you don't run away from racists. You confront them head on.

If only black people would listen to wells, who clearly knows more about racism than they do, and just be nice to racists everything would be ok.
So a small person threatening a larger person is ok? Or calling someone else - in this case a spouse - to carry out the threat is ok if you're also a teeny tiny woman? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?

Nobody has said that you dishonest racist enabler. The point that was clearly (and correctly) being made was that your racist friend probably did not present a physical threat to the man in the car and so your criticism of his decision not to leave - on the basis of there being a physical threat - is nonsense.

It doesn't reinforce the behaviour to remove yourself from a potentially dangerous situation.

Yes it does - it shows the racists (the people you side with against victims of racism) that they can get away with it. It breeds a culture of impunity.

And he wasn't just sat in his car minding his own busines, he was consciously and deliberately interacting with her - knowing her state of mind and that she was prone to shouting racial slurs.

Yes - how dare a victim of racial abuse give his abuser a piece of his mind. He should have apologised for being black, painted his skin white and given her $50 in compensation. You dopey racist twat.

What positive effects have come from this video?

Nobody can now claim he was making it up - that stuff like this doesn't happen (as I'm sure you would have done if the video wasn't there). He probably feels better for it, which is a good reason to do it in and of itself. And the racist woman will probably think twice before pulling that kind of shit again.
Jesus Christ, so black people have to play doctor to white peoples abusive public racism? And if they don't, if they reject that role as reactive nonsense based on expectations of correct racial behaviour, then they're letting society and the racists kids down. Listen to this nonsense.

If only wells had been around in the Weimar republic. He could have told the Jews to be nice to the Nazis cos really they're just troubled individuals, and everything would have been OK.
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