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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Where did she apologise wells? If you mean the wblk radio show she didn't at all - she blamed him for 'ruining her life' and when asked if she wanted to apologise said, ''oh yeah, I'll apologise for him almost hitting my kid and for me losing my temper'. That's not an apology, it's a pathetic, sarcastic attempt at blaming the victim.

And he's not responsible for the comments. If a black man raped someone would you say the victim shouldn't have reported it because loads of people would make racist remarks in the Daily Mail comments?

You're a fucking disgrace.

HOw on earth does that even correlate? What a vile little scenario you've concocted. Is that how your mind works? Get a grip!

You've implied it - in that if them talking about racism provokes a negative reaction against racists they shouldn't do it. If I were you I'd give up now - you're making matters worse with every post you make.
I haven't said people can't talk about racism at all. You have inferred that because you, with your sad little quest to smear me - again without evidence, are hell bent on arguing with youtself. I'm beginning to wonder if you even k now what that phrase means.
Isn't it obvious? It's the black man's fault for posting the video. He's to blame for them making prejudiced and malicious comments about her, just as he's to blame for her being racist to him because he probably did something really bad before - after all, he didn't seem scared and he wasn't going mental at her - and didn't try to use the weapon of being nice to stop her being racist.
The whole point of posting the vide, you dozy cunt, is to expose that kind of behaviour - presumably (unless you're just trolling) to try and diminish it. Those comments seem to prove the futility of this exercise as anyone with any knowledge of youtube coments would have predicted. All that you are left with is a damaged woman with a family trying to get on with her life now regarded, thanks to the meia picking up on this story (not the effort of the poster), as the scum of the earth. Well done; we can all rest easy in our beds now that racism is dead.
The whole point of posting the vide, you dozy cunt, is to expose that kind of behaviour - presumably (unless you're just trolling) to try and diminish it. Those comments seem to prove the futility of this exercise as anyone with any knowledge of youtube coments would have predicted. All that you are left with is a damaged woman with a family trying to get on with her life now regarded, thanks to the meia picking up on this story (not the effort of the poster), as the scum of the earth. Well done; we can all rest easy in our beds now that racism is dead.

Don't be a fucking idiot. How does the posting of daft comments by fuckwits demonstrate the futility of posting the video? That makes no sense at all.

In fact, if the aim was to expose that kind of behaviour it clearly was a complete success - people have seen it and are talking about it.

Nobody has said it will end racism either you plank.
HOw on earth does that even correlate? What a vile little scenario you've concocted. Is that how your mind works? Get a grip!

I haven't 'concocted a vile little scenario' - I've made an analogy, and your refusal to discuss it speaks volumes.

The impression I'm getting from reading your posts is that black people should just accept racism and if they try to defend themselves they're the real aggressors. Hang your racist head in shame.
HOw on earth does that even correlate? What a vile little scenario you've concocted. Is that how your mind works? Get a grip!

"She claims that the man recording the video almost hit her son"

She didn't mention that at the time of course. Just that him starting his engine startled them.

Seems legit. :hmm:
"Do you feel bad about using the word though?"

"Um.... [looooong pause] kinda sort of"


I don't know what's worse - the racism, or her attempt to blame it on bipolar. I've had a helluva lot of direct experience with bipolar disorder, including a long-term partner. IME it doesn't make you call people niggers. If I was someone with bipolar I'd be fucking angry with her attempt to blame it on that.
I haven't said people can't talk about racism at all. You have inferred that because you, with your sad little quest to smear me - again without evidence, are hell bent on arguing with youtself. I'm beginning to wonder if you even k now what that phrase means.

k now what the phrase means? I don't k now what k now means anyway.

And yes you have - here's the logic demonstrated in your posts:

He should not have posted that video because he should have known it would provoke a negative reaction against the racist - some of which would not be pretty. Of course talking about racism - and especially specific acts of racism - can also provoke such a reaction. It therefore follows that the plebs should not discuss or try to deal with racism because it might - shock, horror - make people be nasty to the racist. Better than we leave it to our betters like the police, politicians and wanky liberals like you.

By the way, you're smearing yourself in shit and throwing big lumps of it around the room while wailing about how nasty people are being to the racist and how the victim should have just sucked it up or called the cops. If I had any wish to have you smeared (I don't - you're just not that significant so don't flatter yourself) I wouldn't need to do any smearing cos you're already doing an admirable job of it yourself.
Racism isn't the worst thing though - Racism's not my gig but I can't say I'm especially bothered if someone else is racist.
Why not apply that principle to anti-fascism and see where we all end up?
Or he could have stayed, called the cops, and filmed them being racist to him as everyone pyschically knows would have happened.

Or he could have stayed and gotten his ass kicked, who knows if the angry lady was serious in her threat. Calling someone to get them to beat the shit out of you is a CRIME! You can't do that. So what do you do? Either walk away, or call the fucking cops!

Comparing this to the broader cause of anti fascism is beyond ridiculous.
"Do you feel bad about using the word though?"

"Um.... [looooong pause] kinda sort of"


I don't know what's worse - the racism, or her attempt to blame it on bipolar. I've had a helluva lot of direct experience with bipolar disorder, including a long-term partner. IME it doesn't make you call people niggers. If I was someone with bipolar I'd be fucking angry with her attempt to blame it on that.
So all bipolar sufferers are exactly the same?
Christ, you're still talking shit then Wells. He shouldn't have posted the video because it won't stop racism and instead, phoned the Police and drove away. And people shouldn't highlight her racist tirade because she's bipolar.

Is your argument in essence.

Oh and we're part of the bullying / doing nothing to fight racism by talking about it on the internet. Whilst you're...
That bit was good too. :rolleyes:
So all bipolar sufferers are exactly the same?

She didn't apologise in that video. The presenter said she called up afterwards and said she wanted to opologise. I suspect she's taken advice from someone in the mean time.

She talks of "they" and "we" on that clip to.
you would have removed yourself friom the threat of physical violence and out of earshot of someone screaming racism. How is that not better?
Why should he have gone away? He wasn't the one screaming abuse. If someone started ranting at you in the street would you automatically walk away? Why should you alter your plans cos of an obnoxious bully, you might not have finished shopping yet, and still have to go to Boots and Robert Dyas?:D

As for the threat of physical violence, of course gobshites and bullies will make such threats - it doesn't mean people have to take them at their word.
Why should he have gone away? He wasn't the one screaming abuse. If someone started ranting at you in the street would you automatically walk away? Why should you alter your plans cos of an obnoxious bully, you might not have finished shopping yet, and still have to go to Boots and Robert Dyas?:D

As for the threat of physical violence, of course gobshites and bullies will make such threats - it doesn't mean people have to take them at their word.

You shouldn't have to alter your plans, but you might be well advised to. You don't know for certain the bully isn't going to carry out his threats.

So yes, walking away is advisable. Sad fact of life.

If someone started ranting at me, like the hideous street preachers in Bristol, yes I probably would walk away.
You shouldn't have to alter your plans, but you might be well advised to. You don't know for certain the bully isn't going to carry out his threats.

So yes, walking away is advisable. Sad fact of life.

If someone started ranting at me, like the hideous street preachers in Bristol, yes I probably would walk away.
You might. Others wouldn't. I'm scarcely a hard nut, but, on rare occasions having had altercations in the street I have been theatened with this and that...it seems to me that the sort of people who talk about what they are going to do to you, rarely actually do so :)

If I was on my way to Greggs to get a pastie, why the hell should I make a detour and forgo my pastie because of some ranting bully? I find this attitude confusing tbh. If the ranting woman had been a 6' 3" bodybuilder type, maybe that would be different :D
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I've had racist abuse yelled at me in the street - and not just the street. We all have.

In the past, I've tended to do what Wells is saying: walk away. Not because I necessarily thought it was the right thing to do, but because I was afraid that the situation might escalate into violence.

It left me feeling diminished, for two reasons. One, because I'd been racially abused by a stranger, for no reason. Second, because it left me ashamed that I didn't have more courage. I was more concerned about the possibility of some pain, than I was about doing what is right, and standing up for myself.
You might. Others wouldn't. I'm scarcely a hard nut, but, on rare occasions having had altercations in the street I have been theatened with this and that...it seems to me that the sort of people who talk about what they are going to do to you, rarely actually do so :)

If I was on my way to Greggs to get a pastie, why the hell should I make a detour and forgo my pastie because of some ranting bully? I find this attitude confusing tbh. If the ranting woman had been a 6' 3" bodybuilder type, maybe that would be different :D
Well, how you handle those situations is your business. The only reason he stays in the clip is so he can film her. Had he not had a phone on him that day he'd have just driven off and we'd be none the wiser.

You keep saying 'why should I...'

My answer is the same: you shouldn't have to. That's why we don't like bullies and legislate against threatening behaviour. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, so it's your choice if you put yourself in harms way. That's a judgement for you to make. If someone was threatening me I wouldn't be hanging around to see if they were full of shit.
The funny thing is, now that I'm older, I don't think I could stomach turning tail and skulking away. I'm afraid that I might speak back.

The worst part of that is, now I'm not as physically fit anymore, and the chance of a beating is that much greater.

Go figure. :D
I understand completely and feel much the same. I had an incident last year with an idiot walking his dog along the local cycle lane out in the fields where the sidings are really high. His dog was off the leash and had gone into the siding. being a small dog I couldn't see where it was until it jumped right out in front of my wheel casuing me to brake suddenly. I remonstrated with the guy who told me I was a twat. I called him a cunt and he almost punched me. Regardless of who's right or wrong, I could have walked away and swallowed my pride.

Maybe I should have filmed it and stuck it on youtube.
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