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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Nobody has said that you dishonest racist enabler. The point that was clearly (and correctly) being made was that your racist friend probably did not present a physical threat to the man in the car and so your criticism of his decision not to leave - on the basis of there being a physical threat - is nonsense.

Yes it does - it shows the racists (the people you side with against victims of racism) that they can get away with it. It breeds a culture of impunity.

Yes - how dare a victim of racial abuse give his abuser a piece of his mind. He should have apologised for being black, painted his skin white and given her $50 in compensation. You dopey racist twat.

Nobody can now claim he was making it up - that stuff like this doesn't happen (as I'm sure you would have done if the video wasn't there). He probably feels better for it, which is a good reason to do it in and of itself. And the racist woman will probably think twice before pulling that kind of shit again.
Hence why a video blog etc wouldn't work. We've already had people - even here - speculating on possible provocations that preceded the event because they weren't caught on camera. Despite the woman's own words at the time. Fuck knows what they'd be concocting if the abuse itself wasn't captured.
How are they more aware? Do racists watch clips like this? Why would doing so make them question their behaviour?

So now you're having a dig about 'the state'?

The purpose of the police is to enforce the law. Do you not agree states should legislate against people being victimised in this way?
if the purpose of the police was to enforce the law then rather more people would be charged with, among other things, cycling on the pavements and letting their dogs foul the footway. the purpose of the police is not to enforce the law, as so many people unfortunate enough to be mugged have found out, but rather social control.
Hence why a video blog etc wouldn't work. We've already had people - even here - speculating on possible provocations that preceded the event because they weren't caught on camera. Despite the woman's own words at the time. Fuck knows what they'd be concocting if the abuse itself wasn't captured.
You keep labouring under a misunderstanding.

Wanting to understand why someone behaves the way they do is not excusing how they act.

If you can't understand that, there's no hope of ever overcoming racism.
You keep labouring under a misunderstanding.

Wanting to understand why someone behaves the way they do is not excusing how they act.

If you can't understand that, there's no hope of ever overcoming racism.

You're not just 'wanting to understand' it though are you? You're saying that we should have sympathy, which is not the same thing - that she's the one we should really be feeling sorry for. You're also trying to demonise the victim for sticking up for himself and exposing her to public scrutiny - and in doing so speculating about what he might have done to provoke it.

It fucking stinks - I knew you were an idiot but I didn't know you were this kind of idiot.
How are they more aware? Do racists watch clips like this? Why would doing so make them question their behaviour?

It was all over the internet and the news for a day or two, I'm sure many racists and people who use racist abuse saw it.

So now you're having a dig about 'the state'?

The purpose of the police is to enforce the law. Do you not agree states should legislate against people being victimised in this way?

Not really a big fan of laws against racist speech to tell the truth though I do support laws against racial discrimination (in the workplace etc.) and racist speech can be a factor in that. I think racism needs to be dealt with by a fundamental change in public morality and that comes about by wider and deeper changes in society, not just by arresting people for saying one of a list of proscribed words. I'm open to debate on it for what it's worth but I think the claim that calling the police was a realistic option for dealing with this particular dispute is pretty laughable. She would either have just fucked off or denied it all even if they had turned up.
You keep labouring under a misunderstanding.

Wanting to understand why someone behaves the way they do is not excusing how they act.

If you can't understand that, there's no hope of ever overcoming racism.
It wasn't that you wanted to understand it was that you claimed you did understand it and blamed the victim for his pretty calm and reasonable way of dealing with it.
you also get the feeling that as a black bloke in america if he rang old bill everytime someone offered a racial slur he'd never be off the phone
or he'd never do anything other than record people on his phone.

does his town have a particular problem racially?
fucking hell - you're either even more stupid than you usually come across as or you're being deliberately dishonest. Every town has a 'particular problem racially' (interesting choice of words by the way - not a problem with racism but a 'problem racially' - it's all a bit :hmm:)
Bit of a non sequitur that...

Dishonest bollocks as well - Wells isn't 'trying to understand' it - he's trying to make out that it's the victim who's in the wrong for videoing her. He's been caught out and now he's all over the place. If he'd stopped digging after the first couple of pages he probably would have got away with it without being quite so badly exposed.
how far to go before you've dug this awesome well? are we nearly at the bottom yet? lots of scraping going on here
or he'd never do anything other than record people on his phone.

he's already said that he's used to stuff like someone in a passing car giving it 'oh you nigger' or similar but that this unprovoked shitstorm of abuse was worth the recording. And going by the reaction its got- I'd say he called it right.
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She missed a trick in not calling him a paedophile anyway. That's the first thing you do if someone's taking pictures or filming - "What the fuck are you doing, are you a fucking paedophile?". She should've done that instead of calling him a nigger - Nigger's never a cool word to use.

Plus, who's going to upload a vid to youtube of someone accusing them of being a paedo? No one. So if she'd have called him a paedo instead of a nigger she could have indulged in a tirade of abuse but still kept her name out of the papers. There's a lesson there.
he's already said that he's used to stuff like someone in a passing care giving it 'oh you nigger' or similar but that this unprovoked shitstorm of abuse was worth the recording. And going by the reaction its got- I'd say he called it right.
There's a clip of her being interviewed where she offers an apology. The comments section doesn't seem terribly forgiving. So what's the purpose of her apologising (assuming she's genuine) if it's not at least accepted? How then do we move on? Or is she to suffer 'consequences' forevermore?
There's a clip of her being interviewed where she offers an apology. The comments section doesn't seem terribly forgiving. So what's the purpose of her apologising (assuming she's genuine) if it's not at least accepted? How then do we move on? Or is she to suffer 'consequences' forevermore?
maybe she should have said "only joking!" ?
such japes
Dishonest bollocks as well - Wells isn't 'trying to understand' it - he's trying to make out that it's the victim who's in the wrong for videoing her. He's been caught out and now he's all over the place. If he'd stopped digging after the first couple of pages he probably would have got away with it without being quite so badly exposed.
Tbh I doubt s/he really believes half the shit s/he's posted. A case of posting something daft and then just digging deeper rather than concede it.
There's a clip of her being interviewed where she offers an apology. The comments section doesn't seem terribly forgiving. So what's the purpose of her apologising (assuming she's genuine) if it's not at least accepted? How then do we move on? Or is she to suffer 'consequences' forevermore?
This is getting fucking desperate now. Seriously, stop digging.
Most of the comments that i have seen across various iterations of this clip (from admittedly a cursory glance, i'm not reading thorugh all that shit) are even worse than her tirade.
Most of the comments that i have seen across various iterations of this clip (from admittedly a cursory glance, i'm not reading thorugh all that shit) are even worse than her tirade.

The plebs shouldn't be trusted to talk about racism then should they. It's a matter for politicians to be enforced by the police. Unless they're serious deep thinkers like yourself looking for understanding.
Most of the comments that i have seen across various iterations of this clip (from admittedly a cursory glance, i'm not reading thorugh all that shit) are even worse than her tirade.

Where did she apologise wells? If you mean the wblk radio show she didn't at all - she blamed him for 'ruining her life' and when asked if she wanted to apologise said, ''oh yeah, I'll apologise for him almost hitting my kid and for me losing my temper'. That's not an apology, it's a pathetic, sarcastic attempt at blaming the victim.

And he's not responsible for the comments. If a black man raped someone would you say the victim shouldn't have reported it because loads of people would make racist remarks in the Daily Mail comments?

You're a fucking disgrace.
Most of the comments that i have seen across various iterations of this clip (from admittedly a cursory glance, i'm not reading thorugh all that shit) are even worse than her tirade.
WTF has that got to do with anything? :confused:

Yeah, racist, misogynist, and homophobic cunts post comments on YouTube. How is that relevant?
That's a daft thing to say, for one thing i'm white so she's not going to be harassing me racially.

She could be racist for all sorts of reasons: upbringing, environment, what she's heard in the media or church or whatever. What you have done is really rather dangerous: you are assuming that racism iss imply the product of mental health problems or even just stress. This undermines just how pernicious and evil racism is. It's arrogant and dismissive and unwittingly implies that people with mental health issues are racist as well. I think you need to rethink what you've said.

I'm more concerned with racism from people like Nigel Farrage and that nice Le Pen woman he's chummy with, than one random angry woman on youtube. Clearly the driver didn't think she was much of a threat or he would have calld the cops, no question.

All I've done is provide a rough summary of your arguments and repeat back to you.


On that we can agree.
WTF has that got to do with anything? :confused:

Yeah, racist, misogynist, and homophobic cunts post comments on YouTube. How is that relevant?

Isn't it obvious? It's the black man's fault for posting the video. He's to blame for them making prejudiced and malicious comments about her, just as he's to blame for her being racist to him because he probably did something really bad before - after all, he didn't seem scared and he wasn't going mental at her - and didn't try to use the weapon of being nice to stop her being racist.
The plebs shouldn't be trusted to talk about racism then should they. It's a matter for politicians to be enforced by the police. Unless they're serious deep thinkers like yourself looking for understanding.

I haven't said people can't talk about racism at all. Would you like to talk about racism>?
I haven't said people can't talk about racism at all. Would you like to talk about racism>?

You've implied it - in that if them talking about racism provokes a negative reaction against racists they shouldn't do it. If I were you I'd give up now - you're making matters worse with every post you make.
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